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Black Mirror: 4x04 Hang the DJ

As a sci-fi episode it's OK. Even with the double-bluff the finale of the episode resorts to the usual sci-fli cliche. It's not really clever, not suspensful, nor is it an emotional roller-coaster.

What makes the episode really works is treating it as a drama-comedy: the charming chemistry between the two leads - unlike San Junipero - and how the subject matter of the episode is something that relates to its intended audience. An automated dating system until we find the perfect match. Would we want that? The episode doesn't ask the question, but you can't not ponder that yourself as the credit rolls.

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Black Mirror: 3x06 Hated in the Nation

A much better take at the social media frenzy era than Black Mirror's The National Anthem. This episode smoothly transitions from a murder mystery to a Candyman-esque horror to a crime thriller, standing on a better ground in the balance between surveillance and sousveillance. Unlike The National Anthem, which often felt one-dimensional by portraying a government slow to adapt to technological changes, this episode effectively weaves together today's surveillance capitalism with the cyber-bullying tendencies of the social media era.

For me, the episode could have been even more impactful if it had maintained a smaller scale. The complete system shutdown feels overly dramatic to drive home a point and somewhat deviates from Black Mirror's typically grounded approach to technology.

And the episode can't quite shake off the crowdphobic feel reminiscent of The National Anthem, occasionally portraying the masses as a thoughtless mob of bullies. It seems to lean towards apologism in its condoning of government surveillance. You can already see the episode earning nods from proponents of big government and figures like Elon Musk. Nevertheless, the well-interwoven plotlines and the teasing of a possible sequel in the cliffhanger crime thriller-like end make this episode a thrilling ride.

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Black Mirror: 3x02 Playtest

Certainly not the most novel concept out there, but the thrill and horror in the last 20 minutes of the episode makes up for it. The screams and frustration in the last minutes give the episode of a sort of claustrophobic feel until we found out the climaxes in the last minute. It kept me guessing and on my seat until to the very end. Great horror episode.

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Black Mirror: 3x04 San Junipero
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x03 Smooth Criminal

Decent episode to introduce the cyberpunk job and how it works in this universe. Pacing is well done, even much better than the game's (Cyberpunk 2077) pacing. Nothing too exciting but not too dull either. The scene with the fixer is kinda on the nose to make some sort of looming threat, however.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x04 The Village Bride

The episode really excels in the soundtrack, really brings the classic, fantastical Yuki Kanno feel. The simple flat visuals helps in creating that mystical anime feel. The two match perfectly with the local community theme going on. I like that that the episode depicts the world of Star Wars as a plural one. Not everyone follows the religion of the Force-sensitive; some who do may have their own religion, and here it's called as Magina. Very fascinating. Great world-building.

However the episode suffers from the same issue like most episodes so far. Simple storytelling, and dumb villains. Kinda disappointing seeing battledroids as yet another parody. Too focused on the role of the Jedi as well. Wish they had focused on the Magina believers more.

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The Expanse: 5x01 Exodus

Not the strongest pilot: it branches on each main character's future plotlines, with Holden, Naomi, Alex, and Amos going on their own path. However it sets up the Inaros as quite detestable villains - in case killing Ashford in previous season was not enough. It started with Filip and ended with Marcos. The extras were less convincing, but the space shots - and we got lots of them (Tycho, Venus, Earth) - all are gorgeous.

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Chernobyl: 1x01 1:23:45

As a work of TV show, it's good. It sets up the characters and the theme it wants to talk about. It starts with the aftermath end slowly reveals how the event unfolds to the disaster Chernobyl was.

However the message it tries to deliver, as it seems already obvious from the start, is very problematic: the all-too familiar story of meritocratic individual not being able to fight against the evil of bureaucracies, epitomized in the face of the Soviet state - the episode even has a speech on the need to believe on the Socialist State. This premise is very shaky, as David Graeber has famously written, bureaucracies - and its "evils" - were more prominent within the so-called neoliberal states and even corporations more than back then in Soviet era. Turning the disaster into a fight between heroic individuals also seem all too common for Hollywood who keeps hallucinating for the existence of an underdog superhero.

But let's see how it goes for now.

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Legion: 2x01 Chapter 9

Still as eccentric as the first season, this season starts out with similar spectacle and embezzlement. The plot paces faster than the first, however there are still scenes that feel a bit little dragging, like they're still playing out with David's mind as he goes. The writing can be weak at times, like the part where David meets with Syd again. David felt it was just like yesterday, but for Syd it's been a year. There can be so much tension in their relationship, but it is simply resolved with a sex in astral plane. As a pilot episode, this episode doesn't fare too well. But still intriguing at very least.

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The Walking Dead: 8x04 Some Guy
Legion: 1x02 Chapter 2
The Walking Dead: 6x16 Last Day on Earth

Okay so the episode was kind of dragging on with Rick's group being played around with Negan's group, but I guess it's purposeful to make the viewers the feeling of being toyed with and to give more screen time for the characters for the emotional build up.

However, the ending... with that kind of build up, the episode ends with a goddamn cliffhanger! What the hell is the purpose of 45 minutes long build up? The scene with Negan screams terror, the moment he started to swing his barbed wire lashes out fear, but the episode ends without revealing anyone. It's a shame. Should have shown the victim's face, or at least hair, or anything from his/her back, so at least the viewers can speculate.

