

New York, NY

Quarantine 2: Terminal

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Quarantine 2: Terminal’:

  1. The audio was AWFUL. There were so many moments, too many, when I couldn’t tell what somebody was saying.

  2. It was a surprisingly enjoyable film, despite the low production value. Solid scares and super creepy/tense moments. I was entertained.

  3. That ending was oddly abrupt and awkward.

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The Lion King

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Lion King’:

  1. Timon and Pumbaa stole the show. Billy Eichner killed it and had me cracking up, particularly at the end of Hakuna Matata.

  2. Honestly, the worst parts for me: Beyoncé and the all-too-abridged “Be Prepared.” Then again, NOBODY can top Jeremy Irons.

  3. This film repeats so much of the original. Many of the same shots (w/ admittedly STUNNING visuals) and same lines. The best of this were all the parts that were new, because you can’t duplicate perfection. I just wish they mixed things up a liiittle bit more.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’:

  1. It was a fun superhero film, but I’m on the fence on how I feel about it. Something was off. I don’t know if it’s because something was missing, or if it was too much more of the same.

  2. Jake Gyllenhaal made for a good villain. He was definitely a highlight for me. AND it was GREAT to see J.K. Simmons back as J. Jonah Jameson!

  3. Long Thought: Nothing has ever felt quite right to me about this particular Spider-Man series. Tom Holland is great and the character is fantastic when paired with The Avengers. But as standalone films, they’ll always stand in the shadow of Tobey Maguire’s Spidey. So much more depth. Iconic scenes (aka the “upside-down kiss”). I felt more emotionally-invested in the older, more heartfelt Aunt May. I’m not digging such an emo MJ. I dunno. I can’t help but to compare.

That final scene with Spidey swinging along with MJ kinda sums my feelings up. It was fun but shaky, a little uncomfortable, and - when they finally landed - nobody around them batted an eye. The impact was just “meh.”

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Cargo’:

  1. Cargo definitely scores points for originality, which is hard to find within the oversaturated zombie genre.

  2. It was a super bleak film, for sure. Many characters were awful people. But the most painful thing to watch? That horrific goo seeping from the eyes and mouth.

  3. I can certainly speculate, but does anyone :asterisk_symbol:fully:asterisk_symbol: understand why people dug holes to stick their heads into?

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The Hunt

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Hunt’:

  1. WHO IS THIS MAIN ACTRESS?! What a Queen. This movie would’ve been entirely different if it weren’t for her. She carried the entire thing. Super badass.

  2. This film gave me all the ‘Kill Bill’ vibes that I’ve needed for far too long. Definitely some Tarantino-esque moments throughout all this.

  3. I could’ve done without the political stuff, but that beginning - before our Queen enters - was kinda genius.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Everest’:

  1. I found the story to be very disjointed, kinda all over the place. Many times, I didn’t know what was going on, where exactly these people were, and who I was looking at.

  2. The visuals were the most impressive aspect of the film. I’d be interested to see how the heck they filmed all of that.

  3. The fact that this is a true story is pretty compelling, but I believe another film could’ve told it better.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Circle’:

  1. Was there supposed be some deep meaning at the end? Did I miss something? Pretty sure I didn’t. And all the anticipation was directed towards the conclusion. Disappointing.

  2. It was a simple, yet intriguing premise, so I didn’t hate it. But there was so much more potential to have been reached. I thought there’d be some big twist with the guy who never spoke or killed anyone. That would’ve been cool. But nope.

  3. I was often confused by the logic of some of their decisions. There were AWFUL people in that room who stayed around far too long.

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The Invisible Man

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Invisible Man’:

  1. Oliver Jackson-Cohen is a treasure that should never be invisible, ever.

  2. I enjoyed the new take on the story. There were definitely a few predictable moments, but some solid surprises as well.

