


Nazi Megastructures

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-09-28T10:35:37Z— updated 2017-09-30T23:58:02Z

Ok show but at times overdramatized. Also the moderators (historians) seem to be easily impressed at times marveling f.e. in awe at a simple concrete wall. I sometimes wondered if they really were where there claimed to be. But it is still interesting to see the amont of construction that took place. That is really mind-boggling.

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@novellguy that`s (sadly) the story of mankind

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Nazi Megastructures

Reply by FinFan


Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-09-28T10:35:37Z— updated 2017-09-30T23:58:02Z

Ok show but at times overdramatized. Also the moderators (historians) seem to be easily impressed at times marveling f.e. in awe at a simple concrete wall. I sometimes wondered if they really were where there claimed to be. But it is still interesting to see the amont of construction that took place. That is really mind-boggling.

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@novellguy I don't know if I would call it desperation. Towards the end of the war, maybe. It has always been the case that during wartime all efforts are focused and centralised in one area. All available resources funneled into the same goal. War has always been an engine for developement. Like it or not - without two World Wars it would have taken longer for certain things to invent. One has to give those engineers credit for their ingenuity. During peace there are many other things that vie for attention and the thinking is totally different. When I visit historic sites/buildings or watch any kind of documentary I often ask myself if we, with our advanced tech, would be capable of repeating such a feat. Try building a pyramid today for that matter.

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Vikings: 4x10 The Last Ship

A good battle, but not really epic. No tactics, no special feat, only one action. They just clash and go. A little disapointing after the whole going over mountains thing.
Also it just ends there ? Feels like they lost so many more men on the first try in season 3. Why don't they just retreat and come back with a new tactic ? And on the other end why would the Franks let them go knowing they usually come back ? They could have used the chain to block and slaughter them all. Wasn't Rollo saying just before What defeat ? As long as he's not dead Ragnar is not defeated ?
Then what, 10 years pass and they just decided to kill several storylines just like that ? That's a great cliffhanger and Travis is great so I wanna see what they do with that, but come on. I don't count this stunt in my rating of the episode. I hate this kind of abandonning of current events and pausing, like nothing happened during 10 years, but all the unresolved things left in suspense will start moving on now.

1) So 10 years passed. Didn't they raid anything during that time ?
2) Aslaug is still there, probably alcoholic, nothing on letting Bjorn's daughter die ?
3) The whole Harbard thing was totally useless this season.
4) Aethelwulf and Alfred going to Rome, was there a point ? What about when he learns of Kwentrith's death ?
5) What about Harald that wanted to be king ? 10 years without Ragnar and nothing ?
6) The Frank king knows about Roland and gets rid of him and his sister. How did that happen ? And so this lead nowhere, they were just a plot device to replace Odo by Rollo.
7) In the end, there was almost no impact of Ragnar's addiction. Unless he's still a junkie but it does not look like it. Another whole useless arc.
8) As the child is dead now, I guess we'll never see Porunn again
9) Floki and the seer ? On hold for 10 years ?
10) The Wessex settlement. In 12 years, nobody bothered to go and check or even wondered what happened to these people ? It was supposed to be their future, nobody wanted to go and check, or join them, or try to establish other settlements ?

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@fly_ pretty much sums up what I was thinking. I felt kind off cheated with that huge jump. You watch 10 episodes and wonder where this leads and, bamm, all in vain. Plus, when you consider what has happeened in the ten years before it is hard to accept that there is still the status quo where Ragnar is king and Lagertha has her earldom.

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Pardon Us

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-06-05T16:42:05Z— updated 2018-06-07T20:05:16Z

According to the DVD has 20 min of restored footage that wasn't included in the theatrical release. To be honest, they should have left it out. Because it lengthened the movie and leads to logical errors.
Still, as the first feature from Laurel and Hardy it is worth watching.

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@mad-matty Yep, you are right about the sound. I hadn't seen the longer version until now and it destroyes the movie. It just doesn't fit. Should have been released as a bonus feature on the DVD.

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Total Recall

Classic milestone 80's sci-fi. I loved the guy with those big glasses and the olive-green wind coat.. what 80's.. And Dean Norris is here (Breaking Bad's Uncle Hank)!!

i cant believe that this machine created a whole new atmosphere for the entire planet in 5 minutes! lol! and those "aliens" never used it before!! so, just for fun it was created? haha..

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@stormsm OK, the 5 minute part is silly, but it's a movie so I let them get away with it. But think about it that way: those aliens build these machines because they wanted to colonize Mars at a later point. It could have been they were facing an extinction event and it got to them sooner then they thought. So they never settled on Mars and no one turned that thing on.