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The Walking Dead: 6x15 East
The Expanse: 5x10 Nemesis Games
The Mandalorian: 1x06 Chapter 6: The Prisoner
The Boys: 1x08 You Found Me
Peacemaker: 1x06 Murn After Reading

James Gunn really liked the idea of shoving stuff into people's mouth huh. He did it in The Suicide Squad, he did it again here.

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The Boys: 2x07 Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker

Not the greatest The Boys episode, esp. not Season 2's good. They have come this far to plan and strategize against Vought, yet they don't seem to have any backup plan... not with Lamplighter, who they leave only with Hughie to babysit, and especially not with Dr. Vogelbaum, the man behind all these, the most important man who should have acted as key witness? With Lamplighter, okay, they missed their chance, but Butcher and Mallory could have at least made Vogelbaum recorded his confession or some sort since they should have known that sending him off means an extremely high risk of failure. And they freaking knew there's someone out there who can pop head out of nowhere. Why don't they take any precaution?

The one scene with Hughie and Lamplighter is kind of dumb too, only showing him as ever petulant bystander who can't prioritize - which is a step down of character development since he blew Transluscent's ass. Butcher family drama seems to give a hint of character development but the pacing is too convenient as a cop out for stuff to fall apart.

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Altered Carbon: 2x02 Payment Deferred

Got plenty of fight scenes and mostly that, but it don't pack the same punch as the fight scenes did in the first season. I don't know if it's Anthony Mackie, the choreography, or just the cinematography, but it looks weak especially during the fight with Quell.

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Dark: 1x01 Secrets

Not the most engaging pilot. So many setups and characters introduced at once. Mystery seems to be fleeting, lingering around the corner but there's no clear direction yet where it would lead the viewers. Feels like the episode is setting up a lot of things for the whole season at once.

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The Walking Dead: 6x09 No Way Out
The Expanse: 6x02 Azure Dragon
Altered Carbon: 1x06 Man with My Face
Berserk: 1x02 The Holy Iron Chain Knights

Not bad but not good either.

The pacing seems to be off; every characters seem to talk a lot of things in a short amount of time, like they already prepared them as a speech. This especially look weird in the dialogue between Guts and Farnese. The scenes are jumping quickly between one person talking to another, without a moment of silence.

However the animation is slightly better than the first episode. CGI still can't handle expression well (look at some Farnese's expression and the soldier who Guts punched), but it's okay-ish. The adaptation from the manga is also good, unlike the abrupt lumping-it-all-together in episode one.

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Gen V: 1x06 Jumanji

Not exactly sure what's wrong with the episode.

But I feel like the dream sequence has become an easy exposition dump for the writers. They did something similar in The Boys Season 3 when they had to explain Black Noir's flashback and everything that happened back then. Mixing up everyone's memory and conveniently have everything panned out like that is not a great storytelling.

The Sam x Emma moment was fine, but how everything was resolved quickly when the group came into a conflict is quite too convenient. The ending was quite interesting, but everything feels like a filler only that the writers can get into the point to drop that ending and get the characters to band together and speak against power. It's quite a weak setup - and a too easy one at that, especially given most, if not all, characters there were ambitious students who want to rise to the top, now they were willing to easily abandon all that?

Also, where did Dusty go? The 28 year-old that looks like a boy. They just kinda forget him.

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The Walking Dead: 8x07 Time for After
Peacemaker: 1x02 Best Friends, For Never

I quite liked that they treat the quippy one-liner spouter Adebayo as seen as the dumber person by other characters, which kinda shows how ridiculous it is to be quippy in serious situation - like a slap to MCU face. I also liked they slipped in the derogatory "cape shit" to refer to superheroes/supervillains.

But I guess the episode swings between jocular and serious moments a little too hard, and it's a bit difficult to get the tone they're trying to convey here. I get it that this show is an action comedy show, but it would've been great if they can maintain a tone a bit more consistently. The drama between the couple is a bit too overdone, as well as the dick joke between Vigilante and Peacemaker, and the part where Peacemaker had to jump from ledges. I guess it's a bit too much for a 45 minutes episodes - too little substance.

It's fine overall but I hope this doesn't end up as "Deadpool but DCEU".

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Dark: 1x02 Lies

This eps and the pilot should've been the same episode. It's only becoming quite clear where the episode is headed.

Two episodes so far, and they spent too much time on still shots seemingly to show character's expression and general mood of the situation. That could work if they've gone a bit further in the episodes, but we're still on eps. 2 where we don't know or don't care about each characters. There's no world-building as well. What we know so far about Winden is it's just a small town in the middle of forest with a nuclear plant heavily guarded where no significant crime has happened.

So that's a lot of time wasted.

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The Expanse: 3x10 Dandelion Sky

First slow episode on The Expanse after a while. Melba's plot is uninteresting and is really dragged out, same with the story that revolves around the reverend. The tense between Holden and The Martian group is reckless and unconvincing - they are in the exact center of alien artifacts - of all things they could possibly do, they insist on capturing Holden? At least Holden's quest with his old friend is interesting, I love each conversation they are having, but the cut between each character's journey is distracting to say the least.

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The Expanse: 3x09 Intransigence

Mabel seems like a rather weak character with her daddy complex as her motivation. This episode spends quite a time to outline her story too, which is least interesting after all the tense and events that were packed tightly in previous episodes. This episode seems to be only interesting in the first half. Naomi's decision also seems to be resolved quite too fast. The Belter's side of the story is interesting, though how did they get onto the Ring first while Mars and Earth just let them slip away? Drummer's pessimism regarding the Belt also seems to be forgotten in favor of the Belter identity.

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