Pradipa PR



Jujutsu Kaisen: 1x01 Ryomen Sukuna

The episode is about a naive protag with a strong sense of justice and an unusually strong power/genetic/etc capability found only in X hundred years. His day went like normal until an incident happened and a more senior person in the field appears. Fight ensues, protag finds his heroism, and finally joins forces and kickstarts the series.

The typical shonen trope. The curse concept also doesn't look that interesting. We'll see why this anime is popular.

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Marvel's Hit-Monkey: 1x05 Run Monkey Run

Not sure how I feel about this episode. It's been a fun ride but this episode 5 is kinda weak.

It started out as John Wick-y flick with all bounty hunters chasing over the Monkey. Which would've been cool - but most of the fights happened off screen. Most villains in this episode are just meatbags; a shame since I actually enjoyed their presentation. There's also an appearance of some ghost called Yuki out of nowhere, that reminds me this is still a Marvel cartoon - which is fine, really, but the way she was introduced and put out is very jarring. No reason. She could've killed the Monkey and Bryce but decided not to due to plot armor.

The scene with the police duo is also kinda shoehorned if only to justify the death of the police-yakuza guy and put the duo back on track. So yeah, not their strongest episode.

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The Walking Dead: 8x06 The King, the Widow, and Rick

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2017-11-29T13:10:25Z— updated 2017-12-02T19:11:00Z

Bad episode. Every time Walking Dead has its lead character planning the next big thing, other major characters are always there to ruin it. Daryl has been guilty of this multiple times and I wonder why Rick never kicked him out of the community. Michonne does this too, but always with the "I have to see it myself for some reasons" reasoning. Even Rick himself seems to ruin his big plan by running towards The Scavenger hideout all by himself, only to get him tied up nude in a container.

Also let's not mention the part where Rosita uses that RPG... the scene is very horrible. Is that how rocket launcher actually work?

This is a big let down after two decent episodes prior. It's like Walking Dead is never able to maintain its pace. This seems to be especially true with Season 8, with a lot of ups and downs - but more downs.

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Legion: 1x06 Chapter 6

I understand that this episode tries to portray the crews being lost in dreams/illusions, but a whole episode for such event seems rather forcing it. There are a number of subplots that seem to bear little significance too (what's with Walter chasing down Kerry, and Melanie's depression on his husband), making this feels a lot more like a filler episode. The edits are stylish though, with Lenny (Aubrey Plaza) dancing to that music, if we disregard it (and a couple of other scenes) coming up from out of nowhere.

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Oats Studios: 1x07 ADAM: Episode 2

Another attempt at playing with "god is boredd" trope. Nothing really new here. Just a good set design.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x03 The Twins

This is TRIGGER's usual Gurren Lagann nonsense that borrows Star Wars props - not even the concepts, just the props because lightsaber crystals and hyperspace don't work like that. Story is the usual TRIGGER's "believe in me that believe in you" thing as well, with nothing novel to enjoy. Which is fine to be honest, but they should've stick with the things they usually do best: the fight animation, which we don't get that much.

I like that they throw some references to Sequel Trilogy (The Last Jedi) with the Star Destroyer being torn in half. But the climax doesn't stand on a strong enough ground to warrant that extravaganza. For that matter I'd rather watch Gurren Lagann than this. Art style is kinda unique though, I give them that.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x03 City of Heresy

Not sure what was wrong with the episode, but the science vs religion contrast feels a bit tacked on, and the conflict as well as the resolution feels really hurried. The citizen seems to be too foolishly gullible to believe the antagonist with no strong reason except 'muh miracles'. The antagonist seems pretty dumb to reveal his grand plan just like that for the plot to keep on going. And, the worst is, Ed sounds like an edgy Reddit atheist with his haughty "god doesn't exist" speech.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x01 Fullmetal Alchemist

Weak pilot. Too many characters introduced, mixed with some out of place humor. Worst is that this episode shows both the state alchemists as unorganized, reckless institution (no plan at all to anticipate attack on central) and the Ice Alchemist as incompetent offender (with all that spectacle he really doesn't seem to plan anything in advance, as he gets beaten by Elric bros).

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x01 The Hood Maker

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2020-02-20T15:14:46Z— updated 2020-08-30T13:04:23Z

This review is for the episode "The Hood Maker". Trakt wrongly named the episode.

Not the strongest one to start the series with. It had some good ideas and a curious setting to develop with, but the world-building and the characters are unconvincing. Dialogues feel a bit artificial and the plot feels rushed to fit the one hour length.

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The Walking Dead: 8x16 Wrath

The ending was beautiful, with Rick reflecting on his memories with Carl and the kind of society they wanted to live in together. However such sweet ending was not built on top of strong father-and-son relationship that would have made the ending more cathartic. It was instead built on the on-going pretext of tense, violence, and betrayal.

Which, on one hand, resulted in climactic "mercy triumphs" theme that this season has been playing around (while still not completely fulfilling its potential). On the other hand, such weak development, overshadowed by other subplots, yearns me for more--for a more personal development between Rick, Negan, and Carl that could have been. The fast-and-loose resolution to the conflict that the season has been building instead downplayed all the hate and grudge between characters (minor and major) to forcefully pull that sweet ending in one episode.

