

California, USA

The Flash: 3x07 Killer Frost

Reply by Thogek

Great performance of Caitlin dealing with her powers. Killer Frost was one of the best things about season 2 and I'm glad it didn't stop there. I always had a soft spot for Snowbarry, funny how they kiss again in a very odd situation (although it really wasn't Barry the first time). I'll pretend that Wally didn't get the speed that he so damn desires. And on a bright note, I enjoyed seeing Greg Grunberg.

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Agreed about Greg Grunberg. ("Hey, Mark Parkman finally made detective!")

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The Flash: 3x07 Killer Frost

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-11-23T13:27:56Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:43:50Z

Okay, raise your hand if you were surprised by the fact that Julian is Alchemy.

awkward cricket sounds

Yeah, I didn't think so. It was one of the most obvious reveals ever.

Savitar is super cool. Special effects were out of control in this episode.

I honestly laughed at Iris telling Barry that the CSI lab is his life. We hardly ever see him there. I think he'll be fine.

Wally was so happy and excited when they were testing his speed. It was adorable.

Oh, Caitlin. My beautiful baby. I really hope that they will find a way to get her powers under ontrol. I'm glad that the team didn't turn their backs on her.

Barry's confrontation with Killer Frost was such an amazing scene. It was so intense and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, even though I knew that there was no way they were going to kill Barry. Still, it definitely stood out to me.

I love Barry and Cisco's relationship. I don't want to see either of them sad. Just please, make up and be happy.

Nice Game of Thrones reference there, Cisco!

We're getting the crossover next week and I couldn't be more excited! I love big superhero team-ups!

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We'd been pretty suspicious that Julian would turn out to be Alchemy, although I was kinda hoping he wasn't -- major new character, too easy a fit, don't let it be that simple, etc. -- but, oh, well. IAC, the interesting bit here seemed to be that Julian didn't seem to want it, telling the voice to go away but apparently being drawn to it anyway. I'm hoping the backstory there will be interesting enough to make up for the semi-obviousness.

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Gotham: 3x09 Mad City: The Executioner

Reply by Thogek

So, they're trying to turn captain Barnes into "The Judge"? because I'd be okay with that. I mean, that storyline sort of fits with his character.

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It does look kinda like it. And I saw at least one article out there exploring that idea. Or maybe he's a sort of precursor inspiration for who'll eventually become The Judge in the same way that Jerome Valeska seems to be a sort of precursor inspiration for who'll eventually become The Joker. Interesting...

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Gotham: 3x09 Mad City: The Executioner

Reply by Thogek

So pissed about what happened to Isabella..

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Much sad, there. Seems her only purpose will end up being an eventual wedge between Ed and Oswald. 'Cause there's just no way Ed won't eventually figure it all out.

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Gotham: 3x08 Mad City: Blood Rush

Reply by Thogek

Now they turn good guys into bad guys ? Like there weren't enough bad ones..

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Isn't that often how it works, especially in Batman's world? Edward Nygma. Barbara Kean. Bridgit Pike. Nathaniel Barnes. (And the odd occasional hints at Harvey Dent.) So far, this series has been doing a pretty good job of illuminating how dark and sad those stories are.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x05 Lockup

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-26T17:01:25Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:36:43Z

First of all: YAAAAAAS, Jemma Simmons, my queen. Standing up to the Director like that and low-key blackmailing him? What an icon. What a badass.

So this week we got Agents of SHIELD: Prison Break edition! It was a perfectly entertaining, fast-paced, action-packed episode with just enough twists and turns to keep me on the edge of my seat. The special effects were great, as always.

I find it hard to believe that some of SHIELD's finest teamed up with a rogue Inhuman and a guy whose body is literally on fire sometimes and the Director didn't know anything about it. Like??? There was a plane and a quinjet involved? How is it possible that no one noticed?

I think it's safe to say that the May/Coulson romance is happening. "I saw you, Phil."? That is a line straight out of every cheesy fanfic ever written. I love it! Give me more!

