

California, USA

Orphan Black: 5x05 Ease for Idle Millionaires

Damn. As if it wasn't enough, last season, to have to sit helplessly and watch Kendall Malone executed and obliterated in front of her, but now Cosima's stunned out her attempts to calm Yanis by the unexpected bullet slamming into Yanis's skull. She may never see the quiet intellectual experience of the laboratory quite the same way again.

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Orphan Black: 5x02 Clutch of Greed

Gaahhh! MK! Dammit. In some ways, she basically pulled a Beth: suddenly just couldn't take it any more, and found a train named Ferdinand to throw herself in front of. But still... Dammit. Would like to have seen more of and from her before she went and did something like that... Sigh.

Even so, I'm kinda hoping that, somewhere down the line, we'll find out that MK left some sort of surprise running on some computer server somewhere that'll suddenly spit out valuable information or crash some big neo network at just the right time... Ah, well. I can hope, at least.

And maybe we'll get lucky and Ferdinand will go the way of Aldous Leekie.

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The Blacklist: 4x17 Requiem

It is rather amazing how richly these few well-chosen flashback-brushstrokes of Kate/Kaplan's past fleshed out her history and motivations toward both Masha/Elizabeth and Raymond, as well as why she acted to help Liz behind Redd's back the way she did. A masterful filling-in and tying together of so much.

Honestly, after all this, it's become difficult to decide who should come out on top between Raymond and Kate (if either one truly must). Kate seems to be the only one who fully understands how Raymond's original mission of protection has evolved into an unshakable obsession of control to the point of itself repeatedly threatening the mission...

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The Blacklist: 4x16 Dembe Zuma

Redd just keeps unfolding new ways to mess up his own world, doesn't he?
(Knew that was coming back to him in some form; looks like it ain't gonna be a small one.)

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The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist

"With all due respect, Madame, where are you going with this?"
"Wherever I goddamn like!”

"Whoever the fuck you are, stand down and let her speak."

Yup. Gotta love Chrisjen Avasarala more and more all the time.

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Sense8: 2x11 You Want a War?

Why do I now kinda feel like the line "You want a war?" was a foreshadowing of the later shift in cancellation-disappointed Sense8 fans' attitudes toward Netflix...? :-(

Efforts like might have something to do with that, too. Sigh.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x07 Felling Tree with Roots

Wow. Something about being a Marvel TV character named Ward just really screws a guy up, doesn't it?

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The Leftovers: 3x07 The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother)

So much depth of portrayal, all to support and frame the core realizations of the episode which can be summed up with:
"We fucked up with Nora.
"Take this thing out of me." "Why?" So that we can never come back to this place again."

This seemed more like a final redemption and righting of Kevin himself than it did of the world-threat Dad believed was coming. (I suppose the implication afterwards is that there was no eventful significance to the seven-year anniversary after all.)

In that sense, this episode also bookends very nicely with the next...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x22 World's End

I like how Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. split its season into multiple sub-books this time -- "Ghost Rider" and "LMD" and "Agents of Hydra" -- across and at the end of which we see that the season's Big Bad Villain wasn't Eli Morrow and it wasn't Holden Radcliffe and it wasn't AIDA. It was the Darkhold.

Just because I can't help pondering pieces of the season's end...

Based on his description of this huge planet-spanning war and the nature of that portal he opened to return to it, I have to wonder if we'll see Robby Reyes and Stephen Strange crossing paths at some future point.

And... was that...
Phil Coulson, Agent of S.W.O.R.D.?
Phil Coulson, Enjoy to the Inhuman Royal Family?
Phil Coulson, Man on the Wall?
Whatever it is, it'll be Phil, so it'll be cool. So... back to work.

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The Leftovers: 3x06 Certified

The Laurie episode. Where she seems to connect as some semblance of the supporting, re-affirming positive-enabler she once was to just about everyone around her. Watching her accept and leave Nora there was hard. Watching her the entire time she was on that boat (after Nora's "elegant" concept) was harder. She seemed so happy just then, almost peaceful. I really do hope that Jill and Tommy's utterly lovable phone shenanigans were lifeline enough, but... leaving it right then... sigh.

The depth of wow just continues to amass, toward what promises to be the oddest of storms...

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The Leftovers: 3x05 It's a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World

Every season needs one Matt-centered episode. Filled with a dizzying mix of utter wackiness and seeming arbitrariness, but with that stubborn thread of persistent-if-evolving Purpose almost guiding him through to... somewhere...

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The Leftovers: 3x04 G'Day Melbourne

Wow. Maybe "toxic co-dependent" wasn't so far off... :-(

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x21 The Return

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2017-05-30T04:23:10Z— updated 2017-06-06T05:33:49Z

[after watching a short film depicting the newly supercharged I'm-a-real-girl-now Aida learning that Fitz still isn't that into her and having the mother of all meltdown tantrums turning her onto her new everyone-will-burn path]

And this, kids, is why we never allow inhuman children to go through the Terrigen Mist process before they have accumulated significant formative experience learning to deal with the ups and downs of life. Ever. Right, Agent May?

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Supergirl: 2x22 Nevertheless, She Persisted

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2017-05-28T04:48:41Z— updated 2017-06-06T05:38:54Z

Earth saved from the Daximite fleet by infusing the atmosphere with toxic-to-the-invaders Red Dust— er, I mean, lead particulates. Hmm. There's no way that those levels can be so quickly so high as to be so quickly fatal to Daximites and not have significant interesting effects on humans over time. We already have the term "lead poisoning" in our vocabulary for a reason.

