Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek Beyond

Well, not bad and it certainly is entertaining. But on the other hand it is also not a must see and IHMO a step down from the two previous Star Trek movies directed by J.J. Abrams.

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Star Trek Into Darkness

One of if not the best Star Trek movie I know!

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I was very disappointed with Epic after the first half. It is very childish and has almost no appeal to adults IMHO. The second half is a little better and more interesting but I still cannot in good conscience recommend this movie to adults.
If you look for an animated movie to watch with little kids then perhaps Epic could be considered, but even then I would opt for something else like Ice Age, Mosters Inc. or Shrek.

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Mom: Season 3

The best season so far IMHO. I cannot put my finger down why that is exactly and it isn't something dramatic because the show stays true to itself. But season 3 just has this well-balanced feeling to it.
I'm therefore very happy that there is going to be a 4th season!

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Mom: Season 2

Still not the best sitcom Chuck Lorre produced, but decent to good and definitively going to watch season 3!

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Battlestar Galactica: The Plan

One of if not the best episode of Battlestar Galactica (and yeah, yeah, I know, its not really an episode but more of a movie). Still, its great!

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Lethal Weapon 4

Well, its OK, but I think the addition of Cole and Butter as main characters (or at least of more than solely support actors) seems unnecessary to me! Getz is annoying enough, there is no need for another two of them...
But over all its 2 hours of fun and entertainment, thats it. Unfortunately there isn't much that would compel you to watch LW4 again and again.

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The Place Beyond the Pines

Surprisingly good! Really enjoyed it and its one of the few movies I know that really profits from its over-long runtime without having a feeling about it that it is dragged out unnecessarily.
What this movie showed and reminded me is the fact that an intact family is of utmost importance for the growing up of a child, for his/her development. Its not that important whether or not the parents are rich, but if they fail to provide a healthy invironment, chances are good that the child is going to suffer horribly from it!

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Lethal Weapon 3

Funny and entertaining action movie for which you do not need to use your brain. Its a nice addition to the franchise, however there is not much to compel you to watch it a second or a third time because there is nothing outstanding about it.
Don't get me wrong, if you want to have 2 hours of fun and have a laugh or two, you cannot go wrong with Leathal Weapon 3, but there is just that special something missing that would make this a great movie, you know?!

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The Thing

Not bad but definitely not as good as John Carpenter's 80ies horror classic of the same name. Its more of a action sci/fi movie with some scary moments than a proper horror flick. The SFX and acting is mostly good and the story's pace quite nice. However I never fully emerged into the flick, it just didn't grip me as Carpenter's did!

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Freddy vs. Jason

While not a bad horror movie per se, it certainly isn't a great one, either! While it is not as bad as one would think, it certainly has its fair share of cheesy lines, lousy acting and some of the special effects are not that good (but again, it could have been way worse!).

The thing I did like the least about the movie was its predictability and that it was not scary at all! It is more of an action and slasher movie than a horror flick which is a shame IMHO. I do not regret having watched it, but I most certainly won't watch it a second time! If you want some Freddy Kruger I can only suggest to watch the original and regarding Jason... well... I think I'm never going to like the series: I didn't like the first (which according to fans is the best) and the second Jason movie and Freddy VS Jason has not helped, either!

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Silicon Valley: Season 2

The second season is a great one, too! The only thing I didn't like about it is that it's only 10 episodes short!!! But better 10 hilarious episodes of Silicon Valley than 24 or so of mediocrity... And now lets get on with Season 3!

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Silicon Valley: Season 1

Found this series more or less by coincidence and ordered the BluRay on a hunch. I'm very pleased with myself for doing that (-:
Because Silicon Valley is really good, way better than IT crowed to which it is compared often IMHO. Another great example for the fact that sitcoms / comedy series do not need a laughter track (yes, I am talking to you Chuck Lorre ;-)).

Hope the guys keep up the good work in Season 2 and 3!

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Five Fingers

Not bad, but not great either. And I definitivly aint going to watch it again because if you know the ending you don't need to watch it a second time...

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The Shining

Besides Jack Nicholson not starring in this version of Stephen King's book's adaption, this version is superior to Stanley Cubrick's one IMHO: it is scarier, it keeps closer to the book (which is a good thing) and it does not have an aweful cast (with the exception of Jack Nicholson missing, did I metion that already? ;-))!