Disappointing it maybe, hopefully this finale is a sign that Walking Dead finally put to rest the "conflict between communities" that they have played for several seasons, and start a new, different arc in the next.

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Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit: 1x07 Chagum's Resolution

Everyone might not know how Balsa looks like but come on. A woman with spear dragging a boy around shouldn't be that common, right?

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The Walking Dead: 7x12 Say Yes

A Rick-Michonne bonding episode with throwback to previous elements used in TWD ("dumpster", "on top of tank while surrounded by zombies", etc) that goes off for too long. Should've spent half of the time instead of a whole episode. The throwback also makes the tense caused by such situation seem much more trivial.

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The Walking Dead: 7x06 Swear
Berserk: 1x06 A Nighttime Feast: Burning at the Stake

This episode only makes much more sense if you've read the manga. It cuts a lot of things and compressed a number of subplots into shallow scenes. You know this happened and that happened, but you can't really understand why it happened and what is its relevance.

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Berserk: 1x01 The Branded Swordsman

I don't really have problems with CGI, but it seems off here and there (especially when Guts throw the knife to kill a rabbit). The face also looks pretty jarring somehow.

As for the story itself, I think Isidro's presence is a bit distracting there, cutting off the interaction Guts should've had with Puck. Also why the heck they skip to the Iron Chain Knights right after this episode?

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Terra Formars: 1x01 Symptom: Mutation

Terrible pacing. It starts really slow, boring the audience with too many character introduction and flimsy animation.

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The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin

This episode reminds us that The Mandalorian is a Disney product.

The Mandalorian for no reason became soft and sentimental. The only reason possible for this change is the "cute factor" shown more to the audience than the character, just like a Disney show would do. For someone who is supposed to be on this sort of job for a while, breaking a guild code just for some random child is a stupid thing to do - especially for someone who is supposed to uphold honor. The hostiles - supposedly trained soldiers and mercenaries - are nothing but incompetent mooks. Other Mandalorians show up as deus ex machina, almost feels like they are there just so Disney can sell more toys.

There is no build up. Everything in this episode is self-contained. From the appearances of other Mandalorian to the whistling bird, it's all used vulgarly in this episode.

This episode is such a huge let down. And we're still on the third episode.

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The Walking Dead: 6x08 Start to Finish
Berserk: 1x03 Night of Miracles

The characters talk too much. This is very notable in the battle: instead of trying to kill each other, there were about a minute the episode trying to portray the antagonist's background by a lot of talking. And Guts there just stand still (while being wounded!) and listen to his mumbling.

The episode still has this terrible pacing where every characters machine gun every line without any pause. From one talking to another one talking. It makes some supposedly important scenes to be off and forgettable because the episode just glances it over with the pacing.

A lot of stuff is crammed in this episode, and instead focusing on the available scenes, it dedicates a lot of time with a build up for the next episode. Making this one feels like a filler episode.

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The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary
Love, Death & Robots: 1x06 WHEN THE YOGURT TOOK OVER

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2020-07-19T09:53:15Z— updated 2020-07-24T11:32:57Z

A very American-like internet humor that takes the most mundane object in our life and turns it into a tired cliche of Cartoon Network villain: smart and in a quest of power. It's juvenile and boring, even Maurice LaMarche's narration can't save it.

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Breaking Bad: 2x04 Down

The episode shows a story of people who can't communicate better. Walt Jr. who doesn't have good parental figures and unsure what to do. Skyler a toxic wife who can only think revenge/get Walt to taste his own medicine. And finally Walt with all his lies and ego that started it reaping what he sow, and using Jesse only for his own benefit. Anna Gunn performs really well as Skyler that I really hate her toxic attitude in this episode.

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Breaking Bad: 1x03 ...And the Bag's in the River

"It seems like... something's missing?"

"What about the soul?"

"There's nothing but chemistry here."

Great episode that shows the start of Walter's descent to Heisenberg.

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Gen V: 1x04 The Whole Truth

Teenage drama in a world of The Boys. This episode emphasizes that in a sense Gen V is still that teenage drama focusing on youngsters involved in a bigger problem that they can handle. But as a part of The Boys world those youngsters, as supes with impunity, come with their own selfishness, indifference, and cruelty - as shown with the scene of exploding dick (and the attempted assault that preceded it).

I think it's quite an interesting angle. Albeit the episode moves a little bit slowly with the teenage drama sequences, it still delivers The Boys typical uncertainty, anxiety, and... strange sex fetish. The ending is a very abrupt cliffhanger/jumphanger(?) though.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: 1x02 Body of the Sanctioned

Good episode. Kickstarted the season and made me curious of what's coming. Fares much better than the Brotherhood version here. The episode shows the consequence of Ed and Al's action to the city rather than just showing them wreaking havoc. It also shows Al as a more empathetic side compared to Ed.

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