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The Walking Dead: 8x05 The Big Scary U
The Boys: 3x01 Payback

This first episode does take its time to show the transition from the one-year-off screen-peacetime to the action again. So it is no wonder they spent the first half of the episode rather slowly, showing the peaceful lives of the cast. They don't shake off the uncomfortable feeling of Homelander's unpredictability though; every time he's on screen I'm never so sure what would happen next. Not to mention that there's also Neuman, every time she's on screen I can't get rid of the feeling that anything something explode at anytime.

I like that they still play the vulgar sex, gross violence, and not-so-subtle allegories (Homelander being jerked off) like in previous seasons. But like the other reviewer said, I hope they don't rely too much only on those tropes and offer something new to the table.

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The Expanse: 6x06 Babylon's Ashes
Raised by Wolves: 1x04 Nature's Course

"Why do things have to die?"

"It is nature. And nature is flawed."

This episode asks the question the meaning of life and death. As Campion and the kids learn the cost of survival sometimes can only be done by killing other sentient beings; Mother who wonders what it is like to be a "creator" - an actually pregnant woman; Tempest relates to a mother; and of course the bloody struggle of leadership among Mithraics.

There's something poetic about this episode, that starts with the loss of a mouse, a small creature possession of a kid that ends with the death of a pregnant creature, who reproduces life and Ambrose the leader of Mithraic survivors who were supposedly to save his group with his faith.

"Let nature run its course."

"Nature has no course."

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The Expanse: 4x10 Cibola Burn
The Expanse: 4x05 Oppressor
The Expanse: 3x03 Assured Destruction

There was a moment in Season 2 that I found myself pitying Sadavir Errinwright. How wrong was I to even think of pitying such a sly, cunning snake. The first three episodes of this season has successfully turned Errinwright as a venomous villain as he seemed to be in Season 1. On the other hand, we start to see more of Jules-Pierre Mao, who seems to be more humane than we might have thought of him before. There was a good, concerning look of a father when Jules-Pierre looked at Mei, likely being reminded of his own daughter.

There is a tense relationship on the Rocinante between Avasarala/Bobby and Holden and his crew, and even Holden's crew are more fractured mainly between Holden and Nagata (seems like Alex and Amos are just going with either of the two). Holden might have stopped playing hero, but he is still on high horse, taking decisions arrogantly. As someone else said in the other comment section, leadership doesn't seem to be Holden's strongest suite, and it would be interesting if there would be more dynamics coming off out of this situation.

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Altered Carbon: 1x08 Clash by Night
The Walking Dead: 6x11 Knots Untie

Pretty enjoyable, enough tense with this new Jesus character (though it's less the tense if you're familiar with the comics), introduction of new community, and the expected calm before the storm.

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The Walking Dead: 6x04 Here's Not Here

I wonder why they put Morgan's flashback in this episode. I was expecting his flashback to be told a bit later, or with more exposition. It's nice, but it feels a bit too hurried in the last half of the episode.

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Black Mirror: 3x01 Nosedive

The phenomenon the episode depicts already happens to some part in our society: data scores in United Kingdom (or Chinese Social Credit if you want to turn a blind eye to Western surveillance system), and social media algorithms that prioritize influencers. Black Mirror's magic is combining the two and making it as mundane as possible (thus rendering it as relatable) through a desperate story of a middle class woman trying to get a better housing by approval of influencers.

Great acting from Bryce Dallas-Howard and Susan Taylor (who played the old truck driver). I don't feel any sequences of the episode is dragged on; the desperate, cringey attempts of Lacie to win her scores over makes the episode painful to watch as we can definitely see ourselves in her position. I really like the very pristine, filtered pink-ish look of Lacie's life in the first half of the episode and the contrast between her and the world around her as her score dropped down in the second half.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x06 The Eye

Perhaps the best thing that ever come up since Disney's Star Wars buyout. The whole episode about the heist was intense. From the shaky march, the hesitated jamming, the heist itself, the botched consequences, the climax, and the wrapup. It's really tense even until the wrapup as conflict still arose and quickly resolved. During the climax it has a really great visuals of the Eye - quite a spectacle as the commandant would say - although TIE fighers ended up becoming cannon fodder again.

Well done! Obi-Wan and The Mandalorian writers should be ashamed.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x02 That Would Be Me

"There's fomenting out there, sir. Pockets of fomenting."

