Alexander Johnson


Sydney, Australia

Attack the Block

Simple concept, didn't overcomplicate things. Believable and fleshed out characters with amazing work from Jodie and John. Overall not the best movie in its genre I've ever seen, but worth a watch.

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Keeping Up with the Kardashians

People give The Kardashians a really bad rap when they don’t deserve it. Are they vapid, materialistic, frivolous, and out of touch? Well yes of course they are, but credit where credit is due, they created an empire and we the viewers and consumers have supported them. I thoroughly enjoy a little bit of escapism from my life and problems to casually jump into the fantastical over the top life and absurd problems of the super rich and famous.

Like is it trash? Yes, of course it’s trash. But it’s enjoyable, easy to watch trash. It’s no more trash then most reality television. Admit you just don’t like them and don’t watch it. Let people enjoy.

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Big Sharks Rule

National Geographic produced poor documentaries and I don't know why I keep trying. Didn't keep my interest for more than two minutes at a time.

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I expected far better for a film with Eli Roth involved.

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I have watched this movie on repeat since I was a child, I am sure I pissed my mother off in doing so. I will never tire of the innocence, the purity, and the adventure of this movie. Danny DeVito is a wonderful and magical human for not only fighting for this movie, but doing such a magical job as director and narrator. Thank you for my childhood joy.

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The Book Thief

A wonderful adaptation of my favourite book, and I don't read so that says something. Doesn't exactly have the same emotional resonance, but it's damn close. A very good movie and highly recommend.

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Like most of the branch movies in the Conjuring series, Annabelle lacks the same punch that the feature films do. Part in my opinion because of James Wan's direct involvement, and part because the character development is so poor. However, it is passable and expands the universe in which the Conjuring takes place and I appreciate it for that reason, though Annabelle Creations does a better job of that. What this movie really does is let down Alfre Woodward, who is acting Black royalty, and her role is subjected to the sacrificial negro trope, a huge disappointment.

Watch this movie only in a complete Conjuring marathon, never as a stand alone movie.

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It is a good movie if you don't have any expectations going in. Essentially the criticisms are justified. This doesn't make it a bad movie by any means, I enjoyed it, but I do have a love for the original animated classic so I would say my enjoyment was biased. Score and cinematography is breathtaking, the acting is perfectly fine, it's just missing some magic. I wanted something grander I suppose. Still enjoyable regardless, just not super engaging.

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The Grudge

I giant meh. I don't dislike that the curse travels and that we followed a new character from the Saeki house to America. But the writing was just trash in comparison, it lost all of its charm and scare. I feel the more you move away from Japan and the Saeki family the less compelling it becomes. I didn't dislike The Grudge three as much as this but I disliked it in the same way. It's just not great, the first five minutes in Japan are great but everything else was just eh.

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The Cleaning Lady

Eh :person_shrugging_tone2::female_sign: I appreciate tragic backstories that lead to disfigurement and resentment towards the world but can we stop having movies where the villain is disfigured or disabled and having the lead act all able bodied saviour it’s actually tired and insulting. Basically this movie is really cringey go start and slowly improves once you get the backstory, but ultimately isn’t great. Not scary just mildly uncomfortable. Half way decent ending though.

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MasterChef Australia: 12x35 Ice cream Elimination Challenge

This messed me up so much.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7x12 Victory and Death

An amazing ending to a franchise I’ve given my heart to. My only criticism is this is the only episode of the four part finale that doesn’t stand on its own. The impact is only fully felt having watched the rest.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7x11 Shattered

It’s not exactly what I was hoping for, but it is still perfect and I cried at least three times. I’m so glad we have this final season, it couldn’t be better.

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AVP: Alien vs. Predator

Infinitely better then all the predators combined.

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Oh you best believe I will hold this movie accountable by today’s standard. This is crass, insulting, vile, a testosterone wet dream, as well as (what I assume to be more then one) full of homophobic slurs. I got five minutes in before I wretched and turned it off. Fuck establishment or character I’m just going straight to Alien v Predator which is what I actually wanted to watch in the first place.

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MasterChef Australia: 12x14 Curtis Stone's Time Auction Immunity Challenge

I hate Curtis Stone and the whole episode insulted the viewers intelligence. It was also frankly mean to seasoned chefs. Of course Jess knows how to cook savoury, of course egg yolk will dress dry noodles and that will work perfect, and if Sarah wants to use leaves and stems of root vegetables? Yes that goddamn counts and it is not cheating you asshats. I am so mad.

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The Jonestown Haunting

What the actual fuck is this!? Is your idea of a horror movie a traumatic experience?! I mean I knew it would be crap but I expected like a b zombie movie or something. This is actually nothing. I could not be more annoyed that I sat through this. I knew it was going to terrible going into it, but to still be disappointed, damn.

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Thus far the only piece by James Wan, well that he has directly worked on, that I didn’t care for. It was good once it got going but it takes a while and the film is shot so dark it makes it a drag to watch in places.

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Killing Eve: 3x03 Meetings Have Biscuits

That was gay! More please!!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7x09 Old Friends Not Forgotten

A total return to form. :ok_hand_tone2::ok_hand_tone2:

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28 Days Later

Great concept, intensely British, and all around good movie. I feel the crappy filming added to the feel. But in my opinion not as good as the hype. Worth watching, but go in with lowered expectations. Felt more like a crazy episode of Doctor Who then a horror/zombie movie.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 12x07 Madonna: The Unauthorized Rusical

Finally!! Bye bitch. ALSO AOC :fire::fire::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Unfriended: Dark Web

I’m a classic horror movie person, I’ve never even watched Blair Witch, this was such a switch and it was goddamn fantastic!

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The Gravedancers

This goes beyond b movie, this is just trash. How on earth was this dreck committed to film?

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The Open House

Bullshit, avoid if you value to the sanctity of a good horror movie.

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American Horror Story: Season 9

I love Billie Lourdes damn much, and Angelica Ross has been wonderful. But with the exception of a two episode cameo from Lily Rabe, this entire season can burn with its shithouse writing and a complete lack of acting talent. Apocalypse was the antithesis of what this show was trying to achieve and wrapped the franchise up perfectly. After that there is literally no point, you’re trying to keep this alive without your powerhouse’s to drive the story. This franchise needs Jessica, Sarah, Lily, and Francis.

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It’s a piece of crap, but it’s my piece of crap. I love this movie.

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American Horror Story: 9x05 Red Dawn

Ah the Murphy curse finally hit. This was trash.

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Alex Strangelove

It was very good and I enjoyed it, but disappointed by the ending. I understand that homosexual men is still a very under represented in media. I can’t complain about the plot because these are our stories, our truth, but I wished for a bisexual ending or even a pansexual ending, it could have been really wild and been a asexual ending. But nope, plain gay. It was better then a lot of gay movies in recent years, with the exception of Moonlight and Love, Simon which were masterpieces, but I just wanted better.

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Queer Eye: 2x05 Sky's the Limit

This episode is so important. For this show alone it proves that this show is doing important things for not only the LGBT community, but the world. I’m a sobbing mess.

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