

North Atlantic Ocean

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x05 Second Skin

The more he removes the veil, the more you see how terrifying Garak really is.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x10 Revolution (2)

Second time around because I'm a glutton for punishment (not doing it a third time, that would be truly masochistic), and I'm even angrier at how they dismissed Anacostia. Sure, the finale was a giant mess, but I'm especially heartbroken about Ana. The way they killed her was unforgiveably cruel.

Someone suggested a sequel series, and I'm all for it. We can hope for a fixer.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x11 Swan Song

Skip this entire season and save yourself the regret.

I'm rewatching (for the third time) because, evidently, I'm an idiot who likes to be tortured. Forgot how absolutely ridiculous this dark Swan/dark captain/underworld plot was. Fortunately, I'll likely forget again.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x23 Regeneration

I enjoy anything that features the Borg, so this is a win for me. It's not great, but it entertains.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x19 Judgment

Good episode. :thumbsup_tone4:

Did we ever find out what happened to Kolos? Was he able to make a significant impact like he wanted? I don't recall if it's mentioned in Klingon history? Does anyone know? I tend to think not considering what became of the Klingon Empire. Maybe they mention him later in this series... will just have to keep watching and find out.

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The story isn't my thing but I agree with other reviewers that the visual element, the art is amazing.

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Ratched: 1x07 The Bucket List

LOL Osgood got the last word after all, and Petunia said, "Yessir, you killed Mommy, fuck you very much and goodbye!"

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x16 Future Tense

"It's bigger on the inside!"
Doctor Who reference win.

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Ratched: 1x02 Ice Pick

Ok, shit got real dark, real fast, still... it's a big leap into interesting.

The doc is a quack and a sadistic piece of shit, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, he was on the nose about Edmund.

Also, I think peaches, oysters and bologna are all disgusting, but LOL at metaphors.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x11 Precious Cargo

This was all the worst of TOS. Skip it if you too like your Star Trek with actual substance. The episode provides no value to the overall series (except perhaps to enhance Cmdr Tucker's love life).

Kaitaama: "What was that?!"
Trip: "Heck if I know!"

I don't know either, and I'd sooner forget it all.

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Star Trek: Prodigy: 1x15 Masquerade

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-11-27T22:16:35Z— updated 2022-11-29T04:42:59Z

To quote Roktok, "Oh my gooooness!"

Prodigy just keeps getting better and better. That reveal was totally unexpected, and I don't mean about Dal being genetically engineered. Though that's a little sad, considering how much he hoped to meet his biological family some day, but it's also pretty amazing... especially because a Dr. Soong was mentioned, likely a descendent of Dr. Noonian Soong, Data's father. Anyway, Ascencia totally had me fooled, I just thought she was sympathetic, but to be an undercover spy from the future... damn. Well played!

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The Sandman: 1x01 Sleep of the Just

I'm nearly finished with the comic series but I couldn't wait any longer. It's better than I dreamed it would be.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 5x02 Ballet

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-11-19T03:05:04Z— updated 2022-11-22T23:33:51Z

Moira: "JUNE! SHUT THE FUCK UP! ... What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Moira really is saying what we're all thinking. Best lines of the episode (except for that other totally insane bit).

The rest of it makes me sick and I can't wait to see the rest of those twisted fucks get their comeuppance.

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Carnivàle: 2x01 Los Moscos

I would have been SO mad if Ruthie had died (she's awesome in every sense of the word), I'm also not keen on how women are generally portrayed, though I do understand that they had even less autonomy then than they do now. Not so mad that the Prof was the one who bit the dust... that at least felt deserved.

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Carnivàle: 1x06 Pick a Number

Rev said, that's it I'm going on vacation. haha, oops. I still don't see the connections but it's keeping my attention.

True shame about Dora Mae, hers was a worse fate than the Carnies realised, stuck in that horrid town for all of eternity with those men.

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Grey's Anatomy: 19x06 Thunderstruck

Shout by Nyx

I can believe the intern did, I can even believe Meredith did, but Bailey talking about reading Tessa's books when she was a child, HA! The woman is NOT that old.

Loved the symbolic burning down of the old to start anew, that was cool... and the editing, the lightning graphic over the show title was really nice, literal silver lining of the episode. Yes, I'm being petty about the fact that the rest of it was all over the place. Link and Jo, Hunt and Teddy, Maggie and Winston, Meredith and whatshisnamenewguy, Bailey and Ben with the show cross-over ish... all the stupid tension is not entertaining. There's drama and then there is this dragged out, incredibly annoying childishness - just discuss it and get it over with, like mature adults.

