


The Matrix Resurrections

I guess the best thing about this movie is that it gave me an excuse to watch the original trilogy again...

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This movie is as if the 1980's and the 1880's were mashed together into one. A slow paced, incomplete and try-to-be creative, but not very convincing, story about the life of brilliant inventor Nicola Tesla who was ahead of his time.
Besides the acting power of Hawke, and some (questionable) creative choices, there is not much here.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

The franchise became chaotic and messy from all the backpedaling after fan criticism. Because of this, the 3rd trilogy feels incoherent and without a clear vision, which damages the overall story. This last part is still a good and enjoyable film, especially in the blockbuster 'genre', but it can't rise above (no pun intended) it's competition.

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The Program

A very bland story that could have been way more interesting if they dared to add some depth to the story. It never shows us something new (and I am sceptical about the few details I didn't know) and doesn't have the courage to make it a sports movie, a drama or a controversy. It looks more like a dramatised documentary made by the USADA. A stage in the beginning of the tour de france where nothing happens but a sprinters final at the end is more interesting.

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Daddy's Home

If you expect a film like 'The Other Guys' you will be quite disappointed. Even though the main characters are played by the same actors, the script is more focussed on bad jokes and a really bad script in stead of clever crazy jokes (with a basic script) the cop film had. The jokes are mainly just bad language with kids and competitive humiliation, something that is not even that absurd in such a situation (they took it too far though, and not in a funny way.) And there are no decent side characters to back them up, just a few passive ones to fill up the screen and character sheet. Even the chemistry between Mark and Will is a bit forced.
And no desk-pops!

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In stead of it getting more interesting, it got less interesting. It lost the magic that Divergent had, maybe it was in her hair?

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Because of all the great reviews I decided to give this one a go. Definitely not one for me though
Even though it is a good movie, I did not really enjoy it as much. It tried to set up a realistic image of small-town boys in a situation you usually don't end up with at that age.
They did a good job acting and story wise, but i simply could not identify with the main characters. This was probably because of multitude of things like the independence of the kids and how they were treated like adults as if it was 200 years ago. But also the completely twisted way they viewed women and relationships. I know this is all to create a certain environment, but I just did not like that environment.
My rating is therefore mostly based on my opinion rather then a technical judgment.

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The Lego Movie

I wasn't expecting much, and it was what I expected.
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. Fun for kids, too silly for adults.

There are many more beautifull, age transcending movies out there to watch with your kids (or solo.) Only 4 or 5 jokes made me smile, all others were pretty lame or cliche. I guess when this movie would have been unknown and stayed in obscurity, it would've been fun to recommend. But with the massive amount of 'fans' this one is getting, it surely is greatly overrated.

Batman is easily the favourite from the movie, and the fun poking at Green Lantern was a funny inside joke.

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The Gray Man

Stellar cast, fine set pieces. The rest is utter trash. The only reason this movie is even watchable is because the actors made an otherwise hopeless script into a somewhat enjoyable mindless film. What a waste of talent.

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How I Became a Superhero

This is is vanilla ice cream in movie form.
Everything from story and characters to action and sound design is rather bland and lacking substance, it is just smooth inconsequential sailing to the credits. An innocent little movie for (older) kids.

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Next Gen

Next Gen is not the worst animation movie you will ever see, and definitely is watchable, but too simplistic and flawed to be worth more than a single watch. I would also not recommend it for kids considering the theme, the level of violence and (too?) obvious bleeped swearing.

Story is bland and predictable, lacking some character depth and several plot holes. I won't blame it too severely on that, even though many (animated) kid movies proof that's not necessary.
Most importantly, the animation is inconsistent. There are some (very) good moments, but overall (especially the humans, fluids and backgrounds) look outdated and more like a Saturday cartoon, then a movie. They clearly focused their efforts on the big battle at the end.

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

I know the movie intents to be messy, but for me personally it didn't work. Too often it felt forced, which made it either into a gimmick being messy for the reason of being messy, while other times it felt messy in an unintended way.

The exposition is probably the worst part of the film. In some kind of attempt to mimic Deadpool or other recent meta/3rd wall breaking movies, it uses narration a lot. And I mean really a lot. It looks like they had to use narration in order to make the movie understandable and messy at the same time, without making its runtime too bloated.

The idea to make the movie hectic is in essence not bad, it can fit well with the Quinn character if done correctly. The execution just left a lot to desire, and it affected many characters in a bad way. They became inconsistent, and/or lacked screentime, background (except for aforementioned narration) or motivation.

Also: I enjoyed Ewan McGregor until I didn't.
Also: I enjoyed Mary Elizabeth Winstead until I didn't.

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Angel Has Fallen

After the terrible 'Olympus', and the even worse 'London', I expected more of the same terribleness in this 3rd installment. But somehow it was not that bad. It still has many of the same flaws the earlier ones had, but they are overall less severe, and it even looked like they tried to add some story to it (although not that well executed, but at least they tried?)