  3. I loved how the movie began, getting right into it. I was literally on edge from the start.

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Ready or Not

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Ready or Not’:

  1. It was a fun movie with a solid twist of an ending. I definitely didn’t see ANY of that coming.

  2. I didn’t know much going in, but I didn’t expect the film to have a supernatural element to it. Pleasant surprise!

  3. The hand/nail thing made me cringe.

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A Clockwork Orange

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Clockwork Orange’:

  1. What a journey. I’m not entirely sure what I just watched, or what I think about it. But I’m definitely intrigued by Kubrick’s twisted mind.

  2. I kept waiting for the moment when I realized the reason for the film’s title. It never came.

  3. McDowell kept reminding me of Evan Peters the entire time.

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Reservoir Dogs

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Reservoir Dogs’:

  1. If this weren’t a Tarantino film, I probably would’ve given it a slightly lower rating. His style was clear here — and I wish I would’ve watched it sooner and before his other films. This was the one that started it all.

  2. I definitely liked it. The music was great. The shocks were there, as per usual. My biggest criticism was the ultra-heavy dialog. For me, with Tarantino, sometimes the long, rando convos stick for me — and sometimes they don’t.

  3. I would’ve liked to have seen background on the other characters — and even the actual heist itself. But I guess, in the end, the film simply wasn’t about that. But I wonder why only White, Blonde, and Orange were featured.

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The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover’:

  1. I watched this after hearing it disturbed director Ari Aster (Hereditary, Midsommar), whose films are a bit disturbed in their own right. But I didn’t find this film to be all that disturbing.

  2. I never thought I’d hate hearing Dumbledore speak SO much.

  3. There were some tiny details I didn’t fully understand — BUT I give the film points for originality and a super unique aesthetic. And I was never bored.

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Burnt Offerings

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Burnt Offerings’:

  1. Excuse me while I Google the entire meaning of this film.

  2. It had so much potential that it never reached. However, I noticed a lot of distinct horror film elements that are used today — and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were inspired by this film.

  3. It was certainly creepy (especially the ending). Karen Black was great. But there needed to be more Bette.

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Jojo Rabbit

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Jojo Rabbit’:

  1. Simultaneously heartbreaking and beautiful. I’m in awe of this film. I did :asterisk_symbol:not:asterisk_symbol: expect it to go as dark as it did. Absolutely phenomenal work by Taika Waititi. Scarlett was fantastic as well.

  2. The child actors did such an incredible job. Roman Griffin Davis (Jojo) and Archie Yates (Yorki) knocked it out of the park!

  3. The tying of the shoes. Broke. My. Heart. Oh, but the dancing. We should all be dancing more.

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Little Women

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Little Women’:

  1. I didn’t love it. I didn’t hate it. Wasn’t familiar with the story. Went in for the cast, came out reaffirming that this just isn’t my kind of film.

  2. The movie struggled to hold my attention for the first half, but proceeded to grab me in towards the end.

  3. I wish I liked it more. The cast is superb.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘1917’:

  1. How the hell did they even film this? A cinematic achievement, indeed. The scope of it all is insane.

  2. The two young actors were fantastic. Cared about them and their fate almost immediately.

  3. Other reviews mention the film lacking despite its technical marvels. I wholeheartedly disagree. The storyline may have been simple, but I found it compelling, emotional and inspiring. And the score was fantastic. It wasn’t only filmed well.

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Terminator: Dark Fate

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’:

  1. Linda Hamilton killed it, yet again, as Sarah Connor. Who knew she could get even more badass? Seeing her with Arnold again was magic.
  2. THAT is how you do a climactic final battle. ALL the fight scenes were actually pretty damn awesome. Bravo.
  3. “I won’t be back.” That hurt, Arnold.

Extra Note: This was the best Terminator film since T2, hands down.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’:

  1. It was definitely fun (how could it not be?), but I was hoping for a little more finality to what‘s supposed to be the end of the Skywalker saga. It would’ve been nice to see Rey training a new generation of Jedi with Finn as one of the teachers.

  2. I reeeaaally missed Yoda in this one, but loved that the Emperor had one final stake in the story. He’s been such a driving force since the beginning.

