


The Martian

You have to be kidding me. They've been advertising this movie with Matt Damon all over the posters and trailers and TV spots. He's listed as the top billed actor. People keep talking about him in this and how great he is. I see him promoting this film everywhere.

And then he dies in like the first five minutes. So stupid. I went into this to see why everyone loves him in this movie, but he gets hit by a piece of equipment and dies before I've even taken a bite of popcorn. Maybe, I thought, he isn't quite dead. But then NASA makes a full statement and everything that he died, so it had to be true.

I was so pissed that I just got up and walked out. I'm not dealing with this crap.

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You should watch the rest of the movie, if you didn't already.

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Ok, let's start this. Godzilla is a movie about a touching reunion being screwed up by a giant lizard who's jealous cause he's alone and don't wanna see other monsters being happy. Yeah. Meet the MUTOs.

MUTO is a giant freaking mutant thing that if it wasn't scary enough by itself, it can fly too (you know that feeling when u see a cockroach and u think "could it get worse?" and starts flying? that's MUTO for you). MUTO is a harmless creature. YES, you didn't read wrong, HARMLESS. All MUTO wants is to leave peacefully. It feeds itself with radioactive material and it simply walks in a straight line towards its objective. Unhappily, it's not aware it's causing some destruction but hey, it's hungry, you can't blame the guy.

ANYWAYS! MUTO is hungry, MUTO wants to eat something but more importantly... MUTO wants love, our biggest achievement. So MUTO cries for his (now we know MUTO is a He) loved one. And she replies!! Oh, the joy
You guys know you can't present yourself to the love of your life barehanded, right? And the lucky male MUTO finds the PERFECT present to his OTP. A lethal nuclear warhead (awn..). And there he goes, with the perfect gift.

Finally they find each other. Starry eyes, can't believe this happening, a tear drops from my eye with such a heartwarming fated encounter. Male MUTO offers his gift to her and she accepts. The ultimate bliss. BUT THEN. Someone is not happy. Someone is green with jealousy. He's alone. He doesn't have an OTP. He arms are too short and, DAMN, he can't even have a little fun by himself. Meet Godzilla.

Godzilla enters the scene and he has ONE purpose: to cock block MUTOs and kill them for having the audacity to having sex and being all lovey-dovey while he's all alone. A fearsome battle begins. You feel lost. You feel like you should cheer for Godzilla and every time he's beaten, you're like "nooo duuudeee, he's trying to save us, don't do that, LEAVE GODZILLA ALONE!!" BUT don't be fooled... Godzilla IS THE BAD GUY.

After a few horrible minutes, LOVE PREVAILS!! The lovable MUTO couple managed to defeat the envious green giant lizard and they can finally be happy forever and eWAIT! Godzilla stands up and use a freaking blue flame that he could have used before but he thought would be funnier if he let them think they had won just to shatter their happiness again.

The worst happens. While male MUTO struggles to keep his loved one safe, Godzilla seizes the moment and gives the final blow! Male MUTO remembers all that good time, the first flirt, first kiss, the blessed union... all while the light fades from his eyes... Male MUTO is no more :'(

Female MUTO has no time to mourn. Someone just assassinated her children!! The horror!! She's confused, all she cares is lost, cruelly taken and whats has she done to deserve that?? Nothing, I tell you, NOTHING. Driven by the anger and sadness filling her heart, she advances furiously to get revenge.

Another fierce battle engages!! While fighting she remembers male MUTO, her newly-born family, their plans, their honeymoon... all-reduced-to-dust. She gathers all her last strenght and YES, FINALLY. That damn green homewrecker is slain! JUSTICE PREVAILS. But what's left? Her children, her husband... all gone... Nothing is left. Just fade in the void. She's tired.. She wanna sleep... She is hungry... Food... yeah... that might distract her (you know, food is the best painkiller).

She's leaving, she just wants some food and she will leave. AND THEN! A stinging pain!! She doesn't understand what's happening. Her jaw is being ripped apart. Blue flame pours from above!! Her body is in flames from inside! Then she understands. She was naïve. Godzilla was not dead. It was just another foul move. He feels joy in letting them feel like it's over just to finish them brutally.

