

New York, NY


3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Alien’:

  1. Another reminder as to just how much of a badass Ellen Ripley is. Sigourney is a queen.

  2. The alien design is so iconic and genius. From the Facehugger to the final grown abomination — acid blood and all — it’s a pretty damn perfect (and grotesque!) concept.

  3. While altogether impressive and obviously a pure CLASSIC, there are parts that drag. A few impatient moments when you’re just waiting to get to the good stuff. Something, from what I remember, the sequel improves upon.

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Near Dark

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Near Dark’:

  1. Very, very reminiscent of ‘The Lost Boys’.

  2. It was an entertaining film, with a different take on vampires (without even mentioning the v-word), but it lacked depth and moved along at a brisk pace that never slowed down enough to become invested in its characters.

  3. Bill Paxton was a scene-stealer here and should’ve been the last of the gang to go, rather than the first.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Carrie’:

  1. Chloë was honestly a lot better than I was expecting. I watched this right after reading the novel for the first time and I thought she embodied Carrie incredibly well.

  2. I opted to watch this “reimagining” after reading the novel because I heard it was closer to the book. I was disappointed to see that there was still a lot left out. In the book, she basically decimates the entire town of Chamberlain and they only touched upon that a little. But I’m guessing you’d probably need a much bigger budget and a lot more time.

  3. My two least favorite moments: 1) Carrie “flying” and 2) the ending. I thought the pregnancy thing was a little ridiculous.

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Tales of Halloween

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Tales of Halloween’:

  1. It started out strong, but lost steam as the film progressed. The stories became a bit sillier.

  2. I can’t imagine enjoying this at any other time of the year, which is obviously the point. It’s not a masterpiece or quality horror, but it’ll definitely provide some fun, lite Halloween fodder for the season.

  3. ‘Trick’ had a solid twist for such a short story. ‘This Means War’ is probably the weakest bit. ‘Friday the 31st’ is just bonkers.

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As Above, So Below

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘As Above, So Below’:

  1. I’ll give the film cred for solid creepy and claustrophobic moments. Some scenes 100% had me squirming in my seat — as if trying to shake myself lose from tiny crevices that didn’t exist.

  2. Either this movie intentionally wanted to leave a LOT up for speculation — which is totally possible — or there are simply a ton of plot holes. Who were the women chanting and what was their relevance? Who was La Taupe really? Did Scarlett become the stone in the end? If the first stone was fake, how did it heal Souxie? Who was the kid they saw down there, and the people in robes? Was this all just basically a ghost story during a trip through hell?

  3. I’m a sucker for happy endings, even in horror movies, so it was nice to see them avoid the found footage trope where the film ends with a camera lying on the ground. But was it a happy ending? Were they in back home — or in hell?

Bonus Thought: Part ‘The Descent’. Part ‘Indiana Jones’. Part ‘Tomb Raider.’ This movie in a nutshell.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Brüno’:

  1. Sacha Baron Cohen is the bravest human being in entertainment.

  2. On par with Borat, but in a VERY different and a bit more extreme way.

  3. My favorite part: “Has anyone ever told you you look like Enrique Iglesias?”

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The Green Inferno

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Green Inferno’:

  1. The acting in the beginning was awful. But they were good at being scared, which sometimes seems like “enough” to some filmmakers when casting these b-movie horror films.

  2. I didn’t love it. I didn’t hate it. And it wasn’t as shocking as I expected it to be.

  3. The fart sound effects during one character’s violent bowel movement, Alejandro’s “release,” and the tribe’s munchies were absolutely ABSURD.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Hustlers’:

  1. As if we needed anymore proof, Jennifer Lopez clearly has quite the presence. Stunning and scene-stealing, it was great to see her flex her acting muscles in a way I haven’t seen before.

  2. Sure it was hella flashy, but it certainly had substance to match, particularly in the chemistry between Constance and Jennifer. Their characters accurately served up that stark reminder that, while the best of friendships can disappoint, they still have an unwavering capacity to save us.

  3. Palisades Center Mall food court cameo! The scene where they were recruiting new members. My mall!

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm’:

  1. Borat set a high bar 14 years ago that Sacha Baron Cohen dared to reach again, revisiting a gimmick that may have only been meant for its time. Turns out, it couldn’t have been a better time to don the gray suit again.

  2. The addition of his daughter and, with that, a more emotional narrative, is what keeps this sequel fresh among those oh-so-familiar cringeworthy antics.

  3. It ended super strong, perhaps stronger than the original: that perfect “twist” and the perfect guest star (who I love even more for participating). Borat is redeemed and comes full circle.

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Hocus Pocus

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Hocus Pocus’:

  1. My first drive-in experience tonight with the Sanderson sisters — and they’re as iconic as ever. Quintessential Halloween fodder. A staple of the season.

