Stockholm, Pennsylvania

It´s not much of a thriller but a very well executed drama. And as such it´s slow paced but it fits the plot very well. A young woman trying to find who she is and where she belongs. All the time I was wondering how this movie would end - it did in the only way it could also I never saw it coming that way. But since she never really knew anything else in her life it was the logical conclusion I think Saorsie is becoming one of the great actresses of our time.

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Shout by FinFan

It´s interesting what kind of movies you watch when you want to follow the carreer of a certain actress/actor.

I´m not into the vampire theme at all, never have, but this is different. It might have been better had they avoided the term "Vampire" altogether. They could easily have come up with another concept. I like the idea of Eleanor not running around killing people but rather beeing the "Angel of Death" that comes to you when your time is up and deliveres you to the other side. Even the almost mandatory love story wasn´t too cheesy. The Movie itself is well produced but the pace is very slow especially at the beginning so you need to be patient for it to unfold. A little less running time might have helped but then again it propably was what the director intented.

Althought this was only a part of my Saoirse movie journey I´d say this is not the worst movie to watch.

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Starsky & Hutch: 3x21 Partners

So they did lame clip shows even back then.

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Through the Wormhole: 7x02 Is Privacy Dead?

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2016-09-08T19:58:21Z— updated 2016-09-16T07:35:49Z

It´s the same rubbish excuses why we need more surveilance and why we should embrace it. The truth is Government want it so it has better control, Corporation want it so to better manipulate consumers. That´s all there is to it. The so-called benefits are just sugarcoating.

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Starsky & Hutch: 2x11 Nightmare

That´s a hell of an episode for a 70s TV show.

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The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey

It´s a sweet but predictable story without any real highs or lows. Something to watch with the children.

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Personally I think Bay delivered one of his better movies here. After the latest Transformer crap I hadn´t hoped for much. But this is really good. I like the build-up and when the action starts it´s intense. Yet it´s not all out action, there are always slower parts mixed in. I didn´t expect that from Bay at all. Yes, he all but ignored the political side but that was to be expected and I won´t hold that against the movie. And if you complain about cliches watch "London has fallen" and talk to me again.

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Don´t know the first one so I can´t compare. The movie lives from it´s unique style and the performance of the cast. If anyone would have made this a normal movie with the same story it is likely nobody would have cared.

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Dark Shadows

I´m not a Burton fan by any means but I enjoyed this one. A dark comedy with a subtle sense of humor. Yes, the final 10 min or so are a bit of a letdown but the 100 before that are ok.

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Yes, very intriguing topic but the movie just went too slow to have my undivided attention over the full length.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2016-08-01T19:34:08Z— updated 2016-08-27T07:19:31Z

Takes a while to get in to but when the story unfolds it turns into an interesting movie.

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Blue Jasmine

I´ve had a tough decision to make with this movie. Up to now I´ve hadn´t finished a single Woody Allen movie and I´ve not even tried many. But I love Cate Blanchett. I made it through this one. Cate was awesome but I don´t want to even start another Woody Allen. Just not my thing.

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It´s the same as with the banks - they knew what was going on and they couldn´t care less. Because they made money and lot´s of it.

Great movie, very much worth watching wether you´re a fan or not.

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Notes on a Scandal

Shout by FinFan

A well executed drama with a slightly unsatisfying end. Yes, Shebas actions were moraly wrong but the true evil one, Barbara, gets of to easy. She should have at least experienced something negative.

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The Good German

The idea to film this movie in the style of the 1940s greatly attributes to the atmosphere. Would I have not watched it on a BluRay in HD it might have been even better. But it is probably also what made this movie a bust at box office. Which is a shame because the story is solid, it fits well around the things going on right after the war which makes it more accessible and more believable. Acting is great, too.
I always had kind of a love/hate relationship with Soderbergh movies - this is on the better side.

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Little Fish

It´s nothing new in terms of the story. A slow paced drama that beside great performances throughout the cast never really takes off.

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The Missing

Cate Blanchetts ability to convincingly perform every character she plays never seizes to amaze me.

But this movie in general is , again, much better than it´s rating. I really hope people are not put off by that because you might actually miss a good movie.

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Veronica Guerin

A relly good movie about a remarkable woman.

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This isn´t the kind of thriller you expect after reading the plot. Yes, it starts out as one but it turns more into a love story. And it´has a very unique style, if I actually had seen more films of him I´d say a typical Tykwer style. It´s filmed really well and both, Blanchett and Ribisi, are great. But it´probably isn´t for anybody who is just looking for a movie to kill some time.

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Charlotte Gray

Movie is OK. The story is lacking a, bit though. I thought it odd that she went over to France to find her love and after finding out what happened to him she soon falls in love with another one. That´s to convenient story writing.

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The Shipping News

A lot of older movies are really underrated. So is this one.

I don´t knew the book so I can´t make comparisons. But if you like movies that have a story, characters and a scenery that is part of the movie and not something done in a dark cubicle of some software company I can recommend this one.

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Adele: Live at Glastonbury

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2016-07-09T14:00:43Z— updated 2016-07-11T15:25:14Z

Another memorable performance from Adele.

I so enjoy watching her not only because of the great music but because of the emotions she displays on stage which are reflected towards the audience and shared together. It´s rare today to have someone so successfull staying so natural.

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The Man Who Cried

It´s not an awful movie but the story just hadn´t anything in it for me.

And from whatever angle you look at it - the love story, the drama of the refugee, the racism - it´s all only slighty touched on the surface.

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Paradise Road

It´s a great story. One that should have you on the edge of your seat feeling for the characters. And that is precisely what I felt was missing. The amazing cast has few oppertunities to really shine. Drama and intensity are low.

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Pushing Tin

Fair movie. Not funny enough for a grade A comedy and not dramatic enough to be taken serious. It´s a movie that comes and goes, it plays along. 20 min less might have helped the pace. I think the fact that Billy Bob and Angelina met on the set of this movie for the first time is more interesting then the movie itself.

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An Ideal Husband

This was a pleasant surprise, very entertaining. Great scenery and costumes.

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U2: Live at Glastonbury 2011

Being a U2 fan since the mid 80s I could never come to terms with the U2 of the 90s. So every concert for me is an up and down and this is no different. Althought the atmosphere during those songs performed live is contagious and you survive even these parts.

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In the Heart of the Sea

Another one of those movies where I´m not sure what this was all about and if or, for that matter, why I should recommend it.

I can only repeat what has been mentioned in other comments. It´s neither fish nor fowl, or whale for that matter. Anyway, I, too, had no affection for the characters, they were in general the bad guys here. I also do not think that the little bit of raising the finger at the end of the movie justifies all the wrong doing. If there was intend for a moral message it´s not getting through.

The plot promises an epic movie which this simply is not.

Technically I must add the CGI looked bad. I´m talking about the composite shots during the whale hunt. This looked like in the old days when they were acting in front of an actual piece of film beeing played on a screen. Very unnatural.

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Van Halen - Live: Right Here, Right Now

As mentioned at the beginning they combined footage from two shows to make this live video. Which is fine in theory but I wish they hadn´t used combined footage within the same song. It gives the (false) impression that the band is jumping all over the stage, Sammy Hagars clothes are changing from one cut to the other and so on. While this might sound petty since this is first about the music, it can be confusing at times and it lessens the viewing experience. You get compensated for that by the very good sound quality though.

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The War Lover

Rather typical early 60´s US movie set in wartime England 1943. In the context of the production time nothing special. But if you are a warbird fan you get some really good looks at the B17 bombers used in the movie. You actually get to see the belly landing of a B17 - no trick, the real thing.

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