

California, USA

Arrow: 5x02 The Recruits

Reply by Thogek

Prometheus?, omg, i really liked this episode.

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I figured I wasn't the only one who felt compelled to Google "DC Prometheus" right after the episode. :-)

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Arrow: 5x02 The Recruits

Reply by Thogek

The episode felt a little all over the place jumping between the Oliver scenes, Diggle scenes and the flashbacks, but it's still more enjoyable than most of last season. I think they're starting to head in the right direction again.

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Thinking pretty much the same thing. I get the whole don't-want-to-kill-any-more thing he went through, but that's just not always practical in terms of the risk to innocent people's lives. It'll be more interesting now, I think, watching him walk the balance rather than killing everyone (first season) or trying to hard not to kill anyone.

And the three-way flashbacks/acrosses were a bit more than I'm used to, but I think they managed it well. They're going to need to tie Diggle predicament back to Star City somehow so that it doesn't feel like a spin-off-show-within-the-show, but I suspect that they know that already.

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The Flash: 3x01 Flashpoint

Reply by Thogek

"Have I been kidnapped?".... So cute.

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And even better the response: shrug "Unclear."

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x03 Uprising

Reply by Thogek

The writing for the character of Daisy Johnson/"Quake" is too similar to Jessica Jones, in my opinion.

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Interesting observation. It hasn't so much been before, but it does seem as though Daisy's attitude lately (as of end of last season) been pushed in a somewhat Jessica Jones like direction. (Now I'd just love some character who knows Jessica to show up and point that out.)

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Arrow: 5x01 Legacy

Reply by Thogek

I actually just rewatched the pilot a couple of days ago. There are a lot of parallels between that episode and this one.

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"No one can know my secret."

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MacGyver: 1x02 Metal Saw

Reply by Thogek

A better episode than the pilot, in my opinion. The bias and expectations from the original are now gone, so I can now enjoy and respect it for what it is. So, the second episode felt more natural and interesting. We'll see where this thing goes.

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This is kinda what I was thinking. I'm still not quite feeling this as "MacGyver", but it had less of that clumsy forced heroic "coolness" than the premier did (except for that one "That's not gonna happen" moment -- just sit down and shut up, kid), so maybe I can hope that it's settling in in a slightly better direction. I'm still dubious, but willing to give it another episode or two and see how it goes.

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Designated Survivor: 1x03 The Confession

Shout by Ri

I have faith that Aaron will turn out to be a good dude, but it's not looking good so far.

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I know what you mean. I get the impression of someone who wants to do the right thing for the country, and is maybe teetering a bit this way and that as to what that is. That last bit, with the file on Kirkman, seemed presented with a dark suspicion that Aaron was working toward undermining Kirkman, but it could just as well have been him researching any possible skeletons that Aaron might need to be prepared to head off to protect Kirkman in the future. As always, we'll have to watch and see...

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Designated Survivor: 1x02 The First Day

Reply by Thogek

Finally we hear Kiefer saying "damnit" again :-) a couple of more episodes and he's going after terrorists himself :-D

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Kinda looking for traces of Jack Bauer, eh? We probably all are. I suspect that the producers/writers might want to tease a little of that for those of us who'll pick up on it, while avoiding much lean in that direction so as to keep Kirkman a distinct character. Meanwhile, we'll all chuckle when we see the teasy Bauery bits. :-)

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MacGyver: 1x01 The Rising

Reply by Thogek

This is so bad I couldn't finish the episode. When the girl hammered the notebook to "extract" the HDD, that's when I said enough.

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That was probably the worst "tech" moment of the episode. Not the only groaner, but... sigh.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x01 The Ghost

Reply by Thogek

did anyone.... want this? did anyone ask for ghost rider to be introduced into this universe? i don't feel like he... goes here

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Is is the Marvel Universe, right? If they're planning to go big introducing more and more characters into said Universe, Ghost Rider's as likely to show up sooner or later as anyone else.

That said, he does kinda stick out from what we've seen so far, and I'm just curious to see how they plan to integrate his... oddness. (Similar with Dr. Strange, I suppose.)

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x01 The Ghost

Reply by Thogek

Just a few thoughts/observations:

  1. While I don't mind the organization changes, and encourage the show shifting things around a bit to keep it fresh, the intentional obfuscation of the new director's identity seemed a bit heavy-handed. Although judging by 4x02's episode title, we'll meet him/her next week.

