



Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2023-08-03T16:32:41Z— updated 2023-08-04T16:54:20Z

I actually liked it more when I watched it the first time. Making Blofeld Bond's stepbrother was a bad idea. So is throwing him into a hurried relationship with a girl he barely met. For which he wants to throw his old life away. Seems he has forgotten Vesper after all. And since there is another Bond, and probably more to come after that, it's hardly convincing anyway.

Overall it was still entertaining but I felt like they borrowed from almost every Bond movie. Evertyhing felt like it has been done before. From the stunts to the sets.

And a note on the techical side: maybe I configured my home cinema the wrong way but the score was much to present in this movie. A car chase isn't really exciting if you can't hear the engines over the music.

I rated it a seven but it really is more of a high six.

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Williams & Mansell: Red 5

Sadly, there are no drivers like Nigel in F1 any more.

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Quantum of Solace
The Road to Casino Royale

Thank God they didn't make the "Jinx" movie. This was one of the worst characters that came out of Bond.

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Casino Royale

I actually hadn't watched this until now. And, man was this a ride.

This is the type of origin story we were missing until now. The plot feels genuinely believable. It's a very personal story. No megalomaniac evil mind wanting to destroy or re-shape the world with his contraptions.
Casino Royale reboots the franchise with Daniel Craig as the new Bond. And you know from the first minute this will be very different. Now, I've never read any of the Bond novels so I can't say which one is the closest. This Bond is raw, unpolished, brutal. He doesn't seem to stop at anything to achieve his goals. He cuts corners everywhere which doesn't sit well with his superior, M, again marveously played by Judi Dench. But he also learnes his lessons along the way. And for me that makes him kind of the most realistic Bond.

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Die Another Day
The World Is Not Enough

It's a Bond movie with all its pros and cons. Brosnan is still fantastic. They little nuances he brings (like adjusting his tie underwater during the boat chase) are great.

Yes, there are parts that are repetitive that we've seen in one form or the other in other Bond films. Does that mean they're less exciting ? No ! I still enjoy those pre-green screen, pre-CGI in camera stunts. They are simply amazing.
The story ? Yes, been there, done that. Is the movie less entertaining ? Again, no ! I enjoyed this one, too.
Sophie Marceau and Denise Richards have to be one of the best one-two punches in Bond history. Top 3 easily. That counts for something as well, or not ?

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Tomorrow Never Dies

I haven't watched the back half of the Bond movies as much. Therefore I don't recall every minute detail. Which leads to kind of a first watch feeling .
Brosnan's second outing as Bond is absolutely in line with the first one and what I understand a Bond movie should be. I like the plot from the point that he who controls the news controls the world. It happens in todays world and probably has for a long time. Media is power. However, I find the character of Carver a bit to ridiculous even for a Bond movie. He's got no style at all. Could've been intentionally, I don't know, but he certainly isn't amongst my favorite Bond villains.
I absolutely love Dench's "M". She's as tough as they come and her whit and dry humor is spot on.

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The Olsen Gang Outta Sight

I can't resist to watch them when I find they're on TV.

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Licence to Kill

Starts out interesting with Bond going on a personal vendetta but it hits a wall the moment he meets the woman pilot. It becomes increasingly boring after that with bland and boring characters througout and that includes the women. The character of Sanchez seems to be written with Davi in mind but he is unfortunately as dull as the rest. The finale is explosive (literally) but it can't save the movie as a whole. Pretty generic and you could easily replace Bond with a Joe Smith. Giving "Q" a bit more to do than usual and a very young Benicio del Toro are some saving grace but that's ultimately not why I watch the movie.

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The Living Daylights

With "The Living Daylights" begins a new, albeit short, new chapter.
Personally, I've nothing against Dalton. Sure, he's a different kind of Bond. But that is true for every Bond actor. They all brought their own take on the role. But I have to say he's rather dry in his portrayal and he's missing, like they say, panache. The humorous Bond one-liners are not really hitting it home. Maryam D'Abo is not selling it for me. She's a rather atypical kind of Bond girl, the innocent type. And her acting his rather bland. And it felt like even the writers didn't know what to do with her as she really has no purpose.

The plot is more grounded, more realistic. No megalomaniac, evil genius with a devilish master plan. It would have been OK had the "villains" in this story not have been caricatures.
Now the stunts are in typical Bond fashion and are once more exciting to watch. Overall an OK to watch flic, but not really multiple times. A good "6"

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A View to a Kill

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2023-06-14T16:33:03Z— updated 2023-06-15T17:25:14Z

"Where would Russian technology be without Silicon Valley ?" :laughing:

Roger Moore's last outing as James Bond was once again immensly entertaining. Personally I don't get why people rate this movies so low. Are they silly ? Are they over the top ? Do they have at times ridicolous plots ? Of Course, that's what Bond movies are. They are not realistic spy thrillers. Maybe the books are, but the movie's aren't.

I actually thought the evil plan in this one was really inventive. Christopher Walken did a really good job and Tanya Roberts looks stunning. Yes, you could see that Moore's gotten too old and, especially on Blu Ray, it's easy to see he's doubled almost everywhere. He still looked better then Connery in "Never Say Never Again". But it was time for him to depart.

I liked the Moore era very much. Like I said he was the first Bond I saw. I don't think I've watched any of the other Bonds as much as him. Which has the upside that I can now enter the next Bond era without remembering too much from those.

