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The Expanse: 1x05 Back to the Butcher

This is a rather weak episode, almost feels like a filler. We get to see more characters instead of fleshing out what has already shown. For one, I've been wondering how the crew would cope from the destruction of Canterburry, especially Holden who lost his lover. Ade had an unfinished final sentence, and in this moment of calm before the storm I was expecting we get to see how Holden reflects on that or trying to cope with his loss. But seems like coffee suffices for him.

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The Walking Dead: 8x15 Worth

The best part of this episode is its beginning and its ending. Rick, reading Carl's letter, finally have a change of heart after being touched by his son's vision of society. Meanwhile, Negan, already fell too deep--not to mention just finding out betrayal from his two top right-hand men--remains unmoved by Carl's plea for peace. Someone said that Carl plays more important role exactly after his death, and I agree: he acts as the bridge between the two spectrum (Rick and Negan).

Rick, who believes in the capacity of people to build things together; and Negan, who believes he has to tie those knots all by himself, being the one bigger than anyone else. As @andrewbloom said in his review, Walking Dead has attempted to show that Rick, too, can be cruel and unforgiving; while Negan is not a cartoon evil, he too has good intention. But this episode shows the contrast between the two through Carl.

That is the best part of this episode. The other sequences... are done rather very clunkily, especially the part with Aaron and Eugene. @AndrewBloom laid out this better than I could do, so I suggest you read his review here:

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Legion: 1x08 Chapter 8
The Walking Dead: 7x05 Go Getters

Decent episode. The part with Carl and Enid seems like it's just slips in there, especially with the weird cut between them and Maggie-Sasha. The rollerblades and Carl's love story feel a bit distracting from the overall tense of the episode (and the rollerblades seem to be too conveniently placed).

The night zombie-fest in Hilltop feels a bit forced to give reasons for Maggie to stay. But the interaction between Gregory and Simon, also the whole conversation with Sasha-Maggie-Jesus-Gregory is excellent: serves the right build up to portray Maggie as a strong-willed, decisive character, while showing Gregory as just another pragmatic, opportunistic guy who just happen to be in position of authority, ultimately shown in the part when she says, "I have a name... Maggie. Maggie Rhee."

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Berserk: 1x12 Those Who Cling, Those Who Struggle

The climax on the tower ends too abruptly. Well, it is in the manga, but in the anime it really left no impact--no wondering, no confusion, nothing. Only a short, "what happened?" from the characters and then that's it. I guess because of the rushed pacing. Silat and the Kushan also went very fast. A considerable amount of time is instead dedicated to Nina, which might have gained significant development, but not enough for us to care in the anime. Last, the soundtrack doesn't fit the scene. The music director did a bad job here--again.

We're going to have next season in Spring. I hope the studio learned a lot from their first experiment here.

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Berserk: 1x10 Hell's Angels

Terrible music directing. It cuts and plays in odd timing. The battle is too difficult to follow and too short at that - a shame since it's supposed to have one of the best in this arc. The hand-castle and the brand reveal isn't too obvious, making it lacking impact. Things are decent on other stuff.

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Black Mirror: 3x03 Shut Up and Dance

Dumb kid freaked out because he did something indecent and trusted the words of some rando on the internet. Moral of the story: learn some digital security, he (and the other freaked out adults) wouldn't be there if he didn't give away his number very early in the beginning.

But seriously, this episode doesn't do it for me. I don't get people's fascination toward the episode. So the kid was supposed to look at CP, but how do we exactly know this? The webcam doesn't record the screen. Who knows if the hacker implanted the photos and made false claims? There was also no proof that "Mindy" was underage. All we know the guy got catfished into hiring hookers.

Acting is fine, but the thriller is quite bland throughout the episode. People on the screen are anxious but there's no tense. They are threatened by something but I don't really feel the real risk. Perhaps because there's no way to guarantee that the hackers will keep their promise, and turns out they really don't, so there's no stake for me. Just block them and face the risk rather than having to go through all that.

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Great Pretender: 1x01 Case 1_1: Los Angeles Connection

The trick in the first half is fine, but the way Edamura noticed that everyone was up to no good just by spotting the same watch is stretching it. Makes little sense. Let's see how anime-ish (if you catch my drift) this one is.

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The Expanse: 4x07 A Shot in the Dark

A rather slow episode with frequent still shots like Eps. 1, pace picks up in the last 15 minutes though. The portrayal of Chrisjen as politician seems to too in-the-face, wish they could've done it subtler.

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The Expanse: 4x01 New Terra
Altered Carbon: 1x10 The Killers
The Walking Dead: 8x08 How It's Gotta Be
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit: 1x06 Death on Aogiri

They used a distraction but we never get to see how a bunch of few people manage to distract a 300 person manhunt. There was an interesting hunt for Balsa by the elite force but it was cut short by deus ex machina. And after journeying far into the North, why the heck Balsa returned to the capital?

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The Walking Dead: 8x03 Monsters
The Walking Dead: 7x10 New Best Friends
The Walking Dead: 7x09 Rock in the Road

Satisfying action and zombie-fest after a while with the tripwire scene. However the way Rick attempts to mobilize people to fight Savior kinda puts off the suspension of disbelief - it's not convincing. Especially so with the case of Hilltop residents, there is no previous portrayal that they were under stress in Savior's pressure. It shouldn't be too easy to put them to a fight when they already have a decent life.