  2. I'm not familiar with this incarnation of the Ghost Rider (although I read a ton of the motorcyle-era versions), but the effects looked great for a TV show, and Gabriel Luna did a good job with his limited on-screen time.

  3. May is still a badass. I like how the Triad guys get infected/possessed, freak out, and kill each other, but Melinda is all "Huh... that's a bit unsettling."

  4. Honestly, my only complaint is how everyone is still fixated on Skye/Daisy/Tremors/Quake. I've found the character dull since the first episode, and they've made her entirely too overpowered at this point. I kind of wish she had gotten shot into the sun with Ward/Hive instead of Lincoln.

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LOL. I completely agree about May's "what the...?" moment, and was thinking basically the same thing. Either she's somehow more suited to deal with the whatever-it-is -- remember the Berserker Staff? -- or the whatever-it-is thinks that she's better suited to whatever it has in mind. IAC...

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Blindspot: 2x02 Heave Fiery Knot

Reply by Thogek


Shout by Zoe

I would've bet my left pinky; I knew Nas was gonna be shady.

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She's NSA. It's kinda her job to be shady. The question is how shady. Those audio "case notes" were a bit of a surprise, but maybe they shouldn't have been. Quite the information gatherer/hoarder. Maybe that's just a habit of hers, maybe she's just avoiding the others' potential objections, or maybe there's a... shadier reason.

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Blindspot: 2x01 In Night So Ransomed Rogue

Reply by Thogek


Shout by Zoe

Say what you will, I missed this show a lot, I loved season one and I loved this episode. Of course there's a mole. And the new lady would probably be too obvious. So we'll see where this is gonna take us. I'm excited!

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Yeah, I thought it was interesting that Nas Kamal of the NSA was shown during that there's-a-mole-at-the-FBI pan, given that she's not FBI, and Shepherd was pretty clear that she was talking about an FBI resource, and it'd just be too convenient to introduce a new character to pan such a bomb off onto. It seems very likely that it won't be her, that it'll be someone we've known on the FBI team for awhile, and that the writers'll probably feed us a few false leads before we find out who it is.

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Limitless: 1x18 Bezgranichnyy

Reply by Thogek

Brian going to Russia, I still like when they show how he thinks

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Yup. Plus those crazy little bits where the other actors are all basically playing Brian playing them. Jennifer Carpenter (playing Rebecca Harris) has that bit down pat, and it's just hilarious to watch.

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Sense8: 1x12 I Can't Leave Her

Reply by Thogek

Yes, New season is confirmed in Happy Birthday Sense8 video by Netflix

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Still no word on when, it seems. But knowing that we'll see this cluster's story continue at some point encourages. ;-)

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Sense8: 1x12 I Can't Leave Her

Reply by Thogek

The Riley story is soooo sad!!
This show is just amazing!!

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Riley seems to have a rather special store of hells in her memory. That she was the wonderful person we met in London is kind of amazing. That she had to be dragged back through all that and more is tragic.

I think her cluster, and especially Will, are what keep her going on, now.

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Sense8: 1x12 I Can't Leave Her

Reply by Thogek

This final episode was incredible, full of action and... Sadness. Will is so brave, he even sacrificed for the sensates, that's heroic but he can't live sedated forever so season 2 will be interesting. I like the way they showed so many things about the group we didn't knew. Like... Wolfie's story (he's such a badass too) and why he can't be with Kala :(

I liked this series so much because you can connect to every sensate in so many ways. It's amazing, even when they have different lives, you can also understand them, you can feel with them, I like the way you actually care about their feelings and they almost become yours too. Not many shows can do that, and they managed to do it in just 12 episodes. I'm sure I'm not the only one begging for more SENSE8.

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If nothing else, there's a clear message that truly understanding how another feels and where s/he comes from can make a huge difference toward connecting positively with that other.

That, and I wanna see how they're going to fend Whispers off long enough to shut him down.

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Sense8: 1x12 I Can't Leave Her

Reply by Thogek

I can't believe that's the ending of the season. So much to explain. I see the only viable resolution being they have to get to Whispers and take him out. Is that Season 2? I think my favourite character remains Wolfgang

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Yeah, with Whispers gaining a foothold in Will's head (in addition to knowing about Nomi and Riley), some serious attention toward taking the fight to Whispers is going to have to follow soon.