  2. Bette is the queen of this film. There is no Hocus Pocus without all three, but the Divine Miss M’s theatrics take it all to a whole ‘nother level.

  3. The fact that this film currently has a 37% on Rotten Tomatoes is a testament to how much we should ignore critics and just ENJOY. Find out for yourselves.

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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan’:

  1. Still equally uncomfortable and absolutely hysterical to this day.

  2. The scene — THAT one — is still absolutely nauseating to this day.

  3. SO excited for the sequel this month! But the bar has been set pretty damn high.

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Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’:

  1. One of my favorite comedies of all time. This is when I (and perhaps the rest of the world) fell in love with Jim Carrey.

  2. I love how they decided to make this character equally intelligent and zany. There was — usually — a method to Ace’s madness.

  3. Ace needs a comeback and I think Carrey could still pull it off.

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Color Out of Space

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Color Out of Space’:

  1. I cannot — for the life of me — understand how this has such a high Rotten Tomatoes score. There was absolutely nothing redeemable about it. I am exceedingly perplexed.

  2. I gave it a single extra point for some grotesque ‘The Thing’-like moments. And because there has to be worse movies than this. Right?

  3. Where was the plot here? From the narration in the beginning to the one at the end, nothing connected each moment to the next. Random weirdness, even when it includes Nicholas Cage, is not entertainment. I just wanted it to end.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Onward’:

  1. I loved the message that sometimes we need to appreciate what we’ve always had more than what we never knew.

  2. I thought it was an interesting choice to use fairytale creatures in a world that resembles our own. And I believe that there’s an analogy in there somewhere, involving a kind of wonder and magic that we as humans have forgotten about over time.

  3. The brotherly bond was incredibly touching and may have inspired a tear or two. The sacrifice at the end was painful, but perfect.

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A Simple Favor

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Simple Favor’:

  1. Henry Golden is absolute perfection.

  2. The character of Stephanie Smothers was just a little TOO over-the-top at times, bordering on obnoxious.

  3. Overall, I didn’t think the film was unenjoyable. But the mystery felt a little thrown together and the twist at the end — for me personally — was a bit overhyped and anticlimactic.

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Shout by Corey
BlockedParent2020-09-15T03:36:04Z— updated 2022-10-07T03:06:16Z

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Terrifier’:

  1. Art is a great horror villain. That bloody grin with those sunken eyes and creepy theatrics are the stuff of nightmares. He deserves a franchise and a bigger budget.

  2. Yeah, the acting was cringy at times, but it totally lends to that B-movie homage. And, for what I imagine to be a fairly small budget, the practical effects were somewhat impressive.

  3. I wouldn’t necessarily go around raving about this film as a must-see, but if a friend were to add this to their Halloween night watch list, I would encourage it.

UPDATED THOUGHT: On a second watch, I would definitely designate this as a must-see for horror fans.

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God's Own Country

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘God’s Own Country’:

  1. A beautiful film about loneliness and the power of companionship. The power of love and someone else’s ability to make our lives infinitely better. To complete us.

  2. The beginning of this film was VERY “Brokeback,” in more ways than one. So, as a viewer, I immediately felt like I was watching something super unoriginal. But it eventually found its own footing to its own story... and to a refreshingly-lovely ending.

  3. I was hoping the L-word would’ve been said. But I get it. It took a lot for John to say all he did in the end. And that was enough.

Bonus Thought: Those scenes. Is it hot in here??

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Countdown’:

  1. It was a lot better than I expected to be. Solid creepy moments and haunting visuals make it worth a watch.

  2. Elizabeth Lail was great as the lead. Loved her in ‘You’ as well. She definitely served up some scream queen realness here.

  3. I wasn’t a big fan of the ending. It’s not at all surprising for a film like this to leave things open for a sequel, but it was a disservice to all that just preceded it.

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I'm Thinking of Ending Things

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘I’m Thinking of Ending Things’:

  1. I was beyond excited to see this after reading the book — a book that kept me on edge and creeped out the entire time. The ending was wild and left a lot up for interpretation. I was hoping the film would address so many of my questions. Instead, it became something I ultimately didn’t even care about. An awful adaptation.

  2. The insight I had from the book kept me watching the film. I can’t even comprehend how ANYONE who didn’t read the book could make it all the way through, let alone understand how everything was connected.

  3. The best parts of the book (yes, I can’t help but keep comparing) were the horror elements. These were completely removed. I’m all for a reimagining, but for the better. There was so much potential here. And with incredible talent. All lost.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Snowpiercer’:

  1. I thought this was one of Chris Evans’ better performances. It was nice to see him in a role that wasn’t super wholesome. Curtis was a flawed man who ultimately redeemed himself in the end. Evans did a great job exuding that emotional journey.

  2. Tilda Swinton is an such an oddball — and I loved every second of it.

  3. This is now the fourth Bong Joon Ho film I’ve seen. One common thread with all his films, in my opinion, is how wildly unpredictable they are. I’m definitely a fan.