She sees in a distante place male MUTO... Their childrens... Tons of radioactive material... They're all there, waving to her... It's heaven... everything fade in whiteness... She leaves this cruel world, toward a better world, to meet again their loved ones.

And amidst all that, yeah, there are some petty tiny things called humans. They are living their dramas, screwing up things and just shooting whatever moves and they can't comprehend. That's humans for you. Ow, and you wanted to watch because you heard/saw somewhere that Mr. White and you thought "OMG WALTER WHITE IS GONNA KICK SOME DINOSAUR'S ASSES F'YEAAAH". Well... He dies on the beginning, oh well :T

So there you are. You were thinking "Duuudeee, I was so thinking that Godzilla was a bad guy but I was mistaken, he's a good guy :)" WRONG that bastard is the PURE EVIL!! He doesn't care about humans, he couldn't give less shit about us. But he won't tolerate anyone shouting their happiness in his face, while he barely can touch his dick. No... They must die to serve as example to anyone who dares to have these same funny ideas. That's Godzilla for you.

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This is a great review! :D

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Doctor Who: 1x05 Dot and Bubble

Really interesting episode, not the "kids these days are on their phones all the time" kind one might have thought watching the trailer, but instead focuses on a much more serious issue surrounding the mentality of certain groups, and how those specific echo chambers function.

It's definitely an episode that is made by its ending. The hyperbole of the allegory might seem too exaggerated at first. But when things start falling into place it becomes clear that it serves a purpose and helps highlight the main message.

The final part is what makes the whole episode really work, for me the ending was quite fitting, given the point that the story was trying to get across, and Ncuti Gatwa was phenomenal in his performance, especially during the final scene.

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@fringemagnet you could say that they were all consumed by their bubble xD

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Doctor Who: 1x04 73 Yards
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

The end of the movie was the very first time I agreed with one of Wanda's actions... Good thing it was her last action too.

  • Christine living to the end was odd. I get WHY it happened, but really? She could at least have closed that last door to the Good!Book.
  • Why dear Xavier had to bite the dust???? Again???? WHY????
  • Stephen finally Let It Go. ("It" being the gorgeous Xtine, that totally deserved the hot husband she got to marry)
  • Zombie!Dr.Strange was Dope.
  • America Chavez is Badass AF.

Can't wait for the next movie!

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@abstractlegend With Stewart his age, i doubt we will be seeing that much of him in any Marvel universe. Just seeing him die a pathetic death (again) was tasteless and memorable of the trauma of The Last Stand. It was not needed anyway, we have seen him die 4 times now, including the DOFP retcon death. Hearing the epic 90s X-Men medley partly made up for it though.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Review by Paul Vincent
BlockedParent2022-05-06T08:55:05Z— updated 2022-05-07T23:12:15Z

I felt like this was missing something and didn't live up to the full potential it could've. Maybe it was the title, "Multiverse of Madness", maybe it was all the trailers that did a great job misleading us while also spoiling all the best parts of the movie, or maybe I just didn't like how two dimensional they made Wanda after she spent an entire show already learning how her power can hurt people and exposing everyone to her grief. How many times did Wanda need to indirectly quote Thanos before we got the point? "I call that mercy", "They'll never know..." etc.

Overall this has kind of cut down my excitement for phase 4 a bit, and coming from someone who LOVED the infinity saga that hurts and worries me to say. I feel like the movie tries to over simplify things and these were characters that aren't simple. This needed to be deeper. I feel like we needed to see Kang here, even if just for a moment or two. I feel like we needed Loki too. The only trouble with opening the multiverse can of worms is now it REALLY doesn't matter when some of these heroes are getting killed, "Oh that's just Mr Fantastic from 818, this is 6 1 whatever".

It wasn't bad, it just wasn't really good either, and with how much hype they put on it I'm let down. This needed a real villain. It's not that Scarlet Witch didn't make a good villain, it's that I didn't want to see her be one after the journey we've gone on with her, and her doing the right thing in the end doesn't excuse her murdering like a hundred people no matter what universes they were in and her logic was flawed from the start.