Can FitzSimmons not fight, please? I just want these two to be happy. They deserve it.

It's absolutely hilarious to me that the book that contains infinite knowledge has its title written on the cover in big, sparkly letters. You'd think that whoever created it would've made it look more unassuming, but no. Here it is, Darkhold, ancient and powerful, looking like a 10-year-old's diary.

I'm glad that May said all those things to Daisy. If anyone can talk some sense into that girl, it's Melinda May.

Oh, and Daisy's eye make-up was out of control in this episode. Did she read Bucky Barnes' Begginers' Guide to Looking Like a Racoon?

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I have to wonder if "I saw you, Phil." is going to turn out to be a more interesting reference that that. I have this strange image of her having seen Phil wearing a tropical T-shirt and shorts and carrying a sign that reads "Come to Tahiti: It's a magical place", but I doubt that'll quite be it. Hopefully, it'll be something more interesting and enigmatic than that.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x06 Outlaw Country

Reply by Thogek

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-11-18T19:28:18Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:52:42Z

"Our friends in 2016? They need our help."

Oh, man. I'm so freaking excited for this crossover. We just have to wait one more week!

I can't believe that I almost stopped watching this show halfway through season 1. I absolutely adore it now. Season 2 has been amazing so far.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: it wouldn't be an episode of Legends of Tomorrow without a bar fight. Sara fucking shit up with a whip was fantastic. I rewinded that moment like 12 times when I was watching the episode.

"This isn't my first rodeo." - Sara Lance at her second rodeo

I love her so freaking much. She could punch me in the face and I'd probably thank her.

Nate's suit is so dope!

The first Wild West episode was great (definitely one of the highlights of an otherwise uneven and messy season) and I had high hopes for this one. It didn't disappoint. It was hilarious, it was action-packed, it was just incredibly fun. I enjoyed every minute of it.

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"Sara fucking shit up with a whip was fantastic."

We could definitely do to see Indiana Lance a bit more often. :-)

Hell, I'd love to see 'em drop by 1937 Chicago and get some whip tips (and artifacts?) from Dr. Jones himself, but... Disney owns Indiana Jones, which makes it cousin to Marvel, so... oh, well; it sounded good in my head.

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Blindspot: 2x09 Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform

Reply by Thogek

Oh boy, that was just oooh. I'm going to get royally pissed off if they kill Patterson. Overall, what an episode. It had me on the edge every single minute. It was so obvious that the psychologist was the mole so it didn't surprise me a lot. in fact, they do not seem to try to hide it. The Jane and Roman storyline was obvious too. I mean I expected him to "betray" his mother to save his sister. What I didn't expect was that Jane erased his memory. That's some serious shit. I honestly can't wait to see next episode. January 5th looks so far. I swear if they kill Patterson off I riot.

if Patterson dies, we riot. Although I don't think they will. She's the kind of character that is needed, and there's no other possible replacement. She provides comic relief and killing her off will mean to kill off the comedy on the show. That said, I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen next, although if I'm honedt, I think she was shot, but she's not going to die. I don't know, but her eyes flashed a little, like she was the one being shot. I love cliffhangers, but only those that do not end up with the possible or not possible death of a major character. Now, let's wait till next episode.

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They did drop some hints along the way suggesting that Dr. Borden would be the mole ("you speak Arabic?"), but I guess I was kinda hoping they were misdirection hints, and we'd be surprised that it was someone else.

Wouldn't be surprised if she were shot and badly hurt in the exchange, he flees (not wanting to kill her), she ends up in the hospital and tells everyone about him, but kinda too late: he's gone.

And... blank Roman... boy is he in for some confusion. As long as he doesn't have to wake up in a dufflebag...

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Blindspot: 2x09 Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform

Reply by Thogek

Bruh I'm gonna flip the fuck out if Patterson dies

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No kidding. Seems unlikely, just 'cause the show would have to fundamentally change without her. But... I guess we'll have to wait to find out...

