Omicron Persei 8

Mission: Impossible III


A very fast paced action thriller about an international criminal trying to sell a weapon of mass destruction to an eastern buyer. Ethan Hunt has to prevent that but everything gets out of control when Hunt's wife is taken hostage because Hunt's Boss turns traitor.

Very entertaining and so much better than the 2nd M:I flick!

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One of the best animated movies I've every seen. Funny, silly and one just can't stop laughing.

IMHO Shrek is still much better than a lot of animated movies that feature better graphics, were released later and just suck...

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The Bourne Supremacy

On par if not even a little better than "Bourne Identity".

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Pan's Labyrinth

Very strange fantasy / drama: a young girl, Ofelia, is the long lost princess from the "outerworld". Through "Pan's Labyrinth" she gets to know a Pan and has to pass 3 tests to "return" to her father and her homeworld.

All this takes place at a remote military base where her stepfather rules with an iron hand to destroy the rebels.

I didn't like the movie because the clues about the fairy-world of Ofelia are inconclusive and I don't understand why everything has to take place in a post world-war 2 scenario in Spain.

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Iron Man

A Marvel adaption that I didn't like very much... Batman Begins, X-Men or Superman Returns are much better comic adaptations IMHO!

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Surprisingly good but also very bloody and gory! The plot has some depth and topicality (at least on its release date in 2008, because all takes place in Burma) and is fast paced. The hundreds of killings are very brutal but they achieve that one really despises the inhuman military regime of Burma.

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Aliens vs Predator: Requiem


Absolute bullshit in my opinion! Did the involved persons even watch the original Alien and Predator movies? I mean, come on, how the fuck should a single Predator, even if it is a Cleanser, stand against dozens of Aliens? And the Alien-Predator-Hybrid is as uninspired as it can be, most of the time you cannot even distinguish it from normal Aliens. On top of that they put implausible characters and laughable dialogs into the mix, while all the thrill, mystery and horror of the original Predator and Alien movies is missing. Because of all that, I strongly suggest to skip this sh.. and spend your time doing something else (e.g. watching the first 3 Alien movies, Predator, Predators or even the first AVP). Almost anything is better the watching Aliens vs. Predator 2 (a.k.a Aliens VS Predator requiem)!

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Alien Resurrection

The last chapter in the "Alien" saga is also the weakest movie of the quadrology! It has an even more unrealistic story than Aliens (Alien 2).

Additionally to this shortcoming it's too much action & too few horror elements. And most annoyingly Jean-Pierre Jeunet added (or at least tried to add) some humour and comical phrases which are absolutly missplaced. The best thing about the movie are gorgeous aliens in it!

All in all it was an absolutely unnecessary extension to an excellent trilogy.

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Not as claustrophobic as "Alien" and the rescue of "Newt" is especially unbelievable. But the first 2/3 of the film are great anyway!

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Bleak and intriguing, fantastic alien design and some nice shots of the foreign planet(s) and spaceship! For me, as opposed to a lot of other people, Alien is the much better movie than its sequel Aliens because it has more horror elements, a more claustrophobic feeling to it and less overdrawn action sequences.

I would give Alien a 8.5 / 10 but that's not possible here and a 9 / 10 would be too much because by today's standards the space crafts' interiors and some other aspect just look silly and very outdated.

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The Adventures of Tintin

My first 3D-Movie watched at home and not in a Theater was Tintin. It was as is the current 3D-consumer-hardware: nice but nothing special and certainly not a must-have!

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About Schmidt

A very depressing movie about a man who's life which was centered around his work and collapses when he has to retire. That the film is as believable as it is, is owned mainly to Nicholson's outstanding performance.

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The A-Team

Entertaining movie in the style of the TV series. The only really weak part are the SFX at the docks in L.A. (when to ship is sinking / exploding). The plot is decent and fast-pacing, the casting OK.

If you liked the TV series, you will also like this movie I think!

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A View to a Kill

An interesting plot and one of the most beautiful Bond Girls make this one of the best Bond flicks for me.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street

One of the best old-school horror movies out there. In league with "Helloween" or "Evil Dead". Only the ending is done a little cheaply, meaning that the special effects are very obvious and can be spotted easily as such.

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A Man Apart

A rather brutal and not very inventive action flick (known as Extreme Rage in Europe).

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A Dirty Shame

Absolute bullshit, which builds on the premises that sex sells! Its neither funny, nor thrilling or interesting, I can only recommend keeping away from this "movie".

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A Clockwork Orange

VERY (!) sick film about a bunch of young man who are so bored and spoiled by society that they do nothing else but beat up homeless guys, rape strangers and drink themselves into unconsciousness.

Kubrick's criticism of society and the system is not bad and certainly keeps you think. However, I never got access to the movie because it all is too strange and too overdrawn (which is probably exactly the intention of the directory) for me.

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A Civil Action

It is neither the advertised thriller (because for that, it would need to thrill, which it absolutely does not) nor a good movie (because that would need an interesting story and good acting, which is not the case, especially not in the case of Travolta). To me, two hours about a lawyer's transformation from cash-hungry macho to totally broke Average-Joe are just boring!

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A very brutal subject is told in a rather brutal way: a hooker is being murdered to film a so called "snuff film" for the insanely rich Mr. Christian. PI Welles' is hired by Mrs. Christan after the dead of her husband to find out if the "snuff film" is real. I would have liked it if Joel Schumacher had made the film less brutal and more thrilling. But its still a good movie and one is bound to think about the abyss of the human nature.

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7 Seconds

All in all a mediocre action flick although it has some nice moments & plot-twists.

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The 6th Day

I do not know what to say about this flick: Arnie's acting is weak, the plot has some nice twists but over all lacks depth and fast-pacing action. I cannot recommend this movie!

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50 First Dates

Mediocre comedy movie that is not very funny (as so often is the case with comedies featuring Adam Sandler).

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The 40 Year Old Virgin

Quite funny, although in my opinion not one of the best comedies ever made, as a lot of people claim!

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The... very... inspiring story of king Leonidas and his 300 fellow Spartans who opposed the Persian God-King Xerxes' and his army at the Hot Gates. 300 illustrates why one has to fight for what one believes in, for what one values to most, for what one loves!

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28 Days Later


I was very disappointed by this highly acclaimed horror thriller: the first part was OK, but not really scary. In the 2nd part, after Jim, Selena and Hannah find the military camp, everything that happens is kind of stupid. Additionally I didn't like the ending very much...

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Boring! Don't waste your time on this flick. The only good thing in this movie are the special effects but those make the movie not worth watching.

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16 Blocks

Solid action title with a cool Bruce Willis.

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The Expendables 3