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Minneapolis, Minnesota

Star Trek: 3x20 The Way to Eden

Kirk is so the Man. That was some musical number.

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Star Trek: 3x19 Requiem for Methuselah

Star Trek does Forbidden Planet. Just waiting for an invisible monster to show up.

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Star Trek: 3x18 The Lights of Zetar

The camera operators and effects crew were really earning their paychecks in this episode.

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Bob's Burgers: 14x09 Fraud of the Dead: Zombie-docu-pocalypse

Why a zombie episode? It’s always a zombie episode. Interesting that they let you see the paint.

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Bob's Burgers: 14x08 Wharf, Me Worry?

Like it was lifted right off of Facebook.

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Star Trek: 3x17 That Which Survives

The visual effects are the best thing about this episode.

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Star Trek: 3x16 The Mark of Gideon

It seems that the Federation may be as bad as the Jedi Council at times.

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Star Trek: 3x15 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield

Hmmm, I think this may be a bit of a metaphor, but I’m divided on it.

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Star Trek: 3x14 Whom Gods Destroy

With Batgirl, this really feels more like an episode of Batman, Dutch angles and all.

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Star Trek: 3x13 Elaan of Troyius

Apparently I can recognize Dr Shrinker no matter how much makeup he has on.

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Star Trek: 3x12 The Empath

One of the episodes that definitely makes me think Star Trek was ahead of its time.

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Star Trek: 3x11 Wink of an Eye

Hmm, Compton seems a bit of a goer.

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Star Trek: 3x10 Plato's Stepchildren

Very reminiscent of the Twilight Zone episode. Was this before or after Nimoy’s music career?

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Bob's Burgers: 14x07 The (Raccoon) King and I

The episode kind of turned around by the end, but a proper Thanksgiving one would’ve been nice.

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Star Trek: 3x09 The Tholian Web

Was Shatner on vacation this week? It feels like a Doctor-lite episode.

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Star Trek: 3x08 For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky

This may be the slowest episode of TOS so far.

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Star Trek: 3x07 Day of the Dove

Once I looked up who was playing Kang, I could only hear Victor Fries.

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Star Trek: 3x06 Spectre of the Gun

Could’ve been worse, it could’ve been a giant marshmallow man.

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Star Trek: 3x05 Is There in Truth No Beauty?

Is that what was in the case all this time? Medusans in noir and neo-noir films for years without knowing it.

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Star Trek: 3x04 And the Children Shall Lead

Sure, we don’t know what happened on the planet, but it’ll be okay to bring a bunch of kids on board the enterprise. No problem there.

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Star Trek: 3x03 The Paradise Syndrome

If they were planted there, does that mean aliens visited earth before the federation existed and transported people and plants to this planet?

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Star Trek: 3x02 The Enterprise Incident

Why should Kirk always have all the fun?

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Star Trek: 3x01 Spock's Brain

The story isn’t bad, but the script makes me understand why this episode gets the grief it does. I wonder if the novelization is better.

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Moonlighting: 1x01 Pilot

Allyce Beasley looks like she was designed by Aardman Studios.

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Star Trek: 2x25 Bread and Circuses

After all the other historical eras, Rome was just a matter of time.

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Star Trek: 2x24 The Ultimate Computer

How shocking that the computer went out of control and took over everything.

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Star Trek: 2x23 The Omega Glory

He kind of looks a bit like a Ferengi, doesn’t he?

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Boston Legal: 1x01 Head Cases

Never knew that this was mostly a comedy although I should’ve guessed. Makes me wonder what TJ Hooker is like.

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Star Trek: 2x22 By Any Other Name

That was such an unlikely blunder for Kirk, it’s really throwing my feelings for this episode.

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Kidd Video: 1x02 The Master Zapper

I used to work at Musicland. It was very different than this.

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