However, there are certain things I did not like about it: the special effects of the animated topiary animals are just laughable! Why do them at all if they look that crappy? Some of the dialogues are laughable, too, espcially towards the ending. And it somehow just takes to long without build up much suspense. The ending is somewhat anti-climatic IMHO and I do not get whe King (who wrote the screen play) opted for that?!

All in all I would say it is a mediocre movie that has some really good moments in the middle part. Probably never going to watch it again and would recommend to read the book over watching this movie. However, if you have to watch a Shining movies I would recommend you to pick this one instead of Cubrick's!

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Don't Say a Word

Had the DVD on the shelve for a long time because I somehow thought I had already watched it. When I finally put it in my player, I was in for a pleasant surprise: not only did I not know the story, but I really enjoyed the movie. The beginning and the middle part I found intriguing and very good. Only the ending was a little predictable because when doctor Conrad and his daughter Jesdie as well as his patiant Elisabethe are on the island in the end, he has absolutely no means to escape or defend himself and the girls, but it is always clear that they survive, meaning in turn that they have to be saved by the police . But overall I was very glad that I watched it and cannot quite understand the low rating here on Trakt. But I guess tastes are diverse...

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Well, I can't say that I did get all the details of the plot and I think that is not entirly my fault but also the directors for switching between the different storylines all too often without apperent reason. This almost constant switching doesn't make the movie more intriguing but left me as the viewer a little confused from time to time...
Additionally the movie doesn't feature the right mix of action, drama, comedy and/or intrigues and because there are nearly no plot twists I just never was pulled in.

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Had this DVD on the shelve for a long time and never got to watching it. This is a shame because I quite liked it. The beginning is superb and very intruiging while the middle is great. Only towards the end the movie looses some of its ingenuousness, but because the pace of the plot is kept high, it never gets boring or bad!
Can recommend this flick to all action fans.

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No Country for Old Men

BlockedParent2016-08-31T12:05:48Z— updated 2016-09-11T07:45:43Z

This is some crazy shit! While the reto look and the cast are both quiet good, the plot is mediocre and at no time was I sucked into the story. Wouldn't watch it again.

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Jurassic World

BlockedParent2016-08-22T17:07:35Z— updated 2016-09-11T07:46:49Z

Yeah, well... I do not know what to say about Jurassic World. I heard some good things about it from different sources and decided to give it a try, even though the previous installment of the series weren't that great. But after two hours I cannot recommend it wholeheartedly. It's not a bad movie but it's also not a good one... There are no fresh ideas, no outstanding actors, a mediocre plot and this leaves us with a off-the-rack action blockbuster that does not really shine in any aspect.

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Mom: Season 1

Not Chuck Lorre's best sitcom but funny none the less. I hope this sitcom gets better with the coming season, at least season 2 I am going to give a try.

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Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

I really enjoyed this even though it is a little predictable from time to time and of course it offers only pop-corn cinema! But hey, what do you expect?! Would definitively recommend it.

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Mike & Molly: Season 6

Well, not bad but also not as good as some of the previous seasons and therefore I am not very sad that this was the last one!

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Edge of Tomorrow

BlockedParent2016-06-12T18:22:23Z— updated 2016-09-11T11:08:43Z

Entertaining action flick with only a mediocre ending. If the ending was better I think this could have been a really great movie. As it is, it's just a solid effort, but nothing more IMHO.

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The Shining
Parks and Recreation: Season 7

For me, this is the weakest season, which is good and bad: bad because it is sad that they didn't manage to finish when on the top. Good because it makes it easy to go on and watch other sitcoms!

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Parks and Recreation: Season 6

As with the previous season: there are some very funny episodes, others are good and a few are mediocre. All in all a fun watch but not more.

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Dexter: Season 8


Well, as always, very gory and brutal. It's not the best season IMHO but I have to disagree with the other posters here: I think it was a worthy and good finish! Additionally Dexter got exactly what he deserved!
Maybe got even more than he deserved by keeping this life because, let's face it, in the end it was him who was responsible for the murder of some innocents (e.g. LaGuerta or Deb) and despite his Codex he's still a killing psychopath!

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Had high hopes for this Sci-Fi action flick but was severely disappointed: the plot is shallow and predictable, I found not one of the characters authentic and neither acting, special effects nor the action sequences were above average.

I would suggest to skip Elysium and watch something like Star Wars - The Force Awakens or Matrix instead if you are in the mood for a SciFi action flick!

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