Pradipa PR



Love, Death & Robots: 1x12 FISH NIGHT

Short and simple, not much to be contemplated about, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless. The visual is beautiful, love the glimmering neon "ghosts".

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The Expanse: 3x13 Abaddon's Gate
The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist
The Expanse: 2x01 Safe

Great pilot to set up the season. Tension between Earth and Mars thicken. The show plays the factions as rational actors with tactical decisions rather than forcing a moral dichotomy. Holden's crew opens the mystery box that had been the mystery in the first season. There's more character sharing stories and banters with each other. The crew starts to feel like a crew. There is one rather sped-up dialogue between Jim Holden and Naomi, and Mao's monologue about sacrifice also feels a bit too simplistic, but overall it's good.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x06 Human Is

Even if the plot is predictable, the performances of Bryan Cranston (Silas) and Essie Davis (Vera) were stunning that they're able to make up this whole episode, especially with the delivery on the last line. The rather unique brutalist-futurist blend architecture makes the set much more convincing; the tight apartment rooms, linear corridors, and stone walls make for an oppressive environment in a tense Earth where the drama blooms.

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The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2020-02-12T21:08:32Z— updated 2020-03-11T18:31:00Z

It takes a while, but the show starts to tack on the story on this third episode, and it pays off. The interrogation scene was great, but it mostly stands out thanks to amazing performance by Greg Bryk as the interrogator/Lopaz. The way he talks so confidently is almost oppressive, and the doubt he cast to the team members makes me question the real motives behind the characters. Shohreh Aghdashloo as the United Nations officer Chrisjen Avasarala is also a highlight of this episode, depicting a strong yet doubtful at times woman leader and displaying the ambiguity of system-wide politics.

As we get to explore Martian warship with its own dark red, brooding aura, and traverse through Ceres Station, it is clear that the show has a high production value, almost nearing the level of theatrical film.

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

It's far from perfect, especially for a pilot, but this sets the Star Wars tone far better than any Disney Star Wars movie could.

Having Dave Filoni on board as the director may have helped setting this as a Star Wars cinema that actually takes place in a Star Wars universe: recognizable alien species and creatures (rodians, ugnaughts, blurrgs), languages other than English ("Basics" in universe terms), in-universe lore consistency (Beskar steel, Mandalorian culture), settings, and practical effects that makes a lot of sense for Star Wars. Those important aspects that make Star Wars universe convincing can hardly be seen in the new Star Wars trilogy or its spinoff nowadays.

That said, the pacing is a bit awkward. There is not much hook, story-wise, to make the pilot intriguing - unless you're a Star Wars fan with familiarity with the gimmicks. The action leaves more to be desired. Cinematography is quite well-done however. The ending also picks up some interesting turn, in the hopes that it will develop to a story that delves into character's motivation and personal goals (something that Solo tried but failed), just like Lucas' Star Wars that we know.

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The Boys: 1x07 The Self-Preservation Society

This episode gives Homelander a lot of spaces, and considering how volatile he is. it makes the episode running in high tension. However this pretty good tense seems to disappear into thin air once you finished the episode. I'm not saying that it lost its tense, it's just the bits of pieces presented seem to be saved for the finale--or, for the next season. Many things are left hanging in the episode, following prior episode. Which can be good if the finale is great, but it gambles heavily on that chance. Not to mention the promotional text, "the Boys learn this lesson the hard way" turns out to be only promotional. Some dialogues between characters seem to be forced and sped up to move the plot forward (ie. Hughie and Starlight) and it seems less convincing considering they had a great start. However credit is due to Karl Urban as he excellently portrayed the filled-with-grudge Billy Butcher really well.

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Altered Carbon: 1x01 Out of the Past

Fantastic visual. Immersive world-building. The two quickly establish Altered Carbon as the classic cyberpunk series. However, as in seem to be common among cyberpunk TV/movie adaptation, the season pilot could've worked better on the narrative. The world building is impressive (e.g. in dialogues showing corporation looming over public facility) but the story itself isn't quite engaging. The episode hooks me up instantly to the world but I feel some kind of disconnection in the characters - there seems to be something troubling Takeshi but there's not enough reason to care about his struggle. Action is nice tough, especially the bar scene.

