

New York, NY

13 Reasons Why: 4x10 Graduation

Probably the best episode of the entire season. It was often a frustrating ride, but this was a fitting end to the show (except you killed the character I was rooting for the most). Bittersweet and hopeful. I just wish there was a little more Hannah.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x06 Thursday

Is it just me, or is Clay’s narration meaningless to anyone else at this point? It has offered zero insight and sometimes it takes a moment before I even realize that I haven’t been listening to it.

Also, I can’t stand Winston and his endless glares. We get it, you’re mysterious and foreboding. But Alex deserves better — and found better. :wink:

I’ve complained a lot about this season, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hella curious at to where this is all leading.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x05 House Party

What does Tony boxing have to do with ANYTHING? So random and irrelevant.

Justin needs to peace out and move far away from everyone. Literally the worst friends to have while trying to get sober.

Lastly, Clay is the winner of the POS gold medal in this episode. Hannah would be like “:pound_symbol:%&! this guy.”

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13 Reasons Why: 4x02 College Tour

Jessica is a selfish POS for the way she’s approaching Justin’s sobriety. It’s atrocious.

P.S. If that’s Justin in the casket six months later, I’m gonna be PISSED.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x01 Winter Break

I was hoping for a season where Clay isn’t a moody baby the entire time. Not sure I’m getting one.

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Dark: 2x07 The White Devil

The detective character is the worst.

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Prison Break: 5x08 Progeny

I can barely get my Uber driver to pick me up on the right street corner, let alone give him coordinates.

The amount of disbelief you have to suspend for this show is outrageous.

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Outlander: 5x12 Never My Love

One of the most difficult hours of television I’ve ever had to sit through. To see Claire - a character so selfless, warm and strong - in such a shattered state was absolutely heart-wrenching . A powerful performance from Caitriona Balfe.

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Outlander: 5x10 Mercy Shall Follow Me

I adore this show, but something is missing this season. I can’t exactly put my finger on what it is.

The Bonnet conclusion felt anticlimactic. Maybe it’s because we didn’t spend much time on him this season? There’s a bunch of random episodes with very little plot progression. And then, all of a sudden, we get a Bonnet episode — and it’s the one where he dies. I dunno.

I’m just not AS invested as I have been during other seasons.

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Castle Rock: 2x10 Clean

A superb season. Lizzy Caplan was extraordinary.

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Castle Rock: 2x08 Dirty

Who woulda thunk you’d ever root for Annie Wilkes? Strange, but incredibly fun.

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Castle Rock: 2x07 The Word

Shout by Corey

I was ecstatic to see the connection to the first season. We were left with questions that I thought would never get answered, but it looks like they just might after all.

Great to see Bill underneath that hood.

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Castle Rock: 2x06 The Mother

I can imagine how some may either love it or hate it, but I think Lizzy Caplan has done a phenomenal job in this role. Undertaking a character originated by the incomparable Kathy Bates is NOT an easy feat.

If I close my eyes, it’s the same exact voice with the same exact cadence. And it’s beyond an impersonation. She really envelopes what a younger, unraveling Annie Wilkes would be.


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Castle Rock: 2x05 The Laughing Place

A standout episode. I love how this is giving us so much incredible backstory on such an iconic film character. It makes me so excited to see where this show ventures next season, and the season after, considering all of King’s iconic characters.

And kudos to all of the casting this season. Stellar.

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Castle Rock: 2x01 Let the River Run

Bravo, Lizzy Caplan, for channeling Annie Wilkes pretty damn perfectly.

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Preacher: 4x10 End of the World

What an epic disappointment. A forgettable finale for what will now ultimately be a forgettable show.

The best part about this show was how off-the-wall insane it can be. This LAST episode should have been the very best of that, but it was the complete opposite.

Saving the world has never felt so anticlimactic.

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Preacher: 4x06 The Lost Apostle

@LegendaryFang56, you read my mind. The three people who were hung made no sense to me either. I had no idea where they were and why that even happened. It felt like it should’ve been an impactful scene, but it wasn’t. Seems like there have been a few unexplained moments like that in this final season.

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Preacher: 4x05 Bleak City

It took five episodes, but it look like we’re finally getting started...

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Preacher: 4x04 Search and Rescue

Between Starr’s ear, the pilot’s sunburn, his chewed-off arm, and Cassidy ripping the skin off his hands... I’m gonna vomit.

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Preacher: 4x03 Deviant

That ear is VERY distracting.

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Mr. Robot: 4x13 Hello, Elliot

At first, the ending upset me. And then I realized it was perfect. Genius, even. Absolute closure.

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Mr. Robot: 4x11 eXit

I :asterisk_symbol:love:asterisk_symbol: parallel universe storylines. While I would never expect this from Mr. Robot, I’m totally here for it.

But where is this all leading?

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Mr. Robot: 4x06 406 Not Acceptable

Shout by Corey
BlockedParent2020-04-23T06:38:28Z— updated 2022-03-17T03:04:13Z

These past few episodes have done an amazing job with making me feel uneasy. Been a long time since a show’s done that.

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Mr. Robot: 4x03 403 Forbidden

Whoever cast young Whiterose needs a raise.

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Saturday Night Live: 45x16 SNL At Home: Tom Hanks

It wasn’t a particularly funny episode of SNL, but it certainly is a memorable one.

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Outlander: 5x08 Famous Last Words

Watching one man mope around miserable for an entire hour doesn’t make for riveting television. Make it two men and it’s just plain unbearable.

I adore this show, but this was one of my least favorite episodes.

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Schitt's Creek: 6x14 Happy Ending

Bravo, Schitt’s Creek. Bravo. You stole my heart and will truly be missed. Perfect ending.

Simply the best. xo

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Survivor: 40x08 This is Where the Battle Begins

He was just a little too arrogant. The right torch was extinguished.

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Schitt's Creek: 6x13 Start Spreading the News

I’m not ready. Not even a little.

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The Walking Dead: 10x12 Walk with Us

Shout by Corey

I’m a liiiiiiittle disappointed that Carol didn’t get to do the job herself... but that was a nice little twist.

Now TWD has a big challenge on their hands. Alpha was a stellar villain — and now she’s gone. Where to go from here...

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