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Arrow: 5x06 So It Begins

Reply by Thogek

That final twist felt a lot like the ending of 3x05, when we learn that Roy supposedly killed Sara. Except, well, for the fact that I don't buy this for a single second

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Exactly my thought. Misdirection, by the writers, and by Prometheus. I hope.

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Arrow: 5x06 So It Begins

Reply by Thogek

We can safely say Billy Malone is Prometheous, that explains why he acted so curious when Felicity said she worked for the GA, or was it just me who noticed that? He was mad at first but when she said Green Arrow he turned into a fanboy and didn't want to loose Felicity
But i still want it to be Tommy!

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I think almost anyone would burst with curiosity on hearing something like that. Not that I haven't wondered about him, anyway...

Tommy? Now there's a wild idea... which'd be in need of a hell of a story to flesh it out, but...

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Arrow: 5x06 So It Begins

No fucking way... there's no way he's actually Prometheus. Stop fucking with us

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Yeah, not to mention the ninja fighting and archery skills we've seen from Promethius, which would be rather difficult to explain in Quentin. Hopefully this is more along the lines of Promethius messing with Oliver through Quentin, which I could much more easily see...

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The Flash: 3x05 Monster

Reply by Thogek

This show should be called The Flash & The Belly Burger.

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Next screw-up of the timeline will result in: Flashbelly.

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The Flash: 3x05 Monster

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-11-02T13:27:49Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:38:29Z

Meta-humans are one thing. But a giant monster? That's a whole new level of cool. I jumped out of my seat when I saw it. What a shame that it was just a hologram.

Do I care about freaking Julian now? Yes, I do. I don't know how this show does it: one episode I can't stand a character and the next I have tears in my eyes because of him? What kind of sorcery is this?

I'm still not sure what to think about H.R. It's hilarious that he's not actually a scientist, but I think I preferred grumpy overprotective dad from Earth-2.

Caitlin's mom was played by an actress who was also Tyler's mom on The Vampire Diaries and Lydia's mom on Teen Wolf. I guess she's meant to always exist in my mind as someone's mom.

The whole Caitlin storyline was weird. Caitlin told her mom that her husband had died and her mom basically said "Okay, whatever". Caitlin almost killed a guy and her mom was like "Yeah, no big deal, let's hug it out, now go". It seemed so strange and awkward, and the way the characters reacted to what was happening didn't feel right.

It's not fair that Caitlin's powers come with a catch and Barry's don't. I mean, what the hell is this? "You can run super fast and you'll be totally fine as long as you eat enough. And you can freeze things, but hey, if you do it too many times, you'll become a homicidal maniac. Why? Because fuck you, that's why."

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You can run super fast but if you're not really careful you can run back in time and totally screw up the entire timeline for everyone in existence. ;-)

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Lethal Weapon: 1x06 Ties That Bind

Reply by Thogek


Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-11-10T02:31:16Z— updated 2016-11-11T16:42:08Z

The action in the end is disappointing since it was rushed. Riggs is told his friend is downstairs with the bad guy. When he's really chasing her with his truck. Riggs suddenly shows up in his car and quickly blows up the bad guys truck with a couple of gun shots.
Otherwise it was nice to have the show back after a two week break. The two leads are still worth watching the show for. I also liked the very end.

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The suddenly-in-the-car chase I kinda get -- they skipped over a bit to get to the road-chase -- although it was a bit disorienting and might seem too discontinuous to many.

I had more of a problem with the (IMO) wild improbability of the two-shots-while-driving-and-the-target-car-goes-boom and the hyperconvenient car-flip that neatly missed crushing the would-be victim. A little of that sprinkled around the show's stories I can accept and still have fun watching; a lot of that and I end up losing interest (and considering filing it away with Scorpion). Let's hope that this show doesn't wander too far into the latter. 'Cause so far, most of it's been pretty fun (IMO).

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Arrow: 5x04 Penance

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-27T15:28:35Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:53:27Z

That was a good episode. Looks like another thing that changed when Barry altered the timeline was that the writers remembered how to make a superhero show.