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The Lodge

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Lodge’:

  1. I gave this film a slightly higher score because of Riley Keough’s performance. I legit felt for her character.

  2. What kills this movie are its high levels of predictability and absurdity. Those awful kids warmed up way too quickly. And none of those scenarios — basically the entire plot — should have ever happened. It becomes sillier the more I think about it.

  3. That was quite an impressive fake obituary.

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The Thing

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Thing’:

  1. One of the most repulsive movies I’ve ever seen. My high rating is in part due to the extraordinary special practical FX, which still hold up since 1982.

  2. More kudos in store for an effectively-creepy atmosphere with the score to match. Iconic horror.

  3. I’m on the fence about the ending.

Bonus Thought: Kurt Russell was such a snack.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Hamilton’:

  1. I‘m not a history buff and I admittedly know VERY little about our country’s founding fathers. ‘Hamilton’ is not a place to learn, it’s one that expects you to know — and that was the barrier for me to fully enjoy it. The political/history aspects were lost on me — despite an insane amount of talent and an incredible production.

  2. “Satisfied” was my favorite number. Absolutely amazing.

  3. Jonathan Groff was a DELIGHT.

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Nine to Five

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Nine to Five’:

  1. This one was a good ol’ rewatch with family, reminding me that I apparently hadn’t seen it in its entirety. So much I didn’t remember.

  2. I got ‘First Wives Club’ and ‘Witches of Eastwick’ vibes with this. Three iconic women being pure badasses. Who would today’s trio be?

  3. This gets a higher rating for the theme song alone.

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Carnival of Souls

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Carnival of Souls’:

  1. That bus scene was pure nightmare fuel.

  2. I give this old film points for the creepy vibes. All brought on by a super atmospheric score and some haunting visuals (see thought :pound_symbol:1).

  3. I thought the story was lacking. About to do a deep dive into the meaning of what I just watched. I have my theories. And I’m sure many of today’s horror films learned a thing or two from this movie. But, in the end, I was scratching my head.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Mother’:

  1. Wow. They got me. I didn’t see that entire conclusion coming from a mile away — and I totally feel like I should have. That’s the sign of a good film.

  2. I’m really enjoying Bong Joon-ho as a storyteller. After seeing three of his films, I’m getting a better sense of his style and the quirky moments. I look forward to what he does next.

  3. The ending - with the kid they found guilty for the crime - was heart-wrenching.

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Dark Phoenix

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Dark Phoenix’:

  1. This movie was insanely predictable, almost every step of the way. And it all started with a trailer that gave away wayyy too much.

  2. I love Sophie Turner. She’s a fantastic actress. But I thought this was a poor casting choice. I feel like the whole character was done wrong. Never did I feel intimidated by her. Never did I sense this all-powerful being filled with rage. Never.

  3. Call me crazy, but I prefer ‘The Last Stand’ to this. I miss Hugh. I miss Halle. I miss Rebecca Romijn and Famke. The villain here was so poorly executed. In general, this was rough.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Okja’:

  1. Though it may have been lacking, or a bit nonsensical in parts, I give it points for originality — and for not shying away from some pretty dark stuff. And it undoubtedly tugged at the heartstrings.

  2. I didn’t fully understand the whole twin sister thing. Was that supposed to symbolize something? If so, it was lost on me.

  3. The young main actress was super badass. And we definitely saw quite a different side to Jake Gyllenhaal here.

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The Shape of Water

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Shape of Water’:

  1. I couldn’t buy into the romance, at all. I just couldn’t. It was a little too “out there” for me.

  2. Did this remind anyone else of a backwards (a :asterisk_symbol:very:asterisk_symbol: backwards) version of ‘Splash’?

  3. The one and only aspect of this film that I enjoyed was Guillermo’s vision. I love his style. I love his creatures (Doug Jones is remarkable.). His penchant for dark fairytales. The way he’s able to deliver such a rage-inducing villain. I was just NOT able to connect with this story.

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A Cure for Wellness

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Cure for Wellness’:

  1. This movie does NOT deserve its 42% Rotten Tomato score. I thought it was a solid film that actually has solid rewatch value. It’s a complicated story where everything, I believe, makes a refreshing amount of sense in the end. And I thought it was shot extremely well.

  2. I was very satisfied with the ending. And there was a large amount of doubt (no thanks to the RT score) that I would be. I reeeally thought this would be another “he was crazy the entire time” ending, or another bleak conclusion where the main character is just plain f’d. But I was happy to see Lockhart in a better place and to leave with the absolute realization that he had actually found his cure after all.

  3. Lastly, I thoroughly enjoyed the score. It was incredibly eerie and haunting — and I thought it contributed wonderfully to the film’s equally eerie atmosphere.

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