

Birmingham, UK

Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x13 Time Squared

It takes a confident man to make a decision like that, or, a reckless one!

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The Following: 1x08 Welcome Home

Shout by Simon

Wow. That was a crazy amount of punishment Mike took in that warehouse. I didn't think he knew anything; after all they made a huge deal of saying Protective Services don't tell anyone anything. Just goes to show though being in protection isn't actually that safe!

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The Following: 1x07 Let Me Go

Shout by Simon

One thing; sorry, that music played towards the end is 'Vikings' - why is it used here. Hard to get past that. Judging by the number of people at the house this really is almost an army!

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The Following: 1x06 The Fall

Shout by Simon

Great psychology in this episode. Ryan played the trio off against each other so well. It's interesting Emma has abandoned Paul and Jacob... What next?

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The Following: 1x05 The Siege

The poor neighbours, that's what helping gets you. I love the fracturing that's happening within the trio, Jacob is really struggling at the moment.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x12 The Royale

Um. Crazy! What on earth? Not a good episode for me.

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Prisoner: Cell Block H: 8x51 Episode 639

Shout by Simon

Prisoners at sea? Yeah, that's gonna happen in reality. Of course, they may think differently in Australia and certainly do in Wentworth :)

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Lost in Space: 2x13 Wreck of the Robot

Shout by Simon

Oh no! The Robot is completely torn apart! I do believe they went to far with the emotional display he put on, though I admit I thought it amusing to see him lent against a rock lamenting his future. It would be great if they could find a way to give him an internal power pack such that Dr Smith can't just power him down on a whim

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The Following: 1x04 Mad Love

Shout by Simon

Paul is living on borrowed time I think; I was sure he was going to get stabbed. It's just a matter of time...

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The Following: 1x03 The Poet's Fire

Shout by Simon

I would be completely useless as an investigative officer; I would believe everyone's story. I had no idea she was involved. Duped again.

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The Following: 1x02 Chapter Two

Shout by Simon

Crikey! You don't expect to be doused in fuel when you queue for a sandwich, do you! I get that Joe is orchestrating these events but could one person for see and plan all this, truly?

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The Following: 1x01 Pilot

What a crazy opening episode; so great! Totally caught my attention from beginning to end.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x11 Contagion

Have you tried switching it off and on again?

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The Book of Life

An animation spectacular, in term of general creativity and imagination; funny shaped people/animals and a carnival of colour. Suitable for all the family

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The Royle Family: Special 12 Joe's Crackers

Fun, but, not as good as the early shows. Personally, I hope they don't reunite for more shows. This is enough now.

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Humans: 1x08 Episode 8

Shout by Simon

Kind of all ended too 'happy' as it were. The only casualty is the poor chap under the sheet in the crypt. Surely someone will find him? Has Joe been forgiven his indiscretion; it seems so. Niska has a copy of the code and is clearly up to no good....

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Avengers: Age of Ultron

Action, Romance, Special Effects, did I say Action? 2Hrs+ of fun - Great movie

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Humans: 1x06 Episode 6

Shout by Simon

Joe! With your family feeling as it does, I'm not sure that call was the best thing to do. Interesting that code, sufficient to run a synth as complex as Mia can hide in plain sight.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x10 The Dauphin

Interesting shape shifter; love sick puppy Wesley was a little annoying despite good advice from Guinan

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Lost in Space: 2x11 West of Mars

Silly. Again, the silver lining of 50 minutes has to be the Robot. Comedic genius.

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Sex Tape

'Siri, How do you perform CPR on a dog?'

'I found 4 places named Starbucks!'

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The Royle Family: Special 9 The New Sofa

Shout by Simon

Yeah; I think Christmas with the Royles is now known to be a bit of a disaster. I would have been out off by Jim's expert way of carving turkey!

'Joe, I'm really sorry, Mary is in the Dyson!'

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Humans: 1x05 Episode 5

I'm confused. Where did that printout come from? It just seemed to be in a desk with the owners manual? Is all of that a little of an over action? Laura has moved on in spades. Anita has moved from being unwanted, an 'it' if you like to something she can't imagine being treated in that way.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x09 The Measure of a Man

Touching. A friend is saved. I find it hard to believe they had to have the whole courtroom scenario anyway. Data is a bridge officer, a Commander with medals. He's passed Star Fleets entrance exam. Surely they value him above a 'thing' or an 'it'.

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Humans: 1x04 Episode 4

I think Joe might regret that moment of, passion?, I think the truth will out itself a delete command or not!

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Child 44

Shout by Simon

Not what I was expecting, the pace in parts was a little slow and the events hard to follow; ultimately I enjoyed the movie but I'm mystified as to why they felt they had to inject a Homosexuality subtext; that seemed to have no real reason for being included, other than showing law enforcement stopped at nothing to kill a few innocents.

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Humans: 1x03 Episode 3

Shout by Simon

So, she was going to knife the bloke? Good job she found out he had kids.... Wow. Bit of a 'bunny boiler'!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x08 A Matter of Honor

That's one heck of an exchange program!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x07 Unnatural Selection

Such a well done episode this one. Active immune systems; seek and destroy those bacteria! What a terrible mistake!!

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Humans: 1x02 Episode 2

Shout by Simon

A murder! That's not good. But the big question is, will Anita go back willingly?

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