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Westworld: Season 2

Reply by FinFan


Shout by Jolly The Rancher
BlockedParent2018-06-03T23:19:59Z— updated 2018-06-25T03:18:41Z

I loved the first season, and eagerly waited for the second season but 6 episodes in I'm feeling bored and confused. Whatever magic the first season had I feel like the second season has lost. The season has certainly had it's moments but not enough of them.

I've now finished the season, and I really wish I'd cut my losses and stopped watching after 6.

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@matt-minix-gmail-com I kinda feel the same. Watched the first season twice but I stopped after the forth episode here. I wait until the whole season is released and then watch it in succession.

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Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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@andreas1138 I will try to remember that. Maybe when the BluRay is released I'll give it a shot.

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Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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@andreas1138 No, I don`t want to. Ever since news broke about the spin-offs I showed little interest. Honestly, as much as I love Star Wars and was exited (at first) about the new movies I think Disneys Marvel approach is going too far. They are trying to squeeze every Dollar out of it and a SW movie each year is just too much. From what I hear Solo isn't doing well at the box office so I gather a lot of people are thinking the same. It might be a good movie after all but there is such a thing as oversaturation.

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Quit watching after about 40 episodes because quite frankly I couldn't stand it any longer.

I love science fiction but this I could never really get into. It had some good episodes but they were almost always followed by a bunch of bad to mediocre ones. The budget couldn't have been much because it looked cheap on every corner - sfx, masks, props - the sound effects were almost comical at times. I could have stand all this if they had at least decent writing or some science in science fiction. They had neither. And some admittingly good looking girls in tight outfits are not enough.

If other people like - fine by me - but I was hugely dissapointed.

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@sarosauce I love sci-fi but I don't just watch a show because it is sci-fi. Main reason for me to get into this was Gene Roddenberry. I am a big Star Trek fan and I wanted to see what else he did. Maybe that's the problem. With Trek the bar was very, very high and this was nothing like Trek. Still, I started watching it twice and both times I quit so I probably just don't like it anyway.

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James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction: 1x01 Alien Life

This first episode was so good!!! I can’t wait for the rest of the season!

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@jbaby_9783 agreed. I am kind of nerdy when it comes to scifi and I love the insights you get into the thought process that became my favorite movies.

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Westworld: 2x04 The Riddle of the Sphinx

Reply by FinFan

This episode seems to cement the theory that Delos is replacing humans in the real world (that visit Westworld) by hosts or control units.

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@nmiguelcosta Wasn`t that the story in the prequel to the orig. Westworld movie Futureworld ?

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Designated Survivor: 2x21 Target

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-05-10T13:15:12Z— updated 2018-05-11T22:41:46Z

Is there really a difference if Hannah wears a badge or not? She breaks in with a loaded weapon, commits bodily harm, and she simply calls Aaron and comes free. Also Kendra and Trey, where does this come from? No chemistry, if you ask me. It seems it's only there to add a romance. Finally, the mysterious candidate - what a surprise. As if that was a big secret.
But it's good that the campaign is likely to start in the next season. I only see two possible scenarios. Kirkman is re-elected and we get Season 4 or he loses and the show ends after Season 3.
Despite what I wrote above, I will come back next week.
Suplemental May 12:
Doesn't matter any more, I just read ABC has canceled so next week will be the last episode.

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@jbaby_9783 you are right, that is another possibility. I was looking at it under the assumption that a) there is a 3rd season and b) they don't cancel with only one episode left. Then a 3rd season could focus around the campaign and the end could have gone either way. To be honest, although I like the show, I never saw it going much longer that one more season anyway.

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Marvel's Luke Cage

Kudos to Marvel/Netflix for, again, making me watch a show I didn´t particulary enjoy to the end by tying it all loosely together and calling it a Universe. It´s the fear to miss something and not the quality of the show.
The whole setup doesn´t work for me. All that black gangsta hip hop style isn´t hitting home. The villian makes the hero and that Cottonmouth is just a smalltime wannabe. I mean, he just doesn´t have it. All those gangster types are so cliched that it hurts. And at the bottom of the story is a bad guy with daddy issues. That´s thin
Luke Cage, while he seemed to be interesting as a secondary in Jessica Jones he doesn´t carry a show. He just don´t, he´s boring after a short while. That indestructible thing kills all the drama. A character like Daredevil f.e. he can be hit, he bleeds, he can die - with Cage you know he enters a scene, get´s shot over and over then hits some guys and that´s it. When there finaly was the means of him getting hurt it became slightly better but there I lost interest already. And I am sure (up to now I haven´t finished the season) they will find a way to make him invincible again. What´s the point? Even Superman has his Kryptonite.