Although I liked some aspects of the episode, some (including the savior-lead) just feel like careless sloppy writing. There's been a lot of strong potential peeking out all over this season, sometimes manifesting itself better than others. I just hope that the writing matures significantly next season, more thinking through of the connections and implications and verisimilitude of it all, and less careless contempt for the believability of fundamental plot components.

That, and more good excuses for crossovers with Earth-1. (Like Guardian getting some tactical lessons from Green Arrow. Or the Green Arrow suddenly finding himself in Earth-38's Gotham.) That'd be good, too. (Just sayin'.) ;-)

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Supergirl: 2x21 Resist

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2017-05-28T04:28:53Z— updated 2017-06-25T20:10:03Z

Oh, and, after Cat's rousing fight-back speech to the whole of National City, did anyone else feel flashes of last year's fight-back speech in Star City that led to the taking down of Damien Darhk?

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Supergirl: 2x21 Resist

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2017-05-28T04:23:19Z— updated 2017-06-06T05:39:49Z

There were definitely some weak plot-connectors in this one, arguably sloppily pasted together bits that felt like someone belatedly realized that the season is almost over and we're running out of time and we have to jam the President in there and this and that and...

The whole Air Force One sequence, the duh-what-did-you-think-was-going-to-happen shooting down of its escorts and then it. Sigh.

I appreciate that Kara wants to give Mon-El's mother a chance to surrender rather than die, but... This is Rhea. Stop seeing her as Mon-El's mother. She's not going to surrender or fight fair or do anything but Evil her Evillest Evil, more like a humanity-threatening disease than anything else, and reeaaally needs to be treated accordingly.

On the other hand...

Note to self: Whenever telling Alex Danvers to meet me outside, be sure to be very clear about what I mean by that. (And that parting shot... #like.)

And... "Do your thing, Artoo." Niiice.

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Arrow: 5x23 Lian Yu

I was surprised at how much I missed seeing an un-Mirakuku-maddened Slade Wilson. Our introduction to that concept ("it wore off years ago") was a decent explanation, but much too quick; I'd like to have see that slipped in somehow a few episodes ago, and then Oliver finally deciding to take a hopeful-if-desperate chance on believing in it now. But I can get past that. Seeing Deathstroke back in deadly action, with what must now be a terrible loyalty to doing absolutely everything he can to make life up to OIiver (and probably to Thea, too)... I hope he doesn't just quietly disappear next season. We can't just open that door and immediately forget about it like that...

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Arrow: 5x22 Missing

"Uh, anyway, listen, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go find Rene and remove his head from his ass." —Quentin Lance

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Sense8: 2x11 You Want a War?

Yes, Joong-Ki, your sister is a Terminator. And she will. Not. Stop. Until you are Cluster-fucked.

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Sense8: 2x06 Isolated Above, Connected Below

At this point, is anyone else apprehensive about Nomi and Amanita basically just going home as though nothing has happened? Even assuming that this "e-death" trick erased all concerns with police and hospitals and such, it's not like BPO will suddenly forget who and where Nomi is...

(As I pace out the brain-exploding effects of catching up on Season Two...)

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Gotham: 3x16 Heroes Rise: These Delicate and Dark Obsessions

It would seem that one calls Oswald a "freak" very much at one's own risk.

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Gotham: 3x15 Heroes Rise: How the Riddler Got His Name

Anyone else see those snowy mountains outside the cell window at the end, and think of the long training time spent far away from Gotham that made Bruce Wayne into the person ready to become The Batman? Hmm... Too soon?

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MacGyver: 1x21 Cigar Cutter

This show can be so hit and miss. I actually found last episode ("Hole Puncher") pretty decent, a bit of an upswing, kinda fun. Then this one. Some good stuff overall, and the characters themselves are their usual fun, but... lots of sloppy plot-execution bits gluing the whole story together. And supposedly taking out one guard in his cell was enough for Murdoc to slip out of the entire Supermax prison?


Pondering whether to tune back in next season...

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Designated Survivor: 1x14 Commander-in-Chief

Shout by Thogek

Is it too much that I almost want Kirkman to designate Agent Hannah Watts's new office as "The Division"?

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Designated Survivor: 1x14 Commander-in-Chief

Now that President Tom Kirkman knows that the terrorist conspiracy wanted him in position as the Sole Survivor and new President, maybe he should hang out with Kurt Weller and compare notes. #SandstormDidIt

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The Magicians: 2x13 We Have Brought You Little Cakes

"Wanna put some pants on and help me save all of magic?"
Ah, Eliot, ever the wordsmith.

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The Magicians: 2x13 We Have Brought You Little Cakes

I was kinda wondering if we might sometime later see Persephone again. Julia's little sparks trick at the end makes me wonder that more.

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The Magicians: 2x11 The Rattening

Why do I feel that Sylvia is going to exemplify why the Poison Room is so carefully guarded?

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Arrow: 5x18 Disbanded

When Adrian strode away from Oliver's desk and said "you can keep the knife", did anyone else have the compulsion to yell at Oliver to get rid of that knife as completely and immediately as possible. Could be nothing, but given the depth and complexity of Adrian's plans, on even the smallest chance that that knife is somehow associated with evidence of some other crime that, if found in Oliver's possession...

I suppose it's something of a testament to the brutal effectiveness of Promethius's writing and execution that some us -- okay, maybe it's just me and the voices in my head -- can be made so paranoid by details seemingly so small.

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Arrow: 5x17 Kapiushon

We all thought we'd seen and understood so much about Oliver and his darkenss, but this episode delved deeper than ever into Oliver's dark relationship with his Капюшон. Something else, indeed. One hood, two shadows.

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