Atmos Black


Omicron Persei 8

Night Teeth

This would have been a decent movie back in the 80s.

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Best movie I’ve watched in years! It has all: Samurai swords, a beautiful setting, the coolest actors, Mark Wahlberg!, the guy from GoT, fun, a boss fight in a crashing plane.. Make this a series and let the next be directed by Guy Ritchie and it’s pure perfection! Did I mention the swords?? Hatori Hanzno baby! That should be enough for any movie! What a blast! (I now have to downgrade every other perfect 10 movie I’ve ever watched to an 8!)

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The Ice Road

I only got one question: WHY????
Why does Liam go down the Bruce Willis road and accepts roles in movies that are pure trash. This is so utterly senseless and I had to stop watching - something I usually don’t do.

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The Virtuoso

I just loved it! It felt like a Dexter episode or a chapter in Hitman. A movie to remember with a very special take on the hitman theme.

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The White Lotus

This is such a surprise and I could watch these freak characters all day. I truly believe that there are people out there who are EXACTLY like them. It’s so real that it’s scary!

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It tries to be Ms Wick. It tries to be action comedy. It tries to be a reasonable story. It’s neither.

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Wrath of Man

Guy Fucking Ritchie did it again! That’s my guy! Awesome storytelling and directing. The first revenge movie where got the feeling that you know every person who dies. It’s relatively easy to make a revenge movie, seldom it’s done right, but this one redefines the whole genre. I love everything Guy does and he never disappoints.

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Rogue Hostage

Why???? Why make a movie with a decent setup & John Malkovich and then build up a main character that is not even able to win a fight against the janitor without the help of a 8y old child? Holy F:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: S:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:! This guy is the biggest joke ever... Speaking about jokes: in the end I couldn't stop laughing about the whole thing. People being shot in the head and in the heart who just carry on like nothing happened... Oh boy, this is soooo bad. Maybe John should read the script next time he accepts some million for a few minutes of acting. Did I mention how bad the main character is? I can't believe it.... Horrible... This chicken... Wahaha...seriously... It sucks!

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The Blacklist: 8x21 Nachalo

I jokingly said to my wife: "Red is Liz's mother" before they... Haha.... ähm...Not really? WTAF! This is embarrassing beyond any reason. If they really do this, I want my lifetime back that I invested in this BS! Horrible....

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This is the worst show ever produced. The actors are an embarrassment - all of them. I have no words for how bad this is - nobody of these so called "actors" should ever get another job. What a shame...

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Professor T

This was the best Sherlock show since years. Awesome! Only the British version makes sense with this character!!

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The Blacklist: 8x19 Balthazar "Bino" Baker

I'm looking forward to the spin-off "Blacklist: Convoy". Each episode will feature another failed prisoner transport. Oh. we got that already... They think it will never get old, but it does. Actually it's annoying AF!!

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A masterpiece for fans of John Wick or Taken. This is exactly what I'm looking for in an enjoyable action movie. There isn't as much at stake (like a dog), but choreography is beautiful and Bob is awesome (which we all know, but was a surprise in an action role).
A perfect 10!

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Come and Find Me

One of the few movies that manage to be tense and also deep. I love the emotions it left me with. It's also exceptionally well made. The review parts are nicely woven into the story - you experience it in both ways - past and present. One of the best love stories I've watched in the past years. Very unique and satisfactory.

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The Nest

I was glued to the screen, but only because I didn't notice that I fell asleep after 15 minutes. I woke up refreshed when it was over. I'm thinking of replacing my sleeping pills with this movie. It's at least as effective in double blind placebo controlled studies! Well done!

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Bad actors. Horrible and unnecessary complicated story. I lost interest very quickly. It's like you start watching a new series at the last episode. You got zero connection to any character and it's not worth to invest your time trying to understand what's going on. Yeah, I get it - that's the point - reverse time and all this Memento BS. No thanks, it's not intelligent, it's just crap.

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Fantasy Island

The first half looked like a mashup of different horror movie themes, but then they lost their way and ended up in a mess of useless storylines in a shark trash movie. I first thought this could be a perfect 4, but I give it a 3 because I'm feeling generous today! (and some actors are real actors who just ended up in the wrong movie).... or no, a 2... I may be overthinking it... Damn, it's a 1... Sorry...

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The Gentlemen

What a freaking masterpiece! Guy Richie is the God of directors. After this movie I have to re-rate all previous 10s as 9s. Best movie in years!

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A great movie for Tarantino or Coen fans - slow but it got the right vibes. I only wished that Malkovich had a bigger role...

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You Should Have Left

Hands down the best (horror/thriller) movie I've watched this year. I love Kevin Bacon and I'm into everything he does, but this was a great story and exceptional acting (also by the kid).

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Kill Chain

It's an action movie that replaced the action with obnoxious dialogues and a completely useless story. Better watch a porn movie from the 80s when you want to see something that makes sense.

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I See You

I was so shocked. Absolute horror. Disgusting. Sick. Enough about the face of Helen Hunt and her face lift going seriously wrong like with Zellweger...
Now to the movie: It was confusing - in a bad way. A great story, but told in a unnecessary complicated and confusing way. In the end, the timing and the different storylines feel off several times. Much potential unfulfilled...

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When I watch a horror movie I want at least some psychological twist and background. Nothing but screaming and slashing without any depth to see here. Every Scream movie has more suspense and a deeper story.

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When you have seen the trailer, you have already seen the best of the movie. I rate it 2 stars because the trailer is actually quite good. The rest is shameful and pathetic. This may have been a blockbuster 40 years ago though.

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The King

Great acting and potential, but why didn't they even try to tell a story? I mean, nothing but one battle? There is more content in 5 minutes of an average Vikings episode than in this whole movie.

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Three Christs

I knew from the beginning that none of them was the real Jesus! Seriously, it was boring because they didn't manage to show the real psychology behind the delusion. Many left opportunities here and what's left is a mediocre story about a compassionate doctor and a friendship that made their illness bearable. Nothing worthwhile and no deeper message.

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The Hunt

That was a fun movie for the whole family!
Deadpool approved. Speaking of crazy bitches on a killing spree: I would have taken Judy Comer in the lead role, but hey, that would be too perfect....

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I haven't seen a thriller before with a less scary psychopath in the lead role. First I thought it was just boring, but in fact it's also stupid and makes no sense. Every cheap teen horror movie has more logic.

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Dangerous Lies

Here is what happened: the writers got so confused by their own story, that they left and got replaced by an apprentice (who actually was just the pizza guy), and he finished the script, leaving everyone so clueless that they called it a day and Netflix released the movie accidentally, because they forgot to delete the file in their trash bin. I'm pretty sure this explains everything!

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I didn't know that I'm watching John Wick 4!
John would be proud of you, Thor!

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