Not sure how I forgot this and its sister show are essentially soap operas, but I'm truly tired of the melodrama and excessive relationship/romance bs, the bad dialogue, and Hunt's stupid facial expressions. It has been a (mostly) fun run, but I'm ready for it all to end, it's time.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x17 Workforce (2)

A winning story, although part two did feel too condensed, rushed even. It's still a nice change from the norm and I like that we get to see Janeway sans the big shoes, despite what she says at the end, she liked it too. Sure she loves being Captain, but there's just a little bit of regret that she's missing out on that uncomplicated love and cushy life without the hefty responsibilities.

Big kudos to Roxann Dawson on acting whilst directing this giant, it might not seem like it, but with more of a cast in play and so many dynamic scenes, she undoubtedly had her hands full and she did a great job imo. No surprise that she'd go on the find her home in that area of the industry.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x11 Shattered

Surprisingly enjoyable Chakotay episode. Just proves that it's been the writing all along.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x22 Muse

Well alright Shakespeare! I have been aMUSED! :sweat_smile:

Hamlet said, "The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King." Only, in this case, it's not to catch a murderous uncle, but to quell the anger of a Warlord, and it works. I found the theatric spin on the Borg encounter, accurate dissection of Tuvok's character, and the romantic shipper fan service to be particularly amusing. :sweat_smile:
Good fun!

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x18 Ashes to Ashes

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-09-03T03:37:17Z— updated 2022-09-05T02:07:28Z

Throughout this entire episode I was convinced that Ensign Lyndsay Ballard was actually Ensign Ahni Jetal from S5E11 - Latent Image (I remembered the story but not the officer's name). See, it totally made sense that way, but now that I'm aware the two are not the same... yes, I see the point (closure and transition) but I do not understand why it wasn't Jetal... because shuttle craft incident with Harry - sure, check, but Lyndsay who? when? where?

Anyway, the scenes with the Borg children were nice, especially Harry bonding with Mezoti, that was precious.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x19 The Fight

Perhaps the most dreary episode of Voyager. I fell asleep a few times. 2/10 and I want my time back.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x02 Drone
Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x08 Petra's Favorite Pen

Ohhhhhhh SNAP!

  • giggles like the child I am *

Ok, fine, this one was underwhelming and I wish we could get more about the songs and the history of the witches but time is running out... still, its worth watching.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 3x23 Distant Origin

Turning evolution on its head! A brilliant way of examining how the truths in science have been ignored in favour of upholding religious doctrine.

Concetta Tomei did a fantastic job as the (dis)honorable lady lizard, pope, judge and jury. Chilling!

Also, I think the Silurians and Sea Devils from Doctor Who mythos must be related to the Voth somehow lol.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x06 Book Club

The road to the final battle is being stretched out but it doesn't feel like a drag because they're solidifying character bonds, and it's really been all these interwoven connections that have been at the root of this show.

  • a little spoilerish if you squint -

All the family scenes hit me right in the feels. I especially love that they've integrated Edwin into the tapestry, to see him and Scylla interact has been a joy.

Now, let's talk about Alban, it looks like he's having heavy internal conflict, almost like something is eating away at him. Ha! Serves him right.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x05 Cession in Session

I think it's a little late but things are getting really interesting, it's as they say, "better late than never"... right? Looks like the show may go out with a literal bang and that's ok, I'm here for all of it, mostly for Alder, who they better not kill, fate/destiny/broken glass be damned. It also looks like the writers have been reading the fan fic too, because, I mean... HELLO?!?!?! No spoilers but swoooooooon! Is it still just bait or is it cannon?!

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x04 Happy Yule!

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-07-14T23:07:57Z— updated 2022-07-15T23:27:11Z

Came for Alder, stayed for the unfolding story finally coming together. Costume and hair have always been delightful but the editing and visual effects are truly killing it this season, oh my word, the colours!!

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The Wheel of Time: 1x01 Leavetaking

You won't be disappointed if you have no expectations. The Wheel of Time is a fantasy, there's no guessing about that, it is what it is, and in episode one there's decent coherent story to start... look, I've never been able to really find the appeal of Harry Potter, but very much I'm into this. To each their own.

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A Quiet Place

Quietly enjoyable :wink: 5.5/10

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Star Trek: Prodigy: 1x01 Lost & Found (1) / Lost & Found (2)

I've been watching some truly disappointing trash lately so my edges have been worn down a bit, and I gotta say, this pilot wasn't bad at all. As a big fan of the franchise, I'm looking forward to seeing where the animation goes. Bring it.

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