And where the F is "real" Mordo?

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@paulvincent83 I have the exact same problem with Wanda in this. This might have been one of the marvel movies i most looked forward to bc of the high quality of WV, and especially to see how they would grow Wanda her character further. Instead we kind of got a repeat of the show but with some different variables.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Shout by Jimmy
BlockedParent2022-05-04T11:32:52Z— updated 2022-05-18T18:14:49Z

You don’t really need to watch what if to understand this but it’ll help. You really do need to see Wanda vision though, you don’t have to but it would be incredibly confusing if you don’t understand wandas motivations as she is the main antagonist

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@kieranlittleuk I would say yes and no. It is an important backstory for the events in this movie, but at the same time it contradicts or cancels out the character development Wanda goes through in WV. (This was tbh quite the disappointment for me in the movie. I was not looking for a rehash of the same development.)

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Atlanta: 3x05 Cancer Attack

Such a good Paper Boi episode. Also I need that gif of Darius dancing.

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@pongpeng Hahahaha I was legit looking for that gif xD

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Strange Days

A fantastic cyberpunk action/thriller with a decent mystery. Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett (particularly Angela Bassett) are amazing in it. Even Juliette Lewis, despite not being the best actress in the world, is perfect for her role.

Also, the best New Year's movie ever, and a fine chaser to Christmas's Die Hard marathon. Make a new tradition today!

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@ladysorka oh, that explains it haha. I feel you. I am having a (different) problem with Kodi myself and gave up on fixing it :')

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Strange Days

A fantastic cyberpunk action/thriller with a decent mystery. Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett (particularly Angela Bassett) are amazing in it. Even Juliette Lewis, despite not being the best actress in the world, is perfect for her role.

Also, the best New Year's movie ever, and a fine chaser to Christmas's Die Hard marathon. Make a new tradition today!

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@ladysorka 216 plays, are you kidding me? :laughing:

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The Last Duel

Excellent movie. If you're one of the people saying it's boring because they show the same thing from three perspectives, you missed the whole point of the movie. Every perspective has a slightly different interpretation of what happened. The changes are very subtle, but are crucial to the overall story.

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@blazer380 I thought it was boring, but not because of that. The first act was actually the most boring part to me xD

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The Protégé

The movie is ok, a guess. A lot of good action scenes, capitalizing the fact tha Maggie Q use to be Nikita in another life.
I get that Michael Keaton is a household name and all of that... but that was a little bit cringy for me. I'm all about diferent type of couples, and i don't wanna sound prudish or anything but he's too old for Maggie Q to make any sense. I din't like that paring at all, and it took me away from the movie big time. Maybe with an actor not 28 years older than the female lead it would have made more sense to me. Or maybe I don't find Michael Keaton with that kind of appeal ...

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@marguis Although I like Keaton, I have to agree on the age gap being a slight problem here.

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legitimately such a visually stunning and fun entry into the action genre. the number of times bullets run out is one of my favorite aspects of the action sequences, but also there's a scene later on that, combined with mary elizabeth winstead's increasingly horrifying deterioration, puts this on my body horror list. it's not a horror, but it's pretty and there's bodies being horrific, so it works. i'm really digging the recent action films that use just enough stylistic choices borrowed from video games to bump up the immersion.

when i was checking on who the stunt coordinators were i saw some Highly Bitter articles calling this a john wick clone but honestly every action movie follows a formula because the formula works and being poisoned with radiation is a great reason for revenge even if it didn't involve a dog.

also, i don't even fucking care i loved that ridiculous car chase scene

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@birdcages Because John Wick being an influential movie in recent years for this type of flick, in a sense you can compare most of them to Wick. But imho doing that only makes sense for a few of them. This is not one of them, so let them be bitter. I mean, this movie certainly has its flaws and contradictions (mysteriously recovering from the most severe injuries in moments is one of them) but it does not takes itself too seriously and goes way over the top, and it is intended that way. It also gives for some interesting styling and directing choices.

So I definitely agree the car chase was a lot of fun.

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The Vast of Night

Not a movie for everyone.