The whole "Wild Dog screws up, Oliver gets angry and walks away" formula is getting annoying. We get it, he's the Impulsive One. No need to bring it up for the 50th time since the beginning of the season.

Both storylines were decently executed. Oliver breaking John out of prison was all right, although personally I thought that the rest of the team going after Church was a lot more interesting. The baby vigilantes are growing on me and the whole team dynamic is getting better. I'm starting to like both Evelyn and Rory.

I really enjoyed all the Felicity/Rory scenes. They felt very genuine and heartfelt. I already love their friendship.

I'm no scientist, and I certainly don't know a lot about physics, but I'm pretty sure that getting pulled up by a plane with a harness around your waist would hurt. A lot. Possibly even injure you? Break some bones? Rip your spine out? I don't know.

Superhero costumes aren't exactly notorious for being practical, I realize that, but what the hell is up with Curtis' mask? How does he manage to keep it on his face when he's fighting? Sheer force of will? Superglue? I know that his superhero name is Mr Terrific, but was slapping a piece of cloth shaped like the letter T on his face the best they could come up with?

"Was he waiting for an entrance line?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the first time in years that Arrow has genuinely made me laugh.

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I'm no scientist, and I certainly don't know a lot about physics, but I'm pretty sure that getting pulled up by a plane with a harness around your waist would hurt. A lot.

Yeah, at least. Going from standing still instantly to in-tow by an aircraft is one hell of an accelerating moment, probably would have smashed the two of them together, too.

Fun as this show usually is, it takes a little too much license with basic physical reality -- this, and that "anti-molecular compound" aerosol that eats a super-neat circle through a two-foot stone floor in a few seconds -- often enough to annoy. The writers are capable of much better than that.

I did much appreciate "What he waiting for an entrance line?" -- like the writes're tossing us a little acknowledging nod: "Okay, yeah, we time that a little too neatly to be real; we know." Nice.

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Gotham: 3x07 Mad City: Red Queen

Reply by Thogek

Amazing Episode, It reminds of Dr Who Season 9 Episode 11 which was titled "Heaven Sent"
I like this kind of Episodes I wish There is more shows that have these kind of things.
About ed nygma things look weird I don't think the" Kringle Doppelganger" Really love nygma and obviously Not with Penguin.
And Barnes seems Ready to die so at most 2 more Episodes and we will say welcome to the New commissioner of GCPD.

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Yeah, Barnes's current struggle does make me wonder if he can remain around at all for much longer. Sad, but if he goes out, I hope he at least goes out well.

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Gotham: 3x06 Mad City: Follow the White Rabbit

Reply by Thogek

Wtf? I don't like the direction they're taking with Penguin.

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It's a little odd, but just wait until Penguin's continued attempts to drive Isabella away become obvious to Ed -- then, both of their mad crazies're gonna evolve yet more...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x04 Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-19T16:37:36Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:33:30Z

FitzSimmons are looking for an apartment. Have the writers been reading fanfiction? Because I love it.

We haven't had this much interaction between Daisy and Jemma since... well, ever? I loved their team-up in this episode. I'm totally here for Jemma Simmons being an all-around BAMF. And the look of confusion and mild panic on Daisy's face when she saw Jemma just hand over that flash drive was priceless.

I've never liked James, and this episode didn't score him any extra points. And Watchdogs are the absolute worst. I despise all of them so much. Prejudiced, hateful assholes. Just thinking about them makes me mad.

I wish we could just get rid of the "lone hero pushes everyone away and becomes a vigilante because they've been through a trauma" trope. It's insanely frustrating. You could just talk about your issues and hug it out and shit, but no, let's be broody and dramatic instead. It makes me want to punch a wall.

May looked so unimpressed and disappointed in herself when she realized that she'd been killed by Radcliffe and it was hilarious.

Coulson not letting Mack touch Lola is my favorite running gag.

Of course Jemma wasn't fooled by Aida. Next week we'll probably get to see how good she's gotten at lying.

Oh, and Robbie fighting James? Freaking awesome.

I'm super curious about Darkhold. Where did it come from? What's inside of it? I can't wait to find out.

