


Battlestar Galactica

This was great when it started but it became more and more of a commercial until it was unbearable to watch.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 1
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 4
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 2
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 3
Space: 1999: Season 1
The Munsters

The Munsters - the other 60s TV horror family besides The Addams Family.

Althought I like both I must say I like The Munsters a little bit more. Fred Gwynne did an amazing job. Call be crazy but I think Herman Munster is one of the most lovable characters ever done. He´s like a 7 foot, 300 lbs child. The whole show is so enjoyable to watch. Another true classic.

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The Unit

had it´s moments.

First two seasons had too much Desperate Housewives for my taste. Thrid season started good than got hit by the writers strike which hurt it badly I think. Fourth season was the best and showed potential for a fith which didn`t come. Therefore I think the Finale left a lot open.

Alltogether not a waste of time watching it but not a show I would want to watch again at a later point.

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Babylon 5: Season 1

One of the best first seasons of any TV show I've ever seen.

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The Addams Family

The original, the one & only Addams Family.

Love Ted Cassidy.

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The Orville

This show might have started as a competitor to Star Trek at the time. But we are way past the question if this is the better Star Trek.

The Orville more than stands on its own. It's an amazing show.

Fact !

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Mighty Ships

Really good documentary series. Very interesting to see what jobs ships are used for all over the world.

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Veronica's Closet

Best show Kirstie has ever done (I don`t like Cheers). Unfortunately she never came close to that level again.

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Through the Wormhole

I love this show. Don't know if it is scientificly sound like someone mentioned but it gives me a lot to think and discuss about and that's made it worth watching.

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Quit watching after about 40 episodes because quite frankly I couldn't stand it any longer.

I love science fiction but this I could never really get into. It had some good episodes but they were almost always followed by a bunch of bad to mediocre ones. The budget couldn't have been much because it looked cheap on every corner - sfx, masks, props - the sound effects were almost comical at times. I could have stand all this if they had at least decent writing or some science in science fiction. They had neither. And some admittingly good looking girls in tight outfits are not enough.

If other people like - fine by me - but I was hugely dissapointed.

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Wonder Woman

When I started watching Wonder Woman I expected a cheesy, childish, stupid show with bad dialogue and funny sound effects.

I was surprised when I watched the first season which was much better than I anticipated. Some episodes had really good scripts, of course there was the usual goofiness that always comes along with superhero shows from this time. But all in all I found it really entertaining. Unfortunately that all went down the drain in the second season and it became exactly what I feared it to be in the first place. Budget was the reason they changed to whole show (google it, it´s interesting to know what happened). From this point on it was a typical good vs. evil spy show with the occasional mad scientist and alien plot. I had a hard time making it through the 22 eps of the 2nd season and I almost payed no attention while watching the third.

In the end it was a cheesy, childish, stupid show with bad dialogue and funny sound effects. The time just wasn´t right for superhero TV back than. Like usual they put a superhero in an otherwise mediocre TV show.

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seaQuest DSV
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

I found the Guardians movies among the best from Marvel but this animated version is terrible.

Maybe I'm putting to much into it with this being predominantly a kids show. But the characters don't have depth for prolongued stories. There is no developement whatsoever in them. They all have one trait that gets boring or in some cases, Quill especially, nerving.
I pretty much lost interest during the second season but continued for the sake of completion. And even that was tedious. The third season was then a complete nosedive and, quite frankly, dumb. As far as I've watched it because I regarded it as a waste of time to continue.

This wasn't for me.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nope, that´s it, I´m out. Made it to S03E10 but I can´t stand it any longer. I´m sick of all that twisting and dragging out a plot forever. This show is hitting the reset-repeat button again and again and again. There is rarely something new happening. Plus there really is no need in watching this for some clues into the movies. They are working fine by themselves and the show has it´s own plot anyway.

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Superman: The Animated Series

I like superheroes as much as the next guy and I've read my share of comics in my youth. I never got into Superman, though. Don't like him much. That whole invincible, Man of Steel stuff and the underlying patriotism just never clicked. And don't get me started about the romance.
Having said that this show was for the most part really good. Some really good writing and coherent stories. Seemed alltogether more suited for adults than children. Although you could do things different back then.

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Designated Survivor

This show contains a lot of what I do not like on TV today. But here it works and I really enjoy watching it.
If there is a fourth season, I hope there is no further terrorist threat. Light political entertainment that focuses on the characters is fine with me. We have too many shows with a terrorist background.

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I only started watching this recently. And now that I've reached the beginning of S5 I have already decided to pull out.

I loved the first two season, they were an easy 10 for me. The third was exceptable to watch but the forth killed the show for me. Stupid side-plots that lead nowhere were implemented just to fill the extended season. Characters were killed for no apparent reason and those killings, for the most part, did nothing for the plot - they were just gone. For me, this show lived through and from its characters. And those who are left don't interest me any more. From one episode to the next I was sying to myself "watch another, maybe it's getting better". Not happening. Still, not awful, it just doesn't interest me any longer. I've seen what I needed to see.

They promised the show would be better in S5 but I for one am not buying in any longer.

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Space: 1999: Season 2
Lucky Luke

I love those old animation shows. That´s the stuff I watched when I was little and I still watch it today.

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Justice League Action

So, this is a kids show and I'm not the target audience. I can accept that.

The episodes have about 10 minutes of content and you don't get much in the way of storytelling or character arcs. I can accept that, too. Because it's a kids show. And it's called Justice League "Action".

But why do those 2nd and 3rd tier superheroes have to be such complete douchebags ?

In any case, it's not without entertainment value for the majority of episodes. With this format you can throw in a couple of episodes here and there. And it has Kevin Conroy voice acting as Batman. That alone makes it worth watching for me.

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Batman Beyond

Batman is my favorite superhero and science fiction my favorite genre. If you put them together, it doesn't make either any better.
Apart from the occasional and expected silly parts, writing is actually really good most of the time. But a pseudo Iron Man type Batman is not my thing.

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Married... with Children: Season 7

I have no idea why they thought they needed another kid. That Seven was totally annoying and did nothing for the show. Plus that motherly behavior of Peg at the beginning of the season didn't work. I don't remember if they ever explained what happened when Al found the relatives and why he lied that he didn't found them. Luckily the kid was used very sparsely.

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