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Never Say Never Again

After her character met an early demise in "the Man with the Golden Gun" Maud Adams returns to the Bond franchise as the titular Octopussy. She's an incrdible beautiful woman and the chemistry with Roger Moore is absolutely there. Kabir Bedi, of Sandokhan fame, plays the henchman of Kamal Khan and also leaves his mark on the movie.

Some of the stunts are again absolutely crazy if you keep in mind the really did it in camera.

I always felt the later Roger Moore Bonds were really entertaining. And this was the first on I actually saw in cinema plus it was filmed partly in my home country.

So, that's high marks from me once Moore. :wink:

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For Your Eyes Only

Like I've said, with Bond movies it's not about the story. That's pretty much always the same. It's about the action/stunts and the women (sorry but that's how it was).
The stunts are again amazing and there are lots of it. You really appreciate them even more if you watch the Making-offs. The helicopter stunt at the beginning was great. Althought it felt shoehorned in storywise. As if they desoerately wanted to close the chapter Blofeld once and for all. One big problem with the Bond movies was always the timeline, or the lack of one. But as mentioned, not important really.
I love the car chase. There are car chases in many (all ?) Bond movies and they can be repetitive. But do one in a 2CV at it adds an entertaining extra.
Concerning the Bond Women I have to admit that Carole Bouquet was one of the most stunning for me.
And as an added extra "For Your Eyes Only" was my favorite Bond song until Adele's "Skyfall".
So, yeah, I liked this one a lot.

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The Spy Who Loved Me

One of my personal favorites and the best of the Roger Moore Bond movies so far.

Bears some similarities to YOLT. Here it's a tanker swallowing subs and the finale inside the tanker is similar. But it works, looks great. I actually like the story of a villain (played by the great Curd Jurgens) not looking for money. He's not completely wrong in his assesment of humans, you know. Also the first time we see the unforgetable Richard Kiel as Jaws.

I like that we get kind of the Russian counterpart of 007, female, of course. Had an interesting setup with Bond killing Anya's lover on a mission before. Not that it mattered concerning the eventual outcome between the two of them. But it was something new. Interestingly it was the first time they mentioned Bond's marriage here.

The parachute stunt was another highlight of movie history and the Bond movies. They always try to top themselves it seems. I also like the Bond car, I remember having it as a toy way back and I actually took in with me in the tub. :laughing:

Like I said, one of my personal favs.

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Double-O Stunts

The stunts they did on those movie are nothing short of amazing. Even more so as they are practical stunts and not CGI.

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The Man with the Golden Gun

Well in line for what a Bond movie ought to be.

A cool villain plaed by the amazing Christopher Lee who can't really diplay all his acting skills but for me ranks second behind Froebe's Goldfinger so far.

Two (!) swedish Bond girls. Althought they killed off the wrong one once again.

Great action scenes. Granted, the boat chase feels a bit repetitive especially with Sheriff Pepper appearing again. But we get one of the best car stunts in movie history and a Fantomas inspired escape that might actually work.

Cool sets and locations. I espcially like the QE wreck.

The story itself certainly isn't worse than many other Bond movies and is once more on the side of believability.

Quite entertaining alltogether.

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Live and Let Die

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2023-06-04T16:02:26Z— updated 2023-06-13T21:05:34Z

"Live and Let Die" welcomes Roger Moore as James Bond and takes the franchise into the 1970s. Truth be told, and you may not agree, I like Moore better. Now, that's mainly because he was the Bond of my generation, he was also the first Bond I knew. And you never forget your first, don't you ? Compared to Connery I also find him less arrogant. Now, please note I said I like him more not I think he was better. In the end every era had its own Bond up to Daniel Craig.

The script seems to be rather thin as there isn't so much happening but there is a lot of entertaining action. And the adorable Jane Seymour. Katanga is not the best Bond villian and his plan is litreally not the end of the world. But all things considered the movie is a solid action flick for Bond fans and casual watchers alike.

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Diamonds Are Forever
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales

"The Wookie's Paw" is cool but the rest not so much. Just another generic Disney story with a kid being the focus. Still decent enough for watching once. It looks great, I give them that.

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You Only Live Twice

It has all the ingredients of a Bond movie, the good and the bad. Although one has to take into account that this is an old movie from a different time.
I like the space scenes and they already had a re-usable spacecraft. That's futuristic at that point. They take a very long time to show Japan and part of the culture. I like it when the location becomes almost a character. Tropical islands all look alike. And the sets are once more absolutely great. The finale was explosive to say the least.
My one big beef with the story: why did they kill Karin Dor ? She was much more interesting than the Japanese girl.

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Better than I remembered but runs a bit too long. The underwater scenes are really good. Still, not the best Bond or one of my favorites for that matter

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The Great Muppet Caper

Love it, love it, love it !!! You can't go wrong with a classic Muppet movie.

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Is this one of the best Bond movies ? I'd say so.

For starters you get a great villain that is out in the open all the time, not some mysterious evil mastermind, with one of the best replies I've heard. "No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die." Brilliant.
You have one of the most memorable and recognizable scenes in all of movie history - the golden girl. A banger of a title song sung by Shirley Bassey that sets the tone for the movie. And last but not least one of the most outrageous character names ever: Pussy Galore. Come on, you'd get grilled for that one today. And as much as I liked the first two for being more realistic, Bond needs it's gadgets. And, of course, the car.

Oh, and the story isn't bad either.

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From Russia with Love

Better than Dr. No. While maintaining the good stuff the story is much better and the whole movie flows better. Istanbul is a great location as it really has a character and is unmistakable whereas Jamaica looks like many islands.
First appearance of "Q" and, of course, Blofeld who has become the prototype of the evil genius.

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