Great episode. Still taking it slow in pace but establishes the world perfectly. The metal clanker signaling start day and end of day. The trigger-happy corpo soldiers eager to get into action in times of imperial slow bureaucracy. The flashback of Kenari kids. The whole world feels very lived in. I particularly like Mosk's line: "Corporate Tactical Forces are the Empire's first line of defense." Really makes you think what kind of political institution the Empire is: relying on private security company to do their job.

So far this has felt like Altered Carbon (Season 1) or The Expanse, set in Star Wars universe. That's really a feat: brings me back to pre-Disney, classic Star Wars Expanded Universe.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x10 My Moon My Man

Finale might be a bit rushed, but I don't find it that bad. It's a perfect ending to the pilot's strong note, keeping it true with the theme of the world: No one wins at Night City.

If it was David's crushing poverty that sets the tone really bleak in the first episode, here the trap they got themselves into feel similarly oppressive. Once you're cornered by the big corporations you really can't make it out alive. I also really like that the series up to the finale keeps character's death as surprises - thing that just happens, without dramatic exit. Night City eats you up alive and often without warning.

Despite being sorely bleak, the episode still manages to serve some justice to the characters to some extent - as with Faraday being killed and both Falco and Lucy made it out alive. The series might not be the strongest anime out this season but as a tie in to the game it does the job quite well.

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The Boys: 3x02 The Only Man in the Sky

Solid episode all around. The Boys staying true to its criticism on woke capitalism (carnivals overselling LGBT empowerment) while portraying how the supes despite being antagonists are still human. Loved that scene with Kimiko and Crimson Countess: showing Kimiko's childhood innocence and Crimson Countess' human side. And this episode returns to remind us that Butcher is not a hero, but a cruel, supe-hating murderer.

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The Expanse: 6x03 Force Projection

The first two episodes were weak but this one is The Expanse back at its finest. I really liked how they get up close and personal with the crews in each ships/stations - Rocinante, Tynan, Pella, even Ceres - but then they also zoom out and see things in bird view. The Expanse has always been the strongest in world building, and this episode they show it really well when the characters were observing the news. The politics is also slightly back in with the combined forces of Earth and Mars dealing with Marco leaving Ceres. I also liked how they return to working on Naomi's character as well as they did before: with simple, short dialogues between Naomi and Holden about Naomi recovering from Pella incident and working on her best as data analyst. About Naomi, in the last sequence I also liked that it was not Naomi who pulled the trigger off (I was expecting some typical melodramatic "no don't do it" stuff), but it was Holden.

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The Expanse: 4x09 Saeculum

Amos and Miller have the best lines. Holden's interaction with Miller is nice bittersweet throwback to the time they've spent fighting together during Eros incident. The showdown with Murtry feels a bit anticlimactic, but I suppose it's necessary to keep the story on its direction. It focuses on finishing the New Terra story arc.

There is a nice development of Holden's character, that perhaps summed up his character in the last two seasons, during his conversation with Murtry. "I met a guy who liked to talk about past genocides to justify his bullshit. A friend of mine shot him in the face." The guy was Dresden in S02. Whereas back then Holden was confused, cautious, and reluctant - shown as he was very angry with Miller about it - here he seems to be more confident and thought Miller actually did the right thing. It's also interesting that every time Holden refers to Miller, he always says "a friend" or "someone I know" instead of mentioning him by name (see e.g. Holden's conversation with Dawes).

This episode has suspense, action, mystery, and character development. All the classic The Expanse is back after a noticeable lag on previous episodes.

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The Expanse: 4x08 The One-Eyed Man
The Boys: 1x04 The Female of the Species

The Boys has always been about bringing down superheroes to their mundane, daily lives as ordinary humans--with desires, hopes, anxieties. This episode shows it the best.

We get to see Starlight with Hughie interacting further, A-Train juggling with his addiction and relationship, The Deep with his anxieties about finding purpose in his life, and finally, Homelander, the iconic face of noble superhero, with his cold, irreverent view of strangers, a complete opposite of the corporate brand of "good guy" he always attempts to create. Starlight and Homelander makes a stark contrast here, while Queen Meave seems to tread carefully of this line of about being human with powers. The plane scene was an emotional fuck ups that plays this dynamics quite nicely, albeit in very vulgar way.

This episode has enough tense while still maintaining occasional humor without creating disconnection from the tense it had been building up. The weird part perhaps is the way Frenchie interacts with the girl, as it may seem like it's coming from nowhere. But the rest of the episode is engaging to watch.