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Sense8: 1x11 Just Turn the Wheel and the Future Changes

OMG! Sun is fucking awesome!!
Capheus you're a lucky man!
That was so close!
I think this is the most intense episode of the season so far.

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At least Capheus got himself in some serious dire trouble right around the time Sun had a serious need to outlet some rage, eh?

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Sense8: 1x10 What Is Human?

Reply by Thogek

Lito and Wolfgang are super effective! :)

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Definitely. There was so much interestingness going on in this episode, but Lito's and Wolfgang's interactions this time were particularly cool.

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Sense8: 1x10 What Is Human?

Reply by Thogek

Bazooka moment is so cute ;)

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Definitely. I had a bit of an OMG moment when Wolfgang pulled that RPG out of the trunk. It was especially funny to see Lito do basically the same OMG thing afterwards.

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Sense8: 1x09 Death Doesn't Let You Say Goodbye

That scene between Nomi and Lito made me cry. But I love how the connections within the cluster bring just the right one to whoever needs their particular insight or support right then. It's an excellent metaphor for humanity at large. We should all have clusters. Damn, this show is intense.

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They do seem to automatically tune in to clustermates who're in similar situations or whom they are particularly suited to help, don't they? More and more as their sense of what's going on develops. Nice to see, and to anticipate where it'll go.

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The Last Ship: 3x11 Legacy

Reply by Thogek

Take the SHOT!!! WTF!! Why not kill that treachuerose bitch

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@mike_mayhem Heh. I had the same reaction. I'm wondering if Kara realized the full extent of Allison Shaw's involvement (i.e., she's leading the damn thing) in what's going on. If not, I can sort of see her reluctance, and would love to see how that would change once she realized. (I.e., did she simply not realize that the face in her sights was the head of the dragon?) But... maybe that's just me rationalizing. :-(

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The Blacklist: 3x21 Susan Hargrave

Reply by Thogek

“Tonight, you jump her air gap."
"Oh.. wait.. no.. ! "
Nice one Aram ! haha

I also love this sense of humour Red has in such dramatic times.
“God, that door was slow. I was hoping for a more dramatic entrance"

Red ! Thank you !

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Redd always has the most lopsidedly theatrical presentations. :-)

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The Last Ship: 3x07 In the Dark

Reply by Thogek

The Ending
was very predictable!!!

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@mike_mayhem Yeah, I was kinda wondering when he asked her about her son. He had that look, didn't he. Sigh.

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The Last Ship: 3x07 In the Dark

Shout by dgw
BlockedParent2016-07-26T06:44:08Z— updated 2017-02-15T20:22:34Z

"They can both see us. They must have us triangulated by now." Do I need to educate the screenwriters on what the prefix "tri-" means? Retracted, because I was wrong.

Same for "[…] each one heading 180 degrees from our course." There is only one point that is 180° from any compass heading, not two.

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@dgw "Tri" for trignometry and triangles. The two enemy ships are two points on a triangle; you are the third point. It only takes two observers (with strong senses of position and direction) to triangulate the position of a third. Much as you have two eyes in order for your brain to perform enough basic triangulation to give you a sense of depth-perception.

OTOH, that 180 degrees line kinda threw me, too. It sounded as though two entities were both headed off in different 180-degree-from-the-ship's-heading directions, which made no sense.

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The Last Ship: 3x06 Dog Day

Reply by Thogek

They're gonna use Takehaya to blow the whistle on the corruption of the Chinese government. This is just the beginning.

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@dfabro That's what I'm thinking. I'm also thinking that there's no way that it'll turn out that simply...

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The Last Ship: 3x06 Dog Day

Reply by Thogek


Shout by María Sánchez
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-07-19T00:36:05Z— updated 2016-07-22T11:37:50Z

Now was Cruz... #NotCool
They need more people.
So many dead already.

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@messtix Yeah, no kidding. OTOH, it does emphasize the fact that it's chaos and borderline-war out there.

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Dark Matter: 2x02 Kill Them All

Reply by Thogek

I was wondering who would say the phrase for the title of this episode.
That moment was epic!

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Given who it was, it says something about how far some feel to have been pushed, doesn't it? :-O

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The Blacklist: 3x17 Mr. Solomon (1)

So they fake stealing an atomic bomb so they can kidnap a pregnant lady, quite far fetched.

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Maybe. But, then again, if you wanna make damn sure that you've thoroughly distracted the team...

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