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@misnomer I had totally forgotten about Iron Fist. Which tells you a thing or two ;-) Since we are usually on the same page I'd definately recommend Punisher. And you already started Daredevil. Defenders is OK, it's where everything comes together but I think you can watch it without having seen everything Marvel.
I have learned that just because it says Marvel it's not automatically a hit. And that goes for the movies as well.

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Marvel's Luke Cage

Kudos to Marvel/Netflix for, again, making me watch a show I didn´t particulary enjoy to the end by tying it all loosely together and calling it a Universe. It´s the fear to miss something and not the quality of the show.
The whole setup doesn´t work for me. All that black gangsta hip hop style isn´t hitting home. The villian makes the hero and that Cottonmouth is just a smalltime wannabe. I mean, he just doesn´t have it. All those gangster types are so cliched that it hurts. And at the bottom of the story is a bad guy with daddy issues. That´s thin
Luke Cage, while he seemed to be interesting as a secondary in Jessica Jones he doesn´t carry a show. He just don´t, he´s boring after a short while. That indestructible thing kills all the drama. A character like Daredevil f.e. he can be hit, he bleeds, he can die - with Cage you know he enters a scene, get´s shot over and over then hits some guys and that´s it. When there finaly was the means of him getting hurt it became slightly better but there I lost interest already. And I am sure (up to now I haven´t finished the season) they will find a way to make him invincible again. What´s the point? Even Superman has his Kryptonite.

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@misnomer Thanks for the reply.
Second season trailer released yesterday I think. Couldn't care less. Only Marvel shows I am interested in at this point is Daredevil and The Punisher.

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Westworld: 2x02 Reunion

I hope this weapon is not meant literally but rather as some kind of metaphor.

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@abstractlegend It most certainly is the place, yes. Data storage facility would make sense as it would be kind of a weapon against Delos to gain control about that. But, if William built such a place inside the park then why try to smuggle data out inside Peter Abernathy? Why the sattelite uplink with the Woodcutter ?

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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x19 The Killing Game (2)

Reply by FinFan

As I'd feared, no sooner has Voyager introduced a menacing new enemy than they completely neuter them and render them a pretty weak threat. The Hirogen here just want to play games and argue amongst themselves. Remember when we first met them and they were about to eviscerate Tuvok alive? The double-episode could have easily been a single, and I can only imagine that the production needed to justify the use of all the WW2 sets.

I expect this was addressed in the episode and I just missed it, but... the crew are on the holodeck, right? Couldn't they just say "computer, give me an extra 100 soldiers fighting on our side", or "computer, give us more advanced weapons"? Were the whole crew locked out of the system?

It all felt a bit pointless and silly to me.

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@lefthandedguitarist I see, misunderstanding then. But I don't remember to be honest. I guess it's another one of the scipts where the obvious action wasn't taken because the story would be over then.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x19 The Killing Game (2)

Reply by FinFan

As I'd feared, no sooner has Voyager introduced a menacing new enemy than they completely neuter them and render them a pretty weak threat. The Hirogen here just want to play games and argue amongst themselves. Remember when we first met them and they were about to eviscerate Tuvok alive? The double-episode could have easily been a single, and I can only imagine that the production needed to justify the use of all the WW2 sets.

I expect this was addressed in the episode and I just missed it, but... the crew are on the holodeck, right? Couldn't they just say "computer, give me an extra 100 soldiers fighting on our side", or "computer, give us more advanced weapons"? Were the whole crew locked out of the system?

It all felt a bit pointless and silly to me.

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@lefthandedguitarist It's been a while that I saw this last but if memory serves me the crew wasn't aware of their true selves. They believed to be the characters they played. Some kind of energy field or something the Doctor did to them? Don't know if it was exactly that but there was an explanation so I guess, yes, you might have missed it.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x11 Waltz

Now, this is a difficult episode to write about. On the one hand its an acting tour-de-force and pushes characters in new directions. On the other hand it sometimes tips into really silly territory and turns Dukat into a comic book villain instead of the nuanced, multifaceted character he's been up until this point.

I can't help but feel that it's trying to evoke a similar feeling to the amazing episode 'Duet', which was way back in season 1. It doesn't come close to that overall, but it does achieve a very satisfying back-and-forth between two strong characters. Sisko and Dukat get to really go at it and explore all the aspects of their relationship, finally letting the truth burst out. The actors both give it their all and along with the script they manage to create some truly captivating viewing.

But it's sprinkled throughout the episode rather than being consistent. The lulls are made up for by the excellent scenes with Dukat and his "demons", those being the exaggerated imagined versions of Damar, Kira and Weyoun. These three really move the episode along and provide gorgeously over-the-top caricatures of the real characters - and so much of what they say is true to the real ones while being far more honest and direct.