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The Walking Dead: 7x07 Sing Me a Song

That was a long episode. The scenes with Carl and Negan feels a bit janky, especially in the start when Carl jumped out from the truck. It feels like Carl is holding something. One time he's so mad and furious, another time he stays silent letting all that chance slip when he actually have the chance to kill Negan.

As others have said, Negan really let himself on zero security. While there might be reasons he's doing that (seems like his over-confidence), the fact that Carl attempted to do nothing about it makes the whole scenes with Carl and Negan feel janky. All in all we are only presented Negan's interaction with Carl's hateful glare in the background. For someone who is badass enough to slip into the enemy's lair in earlier minutes, all the silent shots Carl is having is really dampening his earlier murderous rage. On the other hand, I understand that the episode attempts to portray Negan in more humanistic side, but the jankiness on his interaction with Carl makes this kinda difficult to watch.

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The Walking Dead: 7x03 The Cell

This episode gives spotlight to Dwight, but we were not given enough reasons to care about him. Only by partially showing his background and his interaction with Daryl in this episode that we were given reasons, but not enough prior to warrant our attention in one episode. Daryl's torture scene seems to be a little confusing at first but it starts to make sense as the episode progresses.

All in all not really a bad episode actually, but it can be spent much shorter.

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Berserk: 1x04 Revelations

Still a bit too fast-paced here and there, but generally an improvement from the previous episode. Some dialogues seem to be hurried without enough break, but the CGI is overall well done (except a few parts) and there are a number of hand-drawn scenes. There is no awkward music playing in inappropriate moment, and the sound effects isn't jarring like before. Not bad!

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The Mandalorian: 1x08 Chapter 8: Redemption
The Walking Dead: 6x14 Twice as Far
The Mandalorian: 1x05 Chapter 5: The Gunslinger
The Walking Dead: 8x02 The Damned
The Walking Dead: 6x07 Heads Up

Aside from the (expected?) surprise in the beginning, there is nothing much going on in this episode. Alexandrians still adapting to the new situation, zombies still wailing on the wall, Ron still hating on Carl, and Father Gabriel still showing up as additional filler. IMO there are too many characters depicted that it feels a bit disjointed and lacking further progress. Something happens in the end, but that's it--cliffhanger again. It's really unfortunate as I thought we've got past the filler episode last week.

I still wonder why the heck don't they stab the zombies on the gate one by one like they did in prison back then?

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Black Mirror: 6x01 Joan Is Awful

A bit too on the nose in their attempts to poke the issue on darkly designed terms of service and deepfake, especially in light of the Hollywood actor and screenwriter protest (perhaps even inspired by it). The episode leans heavily toward being a meta humor, but it doesn't really work well. Annie Murphy does her best, and I believe Salma Hayek too, but they were given a rather one-dimensional, uninspiring script. As the episode ended I realized Charlie Brooker is the writer. That kinda explains the weak episode.

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The Walking Dead: 8x01 Mercy

Very weak season premiere. Felt like a season finale, only that the whole setup doesn't make sense at all. Rick planned to kill just one man, Negan, but why didn't he? Instead the group shoots brutally to the building, shattering only glasses. It's like they had unlimited number of ammo - what's the point of arms scavenging in previous season then? The group conveniently broke into the base with no resistance at all. Conveniently amassed a horde of walkers with no difficulties. Considering they had always been having trouble doing that two, it felt really odd. Why didnt Negan see any of that coming, considering they were pushed back in previous episode? Weird.

A character also made a terribly foolish decision that is worse than a zombie film cliché. Very bad premiere.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x02 THREE ROBOTS

It's like watching three pseudo-intellectuals following a script written by a Redditor, which speaks for its low quality writing and dialogue. Epitome of tired internet humor.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x04 Lucky You

The first half is your usual bonding between the main characters. It's fine but nothing to write home about. Just showing David developing his skills and relating to other characters - which is a very typical "calm before the storm" scene indicating someone will die in an episode or two. There's some sexual tension between David and Lucy. The editing between the scenes is kinda unique but feels like Instagram or MTV reels that don't let us connect to the characters - just like the game's strange V and Jackie bonding scene.

The second half is all over the place. First we have Pilar's demise, as expected given the build up in the first half. Then after all that chaos we get back straight to David and Lucy. Very strange pacing, as if nothing happened in the first second half, especially given the build up in the whole first half. The ending with David and Lucy feels like it just to keep the romance and plot going, which, again, feels like a cliched calm before the storm scene before some terrible things to happen in next episodes.

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Peacemaker: 1x05 Monkey Dory
The Walking Dead: 7x16 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Bad season finale. It attempts to be a Sasha episode, Maggie's leadership, an united front between all Savior's victim, and a decisive conflict all at once. Despite the longer duration, it gives you nothing emotionally touching.

It puts Sasha in the forefront, but not decisive enough to be the main plot point of the episode. Albeit appearing for most of the episode, it fails to give the final send off the writers seem to attempt to do. Maggie's speech in the end closes the episode with a reminiscence of Glenn, but we don't get to see Maggie's struggle to leadership previously in this episode. Not even in one or two prior episodes. So it came out as an awkward speech. And finally, as an united front and a decisive conflict, it plays out really weakly. Hilltop and Kingdom appearing out of nowhere. The shootout with Savior also came out unconvincing. Well, TWD is never great at all-out shootout, but this looks like a bunch of disorganized young people coming up for a riot.

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