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For a little about the original Marvel Comics concept of Darkhold:

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MacGyver: 1x04 Wire Cutter

Reply by Thogek

"Did you just Donkey Kong those two guys?"

haha I thought the exact same thing when that happened. 200 points for Riley! <3

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That was easily the best line in the episode. :-)

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x02 The Justice Society of America

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-21T17:35:37Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:34:19Z

The JSA was freaking awesome. As someone who's read a grand total of 0 comic books, I had no idea what to expect from them, but they were super cool. Is this Vixen related to the Vixen that appeared on Arrow that one time?

I like the new guy. And his interactions with his grandfather were really nice.

I absolutely love the atmosphere of the 40's. Well, except for the blatant racism.

Sara wearing a 1940's evening gown and a diamond necklace is my new aesthetic. She looked georgeous.

Holy cow, Professor Stein can sing! I was worried for a second that this would be one of those scenes where he turns out to be horrible at it and I want to die of second-hand embarrassment, but thankfully I was wrong.

Of course, it wouldn't be an episode of Legends of Tomorrow if someone didn't start a bar fight. It's actually kind of hilarious when you think about it: a lovable team of misfits travelling through time, causing massive property damage in every alcohol-serving establishment they walk into.

The super soldier looked super cheap, but I can't really blame them. They probably did the best they could with their budget, and all the other special effects in this episode looked good, so I won't complain.

Hey, I quite like this Rex guy, I wonder if we'll get to see more of... Aaaaaaand he's dead. Damn it, Eobard.

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The 40s JLA Vixen, Amaya Jiwe, is the grandmother of present-day Vixen Mari Jiwe McCabe.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x01 Out of Time

Reply by Thogek

"Out Of Time" (hmm, slight Back to the Future reference, maybe?) Anyway, I'm really liking the Arrow tie-in before entering the Three Musketeers, and then a 1940s noir run with Albert Einstein. Now I'm just wishing for Dick Tracy to show up.

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I was thinking Indiana Jones, especially after Rory's initial comment about hating Nazis. That'd probably be something of a licensing problem for them, but at least it sounded good in my head. ;-)

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Blindspot: 2x06 Her Spy's Harmed

Reply by Thogek


Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-10-21T19:33:47Z— updated 2016-10-24T14:27:21Z

A quickie while guarding a witness ? lol. Not very professional.

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Yeah, imagine if the craziness has started just a little sooner. Awwwkward.

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The Flash: 3x03 Magenta

Reply by Thogek


Shout by chair

so wally's totally gonna get mixed up with alchemy to get powers. also it's really strange to see joe's daughters kissing... on a serious note, let's be honest the change of scenery didn't do shit to how boring they are together.

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Could happen. It could get a little speedster-overcrowded having too many of 'em there at once. OTOH, Jesse Quick was an actual DC hero character (a working partner of Flash Wally West), so they might be reluctant to just kill her off -- but, then again, look at Black Canary, so... who knows?

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The Flash: 3x03 Magenta

Reply by Thogek


Shout by chair

so wally's totally gonna get mixed up with alchemy to get powers. also it's really strange to see joe's daughters kissing... on a serious note, let's be honest the change of scenery didn't do shit to how boring they are together.

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Yeah, we could almost see Wally's gears turning as he heard more and more about this brings-your-powers-out Alchemy character. That's going to go someplace, and I suspect that it's going to hurt.

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Arrow: 5x03 A Matter of Trust

Reply by Thogek

I thought Deadshot was alive but then he wasn't!! You can't play with m feelings!!!

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Same here. For a bit there, I thought a whole new avenue of interestingness had been opened up. But apparently John's just hallucinating a foil for talking himself into accepting punishment for Andy's death last season. :-(

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Arrow: 5x03 A Matter of Trust

Reply by Thogek

Had a little shout out to Ninja Turtles 2 (2016) when Oliver said hockey masks are cool for vigilantes to wear.