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Black Mirror: 1x03 The Entire History of You

Ground to earth, humane episode. It's interesting to watch this after 15 Million Merits as 15MM attempted to take it in macro scale with the issue of infinite distraction, The Entire History of You takes it very grounded with the issue of privacy/surveillance. It's really an interesting inversion between the two theme. Usually it's the reverse.

Technology is intertwined with daily life, people interact with them convincingly through, and I like the bits of airport/government surveillance shown up briefly. Characters aren't as nuanced as the The National Anthem, however it progresses necessarily and believable "just enough' to the issue it tries to bring up: trust, memory, and relationship. The ending resonate a lot with me and left me pondering of the circumstances. It gets it "just right", however there's room for improvement. This is a science fiction drama and a very worthy theme to revisit some time later.

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Berserk: 1x11 Shadows of Ideas

Pretty decent animation. Captures a lot from the manga (Mozgus' expression, Guts x Casca, Puck Spark) though not flawless yet. Things like character's movement could be better, also the scenes can be a bit longer (Guts x Casca hug, Mozgus' last moments, Isidro's act, Farnese being horrified) to give more impact, but it's good enough I guess. Mozgus' rock form animation is pretty solid. Music fits nicely.

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild
The Mandalorian: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Reckoning
The Boys: 3x07 Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed
The Expanse: 5x06 Tribes
Peacemaker: 1x08 It's Cow or Never

I guess this episode has little bit of everything. There is a bit of suspense of the barn invasion. There is a bit of action in the final showdown, of course. There is a bit of Justice League cameo. There is a bit of character development during the mission preparation. There is a bit of wrapping up the story (each characters' fate, tying up loose ends, and Peacemaker making peace with himself). And there is also some stereotypical eco-message slipped in (I guess since this is the anthropocene and Thanos' ecofascism seems to be popular...).

It's not a gripping finale, but it does what it does well for an action comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Highlight would be: I like that they keep Goff alive because Peacemaker's personal connection and Judomaster also alive with his chips-eating habit. I also liked that they're setting this up for future DCEU but not too blatantly obvious that they had to throw away the standalone-ness of the show like MCU/Marvel Studios usually do.

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The Boys: 3x05 The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies

They've been drawing parallels between Payback and Seven every now and then, but this episode shows the clearest. The sad thing is, if Soldier Boy is Payback's Homelander, and the team both hated their lead and tried to redeem themselves like Maeve do. then what a writing to show that Butcher is not a main character you should sympathize with. He is pragmatic, calculative, cold-blooded murderer sacrificing the redeemed Crimson Countess and Gunpowder who never liked Soldier Boy.

I find it interesting that there are parallels with Season 1 here. Butcher is back to his cold-blooded self and the compromise they're making with Soldier Boy reminds me a bit of similar ones they made with Starlight when they first discovered her. However Hughie, besides his power, seem to have not progressed much as a character, as he resorted to his confused, worst decision maker habit like we've seen in Season 1.

Other than that, the episode feels a bit lighter compared to the first three, not as packed but still better paced than the previous episode. Only 3 episodes left. Curious where they will take us. Hope this pays off.

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The Boys: 1x06 The Innocents

The pace gets a bit slower in the first half, like with Mesmer's reunion and Billy's conversation. But it quickly catches up in the second half. The tense was well built and it is interesting to see how much grudge and narrow-sighted Billy could be and what have made him that way. As a professional group, they seem to make some stupid amateurish mistake (letting them be seen in cameras) but since this was not the first them they did that I am getting the impression that they are not much a professional assassin, just hired killers. Regardless, this episode is a nice driving plot to see what is going to come up forward--with clues and hints spread out well through out--but as it stands by itself, it is not the greatest.

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The Walking Dead: 7x04 Service

Decent episode. Shows Negan as the boss here, the submission of Rick and people of Alexandria. To the point Rick no longer has this tough guy stance and opts to submit to Negan to survive another day, while still bearing a huge grudge to him. I think @andrewbloom sums it well in this line,

"when Rick confesses that he knows Judith belongs to Shane, there’s power in it because it’s one of those few plot threads from the beginning of the show that haven’t been tied off yet. And the thematic resonance of it, that sometimes we have to accept hard truths, things that tear us up, in order to do what we need to do to protect the people we care about, is solid. Negan’s actions make Rick’s knuckles tighten up on Lucille when Negan’s back is turned, but his desire to keep the Alexandrians safe loosens his grip, allows him to make all these compromises and admission in the hopes that they’ll stay alive and healthy even under such harsh conditions."