If you want lasers, explosions and monsters in your sci-fi this is not for you.

If you want creepy atmosphere, dialogs and good acting it's a perfect fit.

The movie is not perfect still.

The premise of a local radio getting strange reports from callers around the town is reduced very quickly to only two main calls.
I would have preferred to listen to more callers and have the tension and realization of what was happening building up a little slower than it was.
Also the black and white TV show thing didn't resonate well with me. If they limited that to the introduction it would have been better.
Still a solid 7 for me.

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@canardu I had the same feelings about the TV visuals. And I did not really understand the point of it either, which made it kind of a questionable decision to me.

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Doctor Who: Special 158 Revolution of the Daleks

I honestly don’t know if this Doctor Who episode was actually a good and solid story, because the bar is so low. Due to the pandemic and all that stuff, it sure feels like this story has been canned for a while now. It's been almost a year since we got a proper Doctor Who story on the telly. This story is a sequel from last year's New Year special, so I guess next year's going to be the conclusion for this Dalek trilogy. I liked it, but not much happened and Chibnall had lousy moments. It feels like it doesn't address anything that happened during Series 12 finale. Ugh… the infamous "Timeless Child" retconning that I didn't like at all. Why is the Doctor questioning her own life again after the Runaway Doctor's (that's what I'm calling the Ruth Doctor) speech? It changed nothing. But now it does? Why did she stay in jail voluntarily FOR DECADES?! And also, Chibnall does not address why was she in jail in first place… oh, wait. Just for "being herself". Ugh. So Jack comes to break the Doctor out without that much of an explanation. Ok. And about John Barrowman's addition… I had fun. It's always fun to see Captain Jack interact with the Doctor and the companions but… I felt like he didn't had to be there. There was no point on having him, story-wise. I think I just liked the nostalgic feeling to it. And him leaving the Doctor just like it was not a big deal was weird. I know it tries to be like a backdoor nod for both Jack and Gwen's appearance later on or maybe a Torchwood revival? We'll see. Maybe Chris Chibnall should move on to write for that show. Am I right? So the Doctor comes back to Earth and doesn't tell any of the companions that she spent DECADES in jail and comes back like nothing had happened. Why? And the episode doesn't address Yaz's obsession or her emotional journey either. But there are good moments. I liked all of them hugging at the end. It was a touching moment. I liked how Ryan called the Doctor out again and deciding to leave the TARDIS on his own. We saw how he struggled to get back to his ordinary life. I loved how Graham decided to be there for his grandson. Ryan and Graham's relationship was the best of both Series 11 and Series 12. It really felt earned. I liked that Yaz stayed with the Doctor. We really haven't got that much of development for her character. I'd love to see how that turns out. I would've preferred to watch just the both of them traveling in the TARDIS alone. But we'll be getting another companion, so… there's that. I'm excited, though. I really do not know that much about British TV but a comedian is always welcomed. I'm excited to meet Dan! Now, in regards of the story itself… I liked it. It was a fun one off adventure. I liked how the Doctor put the Daleks against each other (again) to fix the "drones" problem. I liked how they fixed the back-up TARDIS problem too, because we would be questioning that, I'm sure. It felt more like a Robertson story with a little bit of the Doctor in it, to be honest. And it was weird how it turn out in the end for the Robertson character (with all the Trump fuss going on). But it felt very well integrated into the story. What about the political messages written into the script? Weird. But I think that what Chibnall's take on Doctor Who is all about. Oh, well. I would've liked if the Doctor confronted Robertson (or anyone, really) about the PM's death. It was on the telly! Overall, it was fun to watch new episode of my favorite show again. I'm excited for Series 13, I really am. Now I'm just hoping for Chibnall to improve his writing skills. Blimey.

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@chuchitzu Small fact correction: This is not a sequel to last years NY special, since there was no special in 2020. This is a direct continuation after 2020's Season 12, and ties into the 2019 NY special (already 2 years ago at time of broadcast.)