Still far from a good movie, but this one I could at least enjoy. My surprise says more about how bad the first 2 in the fallen installment are.

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King of Thieves

I think the others said it very well, this film can be best described in one word: Boring!

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War for the Planet of the Apes

I don't know what happened here in the editing room, but some people need to get their salary retracted xD

Poorly written and edited, shots i completely did not understand or add anything to a scene, incredibly pale musical score, nonsensical situations, anticlimactic, badly paced, a lot of slow action scenes, rushed storyline, strange tone shifts that didn't give the decent acting by Serkis and Harrelson any payoff, no real character development except for the 'bad' guy (kinda?) Yes, what is that about? xD. And I tried to avoid a rant here and just sum up my complaints, because I didn't really hate it that much (just 5/10.)

The worst is the movie is actually not even bad enough to be remembered for it being actually bad. And that is probably the worst thing you can achieve as a movie.

Ok ok ok, they got a point for CGI.

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Seventh Son

I watched this movie for Jeff Bridges, but Alicia Vikander stole the show.
A bad movie that isn't actually as bad I expected. Honorable mentions for Olivia Williams and Jeff Bridges for their acting, and an honorable discharge for the writers please.

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A Good Day to Die Hard

Most used word and sentence in the script: "Jesus"

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Shout by Lainfan

I don't know what the fuzz is about.
The visuals are really good yes, but it's not that ground breaking. It does have some amazing views though, so that's 1 of the main reasons I didn't turn it off. The second reason is the sound. They really managed to get the silence of space on screen, without the movie turning boring (a risk with those long shots.)

What bothered me the most about this movie is the amount of convenience to the story (including the seeming lack of knowledge of the scientists on and off screen.)
A barrage in space because someone (actually a whole nation's science department) faultly blew up a sattelite? What is that civilian (Bullock) doing in space? (I mean not noticing or responding to the fire in the ISS, really?)

And those were a lot of casual talks during critical situations. If regular plain pilots already have such a strict radio script, I doubt an astronaut talks like that during (critical) communications.
Also, ALL communications are down and both ISS, the Chinese station AND their shuttle are just a few 100 miles apart? I guess that's lucky, since she just had barely enough time to make it to each 'save haven.' The fact Clooney wasn't coming back was actually more of a surprise with all this coincidence.
I do have to say that most scientific parts of the movie were pretty accurate as far as I can tell.

Conclusion: She must have been the most luckiest astronaut ever but with incredible bad luck.

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The Lone Ranger

Disappointing movie. The acting is ok, but not convincing. Story is not really interesting (I watched it 3 days ago, and I cannot even recall it without trying really hard) and the 'wise' lessons are pretty silly, lack impact and are misplaced several times.
Try to find something better, if you can't, don't expect too much of it and you will be fine.

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Over the top at some points with the explicit violent scenes. Also, revenge stories are never the best ones. Very good twist at the end though.
Unfortunately not a movie for me, therefor a low ranking.

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Hotel Transylvania

Lacked zing, too much cliché and an extremely predictable story.
Of course it is very good for kids, but I'd advice to give them some of the older Disney movies in stead of this.

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The Maze Runner

The first one already did not do so well, mostly excelling in original design, decent CGI and it's (attempt of) focusing on characters. Part 2 continues this tradition, but sacrifices the few good things about the first movie with just a grander scale.

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Shout by Lainfan
BlockedParent2014-12-24T23:34:15Z— updated 2020-10-13T03:29:22Z

~This comment was deleted by the original writer~

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Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons - The Movie

I almost could not finish this, and turned it off after 1 hour. But I managed to finish watching it eventually.
Even as a mindless animation action it fails.
It is just unbelievably boring and shallow. Dialogue is piss poor, Story is not terrible, but too basic to get interesting. The animation often lacks details and many corners were cut. The characters are well drawn, but anything else lacks details and movements are very choppy.
The movie just looks and feels like it lacked money at every aspect in its production. Skip this and watch some of the DCU animated movies instead.

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My Spy

Boring, unfunny, poorly written and lackluster acting. Even as a family/kids movie, there are many better films out there.

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'Die Hard' in space but bad.

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Steve Jobs

Terrible screenplay where the same setup is repeated in every act, without really changing anything. Dialogue is good, even though it is more a couple of long conversations with time jums mashed together, but it becomes boring pretty fast if you aren't interested in the history of tech companies and/or Jobs. Thank god for Fassbender, Daniels and Rogen's great performances, otherwise it would have been even more of a pain to watch.

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The Signal

Too pretentious for such an average storyline, a typical case of trying too hard.
It looks like they had too many ideas, but not the guts to choose. None of them was worked out well, so we end up with a messy movie that tries to be cool and clever while it is neither.

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