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Altered Carbon: 1x07 Nora Inu

The part where Takeshi and Rei decided to go their own way could've been a bit more convincing. It took them too fast to risk everything in their lives. However the other parts are well made. The consistent theme of life and death that has been brought since first episode is discussed here with some questions and statements that would make you think for a bit. The scenes are cinematic, particularly the part where they circle Takeshi's loss. The twist near the end of the episode is great. Not Altered Carbon's greatest episode but still delivers well.

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Legion: 2x02 Chapter 10

Dense episode with "just right" pacing. Plot moves fast, bringing attention to the finally revealed antagonist Amahl Farouk with him finally meeting face to face with Haller. The interaction was great - not just it steers the plot towards clear direction, but also helps revealing the condition of Oliver and Lenny. Like the previous episode, there are some of weaker parts - again with David and Syd interaction (on how easy Syd is convinced that David is not making up the Syd-from-the-future, especially since in the previous episode it was established that Syd is a bit reluctant to trust David) - a bit distracting but doesn't disturb the pace. Navid Nehgaban did stellar performance as Farouk, establishing the character hard and fast. At the same time the story introduceslooming threat in the shadows while still plays Legion's hallmark mind-battles (as shown in Season 1). Flashy images but not too dragging that it keeps me engaged until the episode ends. Great start for this season.

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Legion: 1x05 Chapter 5

Just the right amount of dream sequences and narrative. Some scenes actually get pretty thrilling to watch, as if you're watching a thriller/horror with that right atmosphere. Legion in this episode has maintained the illusion/reality quite well. So far this might be one of the better episodes where the fascination of the pilot episode can be maintained with actual plot progression.

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Legion: 1x04 Chapter 4
The Walking Dead: 6x12 Not Tomorrow Yet

It was intense, to say the least. This episode is good in that it can maintain the action while still doing several character developments: Fr. Gabriel, Heath (the eye-glasses Alexandrian supply-runner), and of course Carol. While everyone is focusing on Carol, I'm hoping Morgan to have more interesting development in the future, especially when his pacifism finally has to face The Survivors' brutality.

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The Walking Dead: 6x02 JSS

It started a bit slow but once it gets into the action it plays really nicely. Some people were seemingly presented to be cannon fodders, on the other hand some scenes make you wonder if one of the recurring cast is going to survive this season or not for their way of life in Walking Dead's post apocalyptic world. Especially with one Alexandrian holding the gun.

Carol once again takes the spotlight for being a badass. And the cold-blooded Carol is contrasted nicely with Morgan's peaceful approach. In the middle of conflict, there's also this little bit of drama of some Alexandrian still holding resentment to Rick's group. Good episode.

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Black Mirror: Special 1 White Christmas

Quite a well-done thriller with three separate but intersecting plotlines. It started out as an unnerving thriller, transforming into a horror, then into a drama reminiscent of The Entire History of You, before all the plotlines suddenly are knitted together. Like with other Black Mirror episodes, the questions surrounding technology - AI, consciousness, legal repercussions - is a background that only gets a nod (especially with the ending where "I Wish It Could Be a Christmas Everyday", an interesting choice of music) and they leave it to the audience to talk about after the episode ends.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x06 Girl on Fire

Strong episode. A bit cliched tropes - botched gig, amateur who hesitated, lead messing up, ending with everyone dead - but the execution was well done. There's enough tense, enough mystery, enough grit, and the intro sequence was well done to send Maine off with a bang. Still not sure why the heck they had to fetch Tanaka and what's the point of all those though.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x05 All Eyez on Me

Pretty good episode since the pilot. The action was right, so was the character development and the air of mystery. Like a true edgerunning gig.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x07 The Elder
Fullmetal Alchemist: 1x01 Those Who Challenge the Sun

This is a good episode for two reasons:

  1. As a pilot, this sets the tone directly. Not overdone humor, enough action, and enough world-building. The mechanics is there, brief background of our protagonists are there, and the conflict is there. Ed came off as a reasonable but still haughty/bratty state alchemist. Compare this to the pilot in FMA: Brotherhood which introduced too many characters, etc, which gets confusing.

  2. Compared to the same episode in FMA: Brotherhood, this one explains much better why the priest was beloved by his people. The people are not just blind fanatics mesmerized by miracle, but benefit materially from him. There is also enough character development between Ed & Al with the others so they don't come off as haughty edgy atheists barging to people's door. More time to set the tone and silently establishes the bigger antagonists as well.

The only thing jarring here is the people just have to be brown just because they live in desert lol. Stereotype of very 2000-ish anime.

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