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LOL. I'm sure the reference was intentional. ;-)

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Arrow: 5x03 A Matter of Trust

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-20T16:58:04Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:33:54Z

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm... cautiously optimistic about this season? We're 3 episodes in and so far it's good. I'm actually enjoying watching Arrow again.

Am I still bitter about Diggle having a son instead of a daughter in this timeline? Yes, I am. It shouldn't be a big deal, really, but for some reason it makes me sad.

The new team is slowly growing on me. Right now Wild Dog is your typical stubborn, hot-headed idiot, but hopefully he'll get better. Curtis quips way too much and it's not half as charming as when Cisco does it on The Flash, but he was actually useful in this episode, so kudos to him for that.

John and Lyla's relationship is honestly my favorite on the show. I always enjoy their scenes together.

I'm curious to see what will happen next with Felicity and Rory. There's potential for some quality angst there, but I'm not sure if I trust the writers to handle this dynamic properly.

I'm totally here for Bad Bitch Thea Quinn destroying the asshole reporter. Get wrecked, Susan.

The slow-mo shot of Oliver walking away from the explosion was cool in that weird cringey way where it was almost too cheesy to handle, but somehow still made my inner 8-year-old jump and clap her hands with glee.

Oh, and apparently ingesting a drug slowly fries your brain and destroys your internal organs, but if you bathe in it, you're suddenly invincible? How does that even work?

So it looks like we're getting Prison Break: Arrow Edition next week! Just please, kill the bastard that framed John while you're at it.

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LOL. For a moment there, I was half-expecting a bit of red-arrowed Speedy to land on Susan Williams. Even if just a quick what-Thea-was-thinking scene before switching back to what-actually-happened reality would have been... satisfying.

About the Stardust thing, I'm pretty sure that the superhuman effects were the result of Stardust plus some unknown additional reactant, perhaps sprayed in by that broken pipe, and/or by other surroundings, etc. Hence the need for the fancy device to recreate it. It does seem a bit convenient, but then, so do particle accelerator explosions and ancient totems. :-)

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The Flash: 3x02 Paradox

Reply by Thogek

Killer Frost from Earth 2 had a brother, so if Caitlin has powers now in this new timeline, I bet she has a brother as well.
Nice easter egg with Dawson's Creek playing in the background of the diner scene with John Wesley Shipp.

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Interesting. It makes sense (IMO) to use this opportunity to introduce the Killer Frost powers to our Caitlin Snow.

I got the impression that, while she seemed aware that they were happening, that she hasn't yet told anyone else. I'm sure that'll get interesting too. Hopefully, as they progress, they won't necessarily include the whole crazy-murderousness thing.

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The Flash: 3x02 Paradox

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-12T15:02:33Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:30:20Z

Well, here's hoping Barry finally learns not to mess with the damn timeline. Also, apparently not one episode can go by without him explaining time-travelling stuff while drawing lines on a board.

Alchemy looks like poor man's Nazgul, but he's sufficiently creepy and powerful. He'll probably be a pretty compelling villain once we learn more about him.

Can Barry and Iris please stop being so darn cute?

Caitlin has her Killer Frost powers! Does this mean she's going to sport white hair and a tacky leather outift like her Earth-2 counterpart? Or talk like she went to Leonard Snart's school of unnecessarily drawing out words? I sincerely hope not. Maybe she could put on a blue dress and belt out "Let It Go" in the musical crossover with Supergirl? Because I'd be okay with that.

I hated seeing Cisco sad, but I'm glad he and Barry made up at the end of the episode. His gauntlets were pretty sick too.

Oh, and it seems that Draco Malfoy changed his name and moved to Central City to be a metahuman expert? I guess things didn't work out for him in the Wizarding World.

This was a really emotional episode with a lot of angst and sadness, and yet the thing that upset me the most was that baby Sara is baby John now. I'm not okay with this. Give Dig his adorable baby girl back right now.

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I agree about Alchemy. From the descriptions I see of DC Comics's existing Alchemy character, he could get... interesting.

And about Baby Sara. I'm sure it's difficult to tweak timelines and not include some lasting significant changes, but... sigh.

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