

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Angel: 1x02 Lonely Heart

I really forgot how tropey this is, right down to the love/hate relationship with the local constabulary.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 4x02 Living Conditions

Never move in with your best friend, Buffy. I think I just watched this plot on Star Trek.

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Angel: 1x01 City of

First time rewatching this in probably twenty years, and while it freaks a bit, I remembered quite a bit of it, especially all the Cordy scenes. She makes a great Effie to Angel’s Sam Spade.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 4x01 The Freshman

I forgot that Riley and Maggie were introduced so soon. I know that we’ve seen self-doubting Buddy before, but getting her butt kicked by Sunday because of it, seemed a bit forced.

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Ted Lasso: 3x12 So Long, Farewell

Leave when you’re on top, and leave big smiles on your way out. Who’s going to be in the spin-off?

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Ted Lasso: 3x11 Mom City

Two episodes with showtunes in the closing credits? Loving it!!!

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Ted Lasso: 3x10 International Break

Felt a bit like a filler episode, but the magic of Ted Lasso is that even those episodes feel good.

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Willow: 1x04 The Whispers of Nockmaar

Aw, i was really liking Flash this time. He’s gonna end up being the traitor of the group, I just know it.

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Benson: 1x01 Change (Pilot)

The change in feel from the ridiculousness of Soap to the more traditional setting of Benson is more jarring than I remembered.

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Willow: 1x03 The Battle of the Slaughtered Lamb

If he can heal you so you don’t die, it’s not wasting magic.

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Willow: 1x02 The High Aldwin

Lots of flashbacks and it feels like a lot of mirroring of the movie.

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Willow: 1x01 The Gales

How many people are catching up on this this week since it’s being pulled? Standard fantasy fare with some pretty people (the prince who is definitely channeling Madmartigan with his sword flourishes), but a marked lack of Warwick Davis in the first episode.

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x10 Track 10: We Will Rock You

We finally get our muppet cameos and it does make sense that it’s who it is. And I’m glad we didn’t get a smoochy ending. Keep it chill, Phil.

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The Mandalorian: 3x03 Chapter 19: The Convert

Backdoor pilot? But for what? Seriously, when they do this it feels like the writers are suffering from ADHD.

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The Mandalorian: 3x02 Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore

Some really creepy character designs in the cavern.

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The Mandalorian: 3x01 Chapter 17: The Apostate

Leaning heavily into the Kaiju from the beginning with added cute gnomes. Can we really blame Grogu?

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x09 Track 9: Drift Away

One does wonder sometimes what Moog sees in Nora.

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x08 Track 8: Virtual Insanity

The Mayhem are supposed to be old, not just thawed out from hibernation. Maybe it’s the Muppet Multiverse.

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x07 Track 7: Eight Days a Week

With that many human guest cameos I’d think they’d have a least one muppet cameo by now. Not even Rowlf?

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x06 Track 6: Fortunate Son

I suppose it was inevitable that we’d get an origin story, but how about the rest of the band? No way they just held auditions.

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x05 Track 5: Break on Through

Hmm, muppets on drug trips just aren’t as funny. When your entire life is like a trip, adding another layer doesn’t work as well as you’d expect.

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x04 Track 4: The Times They Are A-Changin'

Too much human person conflict in this one. The ratio of Muppet to human screen time wasn’t great.

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x03 Track 3: Exile on Main Street

I don’t know who Zedd or Sofia Carson are, but I don’t like it as stunt casting. Weird that they’re ending each episode with a cliffhanger, when the whole series dropped at once.

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The Muppets Mayhem: 1x02 Track 2: True Colors

Still making me smile with their cover songs, but I want the Muppets to get a little more crazy as this keeps going. The live cast isn’t winning me over yet, but we’ll see.

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Silver Spoons: 1x01 Pilot

Later than I thought, considering the connection with Diff’rent Strokes, and I really question whether a military school would allow either Ricky or Derek’s haircuts. Is this one of the rare cases where a character becomes less of a stereotype as the show goes on? Edward is so obnoxious at the beginning, it’s hard to imagine Edward wanting to live with him. Too bad Picardo is just a guest star.

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Diff'rent Strokes: 1x01 Movin' In

Gary Coleman comes out of the gate swinging, and it’s a toss up as to whom gets the best lines, him or Charlotte Rae.

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The Facts of Life: 1x01 Rough Housing

Wow, Blair certainly comes out of the gate as obnoxious. Gender roles have come a long way. I can start to see why they focused on just a few cast members after the first season.

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The Conners: 5x22 The Grad Finale

Hadn’t cried like that watching a television episode since the last time the Conners made me cry. Good job, all of you.

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The Goldbergs: 10x22 Bev to the Future

Oh sure, Adam is unfair, but everything Bev has done his entire life is all right.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x16 Plan 99 (2)

Not sure I love where they left things and I do hope Cid gets a redemption arc.

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