  3. Rey is such a great character - and I would say her presence was just as epic as Luke’s in the original films. I enjoyed the other newbies, but nobody reached Han/Leia status. And Kylo/Ben was a little lacking from start to finish. Ultimately, the new trilogy wasn’t perfect - but it was a fun ride through a wonderfully-nostalgic and iconic world.

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Frozen II

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Frozen II’:

  1. It had its highs (i.e. Olaf’s Frozen recap) and its lows (i.e. Kristoff’s song), not really taking it to the heights of the original (to be expected). Ultimately, the story felt a little rushed to me.
  2. The two Elsa songs were strong, but the rest of the soundtrack felt a little lacking. Maybe that’ll change with another listen.
  3. On a good note, I enjoyed the deepened backstory and character development here. Another sequel would start from a very different place.
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Won't You Be My Neighbor?

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor?’:

  1. It was heartwarming to see someone of that time, who might have been considered “square” or “old-fashioned,” be so wonderfully accepting of so many different types of people.
  2. It wouldn’t be easy to be a Fred Rogers in this age, but what the world would be if there were more like him.
  3. This was an enjoyable, bittersweet documentary.
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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’:

  1. I need to watch the Fred Rogers documentary now.
  2. I was expecting a little more, but it was a cute film with a refreshing message.
  3. Only Tom Hanks could play Fred Rogers and Walt Disney.
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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Parasite’:

  1. Wow. Just wow. Super original and exceeded all my expectations.
  2. Whyyy couldn’t the people in the basement come to an understanding with the family?! It totally could’ve been a win-win. So tragic.
  3. Creepy to think whoever lives in that house will have a secret tenant. Hopefully Ki-woo’s plans work out one day.
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Knives Out

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Knives Out’:

  1. That ending was absolute ACES. Maybe one of my favorites.
  2. This film was anything but predictable. At first, I hated that we knew how Harlan really died so soon. Turns out, I knew nothing.
  3. I love that... not only is the cast chock-full of super famous actors, but that they take a backseat to allow Ana de Armas to shine as the lead.
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’:

  1. Glad that they finally showed Leia using her Force powers. I know some people weren’t fans of that scene, but it had to happen eventually.
  2. The Yoda/Luke scene was perfect. Really brought back those ‘Empire’ vibes.
  3. After my 10-film Star Wars movie marathon, I’m finally ready for ‘Rise of Skywalker’.
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’:

  1. Reviving such an epic saga from the 70s/80s ain’t no easy feat -- and they’ve succeeded here.
  2. I was expecting more from Kylo Ren. His lack of menace is one of my biggest criticisms.
  3. Rey is a great character and her force-fetching the lightsaber from the snow was perfection.
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Return of the Jedi

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Return of the Jedi’:

  1. Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoyed the Ewoks.
  2. It was particularly great seeing Luke and Leia’s bond strengthen.
  3. It looks like Anakin brought balance to the force after all.
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The Empire Strikes Back

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Empire Strikes Back’:

  1. Films don’t get much more :asterisk_symbol:epic:asterisk_symbol: than this. After this rewatch, I completely understand how this is hailed one of the best films of all time.
  2. Somebody told me recently that the original films don’t hold up anymore, especially for a new generation. I highly disagree.
  3. Seeing this in a theater - in 1980 - must’ve been magnificent.
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Star Wars

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars’:

  1. Thank you, George Lucas.
  2. I find it so incredible how much the prequel films - as well as Solo and Rogue One - provide SO much needed backstory to this original classic from the 70s. Others may disagree, but I think they did a damn good job.
  3. I’m in awe of the legacy this little film started.
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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’:

  1. Powerful ending that provides great insight into where the original starts off.
  2. The CGI’d characters were definitely off, but awesome.
  3. The last scene with Darth Vader was everything.
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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’:

  1. The Darth Maul cameo was quite a shocker — and has inspired me to maybe check out ‘The Clone Wars’ series.
  2. I understand the decision to end these side origin story films. I love the universe, but I couldn’t really get into this as much as I hoped to.
  3. Regardless of my lack of enthusiasm, I enjoyed the peek into the beginning of Han and Chewie.
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