I agree with most of your writing, I surely wished Jack had a more significant impact after such a long absence. But that is my main problem with Who since Chibnall took over in general; a lot of stuff feels lacking and stays on a surface level. I hope it will improve, or i'd rather see another showrunner give Whittaker better material to work with before she leaves.

And I think we will see Robertson again in a future episode or special.

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The Father

You lose your memories, you lose yourself.

Devastating movie.

Watch this in the afternoon. A night watch would be tough.

Hopkins is magnificent as usual.

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@boolalanga Watched it in the depth of night, can confirm xD

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Chaos Walking

I must say, the movie has a really good idea that's worth exploring. Sadly it never comes close to exploring said idea. It ends up being a generic Hollywood action movie and nothing more.

It's interesting to see how a society would function if part of the population's(The men's) thoughts were visible to everyone. There are interesting aspects to explore here about privacy. But the movie throws this concept under the bus and uses it just as a cheap gimmick.

Before the events in the movie, it's said that men and women lived together in Tom Holland's settlement. And then men became more and more suspicious of the women because they could not see their thoughts. This gradually drove the men to kill all the women. This is the movie I wanted to see. How did this happen? What were the internal struggles in the settlement? How did reading each other's thoughts affect the people? Instead, we are put after all of this and we follow the standard bad guy wants to kill girl, hero who has confidence issues saves girl from the bad guy and becomes self-realized in the process.

The thought-reading phenomenon was mostly used as a comic relief instead of being the center of a thought-provoking story. I'm kind of bummed out that this was the case. It would have been interesting to see how a society functions when everyone's thoughts are in the open. For instance, how courts work, how is trade done, etc.

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@curtwagner1984 I think this review covers it well. I too thought it was interesting concept, so i felt disappointed when the only original part in the movie was not explored. Same with the native aliens. I was highly interested to see how their society functioned, but except for that one encounter they are never seen or heard of. Besides this, the whole movie is fairly bland and straightforward (although still decent enough to watch once.)

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My Neighbor Totoro

Great Miyazaki film with a lovely fairy tale storyline. If only the kids voices weren't so screamish. This made my overal enjoyment of the movie drop :(

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@beedelljulianlockhartroke Japanese (I always watch original dub if possible.)

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Monster Hunter

Shout by Matt D
BlockedParent2021-02-18T04:19:09Z— updated 2022-07-28T20:42:15Z

This movie offers a unique experience. It gives you one of the most genuine and undoctored glimpses into the soulless eyes of corporate Hollywood

There is no love for making movies
There is no love for the source material
The only interest is making something with the specific goal of being a "Blockbuster".
There is nothing to it but the intent of making money.

There's legit nothing to this movie.
Every shot you see is made just for cool trailer moments....
The Characters have no life or personality to them, They don't make any emotional connection with the viewer.
The acting........ no
There's no real plot or pacing
The effects can be good at times but its far and few in-between
The fighting and action scenes are rendered useless with the unprecedented amount of jump cuts done in editing....

I enjoy movies that might have glaring flaws, or even be considered bad, I'm not a heartless critic... But there are no redeemable qualities about this movie.
You can't even spin it as a "So Bad It's Good" movie, its just that incompetent on every imaginable level.

0/10 - Genuinely

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@mattdeezly1996 Corporate anywood is more accurate, since it is a collaboration between studios from USA, Germany, Japan and China. The monsters also look quite okay, so i have to disagree with there being no redeemable qualities. Other than that.... yeah looks like you covered it all hahaha

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Running Man: 2020x520 8 People 8 Colours Race: A Lucky Hobby

i paused watching at 30.00

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@fazyfaz I hope you continued watching after that, last part is the best.

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Shout by Lainfan
BlockedParent2014-12-24T23:34:15Z— updated 2020-10-13T03:29:22Z

~This comment was deleted by the original writer~

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@itswestoff I cannot delete it anymore. I just edited it, maybe i will rewrite it in future. I will remove my replies to not make this comment clutter the top comment section of Dredd.

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This movie, right off the bat, makes some smart creative decisions: it doesn’t try to imitate the original too much, and it’s not a musical.
They even steer away from the usual Disney formula by taking away the funny sidekick.
And while the film is technically quite impressive (cinematography and score are top notch), I found it to be ultimately unengaging.
Also, there seems to be a correlation between big, feminist action movies and poor lead performances.
I mean, just do the math: Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and now Mulan.