Read his review, a very thoughtful one of this episode.

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The Walking Dead: 6x05 Now

Nothing much is going on, as usual it's the "build-up episode" which gives clues and prepares build-up for future episodes. TWD always has episodes like this (Wolves, Terminus). So don't get so fed up, I guess.

The only thing that bothers me is: why the heck don't they kill those walkers one by one like they did back in Prison?

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x01 Let You Down

Good pilot with good world-building. Portrays the oppressiveness of poverty and the ads-drenched life in a cyberpunk city much better than the game. Plot is a bit cliche though but the episode spreads enough clue for build up in future episodes. Really like the visual cues they use to evoke character's emotion, such as the shot on David's shaking legs when he's anxious.

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Gen V: 1x08 Guardians of Godolkin

It's tense and gory in the usual The Boys fashion, although I feel like they just sped up everything in the beginning and previous episode so that they can have this "wreak havoc" all out in this episode.

As a season finale though... it feels like this IP is starting to show a similar symptoms to MCU: each ending has to be a setup for another season/series/film. It's a huge cliffhanger. It doesn't really settle the story with Marie and co, albeit they did close the arc and begin a new one. What happened to the school? What happened after the laser? Why the Guardians of Godolkin twist at the end - and how is it possible, with everyone there clearly witnessing who the villains were? It just raises more questions and feels like not making sense.

Additionally, some of the characters made some really terrible decisions with their hero syndrome, but I guess I can suspend the disbelief because they're still teenagers after all.

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan
Peacemaker: 1x03 Better Goff Dead

This could've been Episode 2 as this is where things finally start to get going. Pace has been much better - if in the first two episodes I felt the need of fast-forwarding, at least in this episode I didn't feel any of that.

Show has been relying banters, irony, and sex jokes for its comedy but this episode shows some physical humor as well. Action is there but not as fleshed. Don't seem like the Peacemaker we saw in The Suicide Squad, but I guess it's supposed to be a character development.

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The Expanse: 3x07 Delta-V

This is practically an episode 1 after the midseason finale. It establishes new characters, some serve to drive plot points forward, some others to show how things have since changed since the last finale. My favorite part is on the racer's personal quest: the part where he is shown bored as hell and just want to make a name for himself amidst the development of the Ring that fascinated many people and moved the factions to one singular direction. It makes The Expanse feels grounded: for ordinary men, this is just another thing that passed in their daily lives. The part with Roci's crew documentary is also great, showing how they deal with life after their heroic chapter.

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The Boys: 1x05 Good for the Soul

Not the strongest episode. Starlight's speeches had all the opportunity to play out as culmination of the things Starlight had been through, especially with the backdrop of religious event that she grew up with. But it focused too much on the contrast between Homelander and Starlight, that it ended up a bit dull. I mean, the contrast was drawn in prior episode(s), but it would have been more engaging if they focused only on Starlight. Perhaps I also lacked the context of growing up in religious America.

There is enough tense and revelation, and surely the dynamics between Frenchie and the Female is interesting. Really liked the part towards the end where "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" plays stylistically, like most scenes in The Boys have been so far. But we've seen the other stuff before (in prior episodes), so it kinda feels like a bit repetitive, if not a filler.

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Black Mirror: 1x01 The National Anthem
The Walking Dead: 6x10 The Next World

Not bad. A light-hearted drama episode with enough tense near the end. More character development of Carl, Rick, and Michonne. Deanna's son overcoming his ineptitude. And the unusually funny introduction of Jesus.

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Sons of Anarchy: 1x04 Patch Over

Last two episodes have been good, kinda shows the dynamics between characters (Clay being so petty with the new guy and Gemma keep trying to maintain her matriarch role). The only downside here is the a bit poorly executed gunfight.

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The Expanse: 6x01 Strange Dogs