Yes, I also find it important that more of these movies get made (not corporate, tame Disney films, but female driven action movies in general), but they deserve to be a lot better than this.
Problem is, if nobody sees it, chances are execs will take the wrong lesson from it, and think people don’t want to see female/Asian representation, or feminist themes.
So, we’re kinda fucked regardless, but I still don’t find that an excuse to give a heavy push to this mediocre movie, as I see some journalists doing.


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@jordyep Try this, maybe not the best but can be worth it.

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Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons - The Movie

Why is it nowhere on this page can I find out what this movie is rated? So much info, but not something that simple in plain sight.

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@thepublisher At the very top, right below the title. The heart symbol with percentage is the rating.

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There is no way you feel emphathy for those astronauts because they are dumb as fuuuuuuuuuuuck

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@dontbogart @fenkins Yep, I agree with this.

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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

great movie
but something i didn't understand.
why would trigon fight darkside in the end and not just kill of the remaining justice League?

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@itai-raf From what I understood, to dethrone the 'false god' Darkseid. It just shows one of the weakpoints of the movie, it glances over too many things with only little or no explanation.

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

I still hate Red/Blue Harley. I much prefer Red/Black. That said I like her costuming MUCH better in this movie than Suicide Sqaud. Somehow between the costuming and the framing there's a LOT less "Look how sexy and skimpy Margot Robbie is dressed like a slutty Harley Quinn". I'd only seen one teaser video and I thought Harley looked stupid in her outfit. However on screen it worked a lot better than I thought it would. A lot of my biggest issues with the movie are weird shots and framing and the uninspired soundtrack. I mean I like Barracuda but I wish the score had more signature to it. Just generic pump up music and generic heartfelt music etc etc etc. The soundtrack need not be filled with covers of songs done better when they aren't slowed down RnB remixes or acoustic pop remixes. The James Brown joint ( was okay but honestly why not go full girl power out there. Why not give me a Spice Girls cover like maybe "Viva Forever". That would be interesting and in a movie with (level of violence) a little girl getting her face sliced and then ripped off maybe some of that creative energy could be spared to the music choices. I mean I hate Ariana Grande but women love her maybe a version of "Dangerous Woman" ( would have been more fun and interesting or maybe Amy Winehouse who has choice jams beyond "Rehab" such as "You Sent Me Flying" ( or "I Heard Love is Blind" ( and she has tons of club remixes for the fight scene rehash.

But there are inspired sequences in Birds of Prey like when Harley breaks into Gotham PD. It's a fun romp even if some of the physics completely break verisimilitude. The Breakup with Joker was great. Not seeing Joker was fine, and then roller derby. I liked how no one at roller derby really cared about Harley's level of violence. They just considered her weak for going back with Joker so many times. The eponymous Birds of Prey don't really have the character work that Harley has but they don't really need it.

When Huntress came on screen i didn't like her. I wasn't feeling this dark comedy take on Huntress but very soon I was flipped on that as well. Rosie Perez is still cute. Ali Wong was fine. I still don't see Ewan McGregor, man that guy's face has changed a lot. But everyone is good. The character are fun. The ones I complain about are the guys actually Zsasz was kinda odd, Black Mask is still confusing as a character. I don't know him, I don't understand why he has his mask or when he wears it. I thought it might be related to his gloves but we never really learn. Harley was mostly good. I think her best fight scene was when she had a bat though. That was some creative, interesting fighting that felt like Harley's character. It fit. I wish it was edited better with longer and/or wider shots. But uninspired fight scenes are a staples of action movies now and Harley Quinn is of no particular exception to this.

The funniest part of the movie was everyone staying to the end credits scene to get trolled. It was beautiful. The guy in front of me was literally upset "I wasted 3 minutes of my life for that". I say stay for it though just for the giggles. Birds of Prey is something the DC universe needs more of. Fun. It's dumb, there's scenes that don't make any sense. Bad guys standing around waiting to be hit but in the end.. it's just got fun. Genuine fun like Wonder Woman had genuine sincerity (as opposed to constant sarcasm). Well worth the price of admission even if it doesn't have Oracle.

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@wolfkin @guenguer There are 3 or 4 categories in the Academy Awards (Oscars) related to sound and/or song, and most other (bigger) award shows have one or more categories for it too. I myself also am usually not the first to point out music in a movie, but it is there and for an important reason.

(I was not much impressed by the music in this film btw.)

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Angel Has Fallen

It's a very average movie and they had a great opportunity in front of their face and they didn't use it.

They have a corrupt acting president, now the best ending (exciting and for various reasons!) would have been for him not wanting to leave. Instead of an average shootout at a random building, the acting president would be in the White House with his private army and the need is to attack the WH and forcefully remove him. That would have been cinematic and better than what we have.

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@atlantis14 I don't think they would have ever done that, with the whole 1st movie already centered on the WH. Interesting idea if this was a different franchise though.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

Shout by OrangeDog
BlockedParent2017-03-21T17:49:57Z— updated 2017-07-11T08:30:48Z

Why in the hell are you rating a movie that is not even out yet ?

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@orangedog And sometimes just bc people vote for stuff they didn't see. Don't ask me why.

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Dark Matter: 1x12 Episode Twelve

Review by Gaby
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-10-18T04:39:57Z— updated 2018-10-27T20:32:49Z

So the beginning of the episode explains the issues and questions about the explosion/planet destruction from the last episode. Well, here I thought they were going to milk that for next season, but everything/the answers are just wrapped up in a quick recap by two in like a minute.

Two continues to be the show's most compelling character, and I suppose this is partly because the actress is also the most compelling and convincing out of the whole cast (aside from The Android). She really makes an okay script into something beautiful to watch. The rest of the cast, still feels disconnected from the words on the page, almost as if they are going through the motions. Now, It could also be in the directing or just lack of chemistry between the cast. Hell, it also be part of the setup for the show: to have a group is disjointed characters have to work together and only be bound by money and circumstances. Whatever it may be the case, Two is still the character (and actor) that grabs my attention the most.

The crew takes a job, but ends up being a setup/trap to capture Two. The group who engineered/created her want her back and they are lead by Whil Wheaton (!) in very heavy villain eyeliner. Apparently she is an advance bioegineered humanoid with some organic parts but mainly nanobots. Also, her creation is totally illegal and would be destroyed if anyone found out. So all of Two's backstory is literally female is a robot and engineered by mad men with a god complex. And once in his presence she is rendered completely harmless. Hmm. Watching Wheaton is a bit distracting cause he plays cartoon villain to a T. All that was missing was him twirling his evil mustache.

Even as the team is forced to leave her behind, they figure out a way to save her: The Android. I really like that the robot gets to go save the robot. Both of which are women. And, yes, I ship it! Again, the women on the show are the most compelling. Watching The Android kick major ass (taking down 6 guards), and putting herself on the line to save Two makes me so happy.

One of the favorite arcs is how The Android questions her effectiveness and stabitlity because she starts to care for the team. Even as a logic based machine, she cares and she is okay with that. (though it's entertaining to see her talk/argue with her factory reset version).

The hardest part to watch of the episode was watching the violence (and utter hate) inflicted by the male scientists toward Two. But watching her destroy them and freeing herself was so satisfying.

Note: I hadn't realized that the next ep was the season finale. The show's writing (and possibly it's direction/tone) has had a hard time building momentum and setting a pace to a proper build up toward a season finale. And it's frusrtating cause I like many of the shows general ideas and concepts they play in, but I fail to love the actual execution.

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@aherculeanheart Thanks for the synopsis review with every episode. I am about to pick up season 2 two years after i watched this first season. It helped a lot in remembering the story and characters.

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Great movie, lacked a bit of common sense here and there but it took it's time for setting up every story aspect nicely. This made it a bit predictable but it didn't bother me for a change.
Also: I deducted 1 point for the story being a too obvious Hunger Games concept copy.

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@thogek that's also true

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