The episode fumbles things a bit with an unsatisfactory ending in which Dukat just becomes unhinged and accepts his new evil ways. It's hard to not see it as Benjamin pushing him towards that rather than trying to reign him in. At the same time, the truth is liberating and there's a morbid fascination in seeing Dukat admit that he should have killed every single Bajoran when he could.

The scenes on board the Defiant are also troublesome, notably from Bashir and O'Brien who seem to think that Sisko is more important than the thousands of Federation troops their supposed to be protecting. O'Brien even looks disappointed when the find two survivors and they aren't people he knows. It does all lead to a great moment when Worf gets to casually, and authoritatively, put Bashir in his place.

An episode that was aiming higher than it managed to reach, but is still quite captivating. On a side note, I'm watching Voyager alongside this and I can't imagine it ever producing something of this ambition or substance. The writing and characters on that show are just laughable in comparison to the complexity that has developed here.

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@lefthandedguitarist what you wrote about Voyager is probably the main reason it's my least favorite Trek show. In itself not awful but compared to DS9 or TNG two steps behind.

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It saddens me to see that bunch of people didn't understand this movie, hence the bad rating. That's a shame, because this movie is a pure masterpiece!

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@trdzi I hear people talking a lot of times about a movie being a masterpiece and than failing to come up with an explanation. so, would you please enlighten us who didn't understand it as to why it is a masterpiece?

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The X-Files: 11x10 My Struggle IV

Let's hope this has a fitting ending since it will be the last one ever. Knowing Chris Carter, probably not :(.

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@jim222001 with that ending they are keeping the door open for another season or maybe a spin off ? Couldn't car less to be honest.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x15 Will You Take My Hand?

Reply by FinFan

An away team mingling with different cultures? Oh my, for a moment there I almost thought I was watching a Star Trek episode!

I'm guessing this first season of Discovery suffered from premature ejaculation, since it peaked a few episodes back and instead of ending with the bang it made us believe it was going to, it went out with a silent fart. Now I kinda wanted the over-the-top season finale I thought this was gonna be. It was the exact opposite of "over-the-top", if the war with the Klingons hadn't been (way too quickly) resolved in this episode I would even say this was a filler episode. It sure felt like one. That's no way to end a season.

Kudos for the mandatory season finale cliffhanger, though. I'm sure that kept around some folks for season two who had already decided to quit the show after the tepid finale. I'm a sucker for nostalgia, so of course I squealed like a little fangirl after witnessing such ending. Also thanks for the cute end credits song, now you've pissed the trekkies even more, something I didn't think it was possible for this show.

Discovery is kinda "meh" as a Star Trek series but (ignoring the lame finale), it's still too much fun to not stick around for the second season. I'll most certainly be back for another dose of this delightful space-opera!

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@misnomer You are making pretty good points about the TV landscape in general and it is possible that therein are also many problems with the show. We had our share of conversation during this season and for me it was a kind of roller coaster ride. From skeptical, but open at the beginning, too interested and fascinated in the middle, but disappointed and bored towards the end. All this under the assumption that this is Prime Star Trek.
Because the producers still insist that this is indeed Prime Star Trek, and after the last scene, my concern that they'll go to a very low point with a lame explanation right now is greater than my anticipation of the next season.

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Designated Survivor: 2x12 The Final Frontier

Reply by FinFan

Shout by sparkplug

Audrey and Jack back together again, more!

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@michaeldoone and bringing her in after the death of the wife you begin to speculate.

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Married... with Children: Season 3

Reply by FinFan

As a childhood favorite of mine, I decided to order the first three seasons of "Married with Children" on DVD some years ago. Unfortunately, it didn't quite live up to me expectations and memories...

Don't get me wrong, it's a classic and fun to watch. But overall it gets very repetitive and stale, therefore I didn't order any further seasons and quit watching the show.

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@drnkmnky Yeah, I know what you mean. Not the ideal show to binge. Still lot's of great stuff in it. I'm watching it three at a time with breaks in between.

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Designated Survivor: 2x11 Grief

Reply by FinFan

Shout by Wheelz_TTV

Guy was paid to kill the presidents wife.

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@graphicwheeler God, I hope not. Please not another of those out of the blue constructed conspiracies.

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Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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@andreas1138 I hope that tape is still working because that version is no longer available.

My favorite episode? Well, althought I love all of the original trilogy I have to go with ANH. Not only because of my experience and that it is in a way still the only movie that fired up my imagination. When I said we re-enacted the movie we also made props and costumes. That was early 80s, you could not go online and just buy stuff. You had to make do with what was readily available.
This movie was impossible to make before they actually did it. You can trace so many things in technology back to this movie. I think it inspired a lot of people one way or the other.

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Designated Survivor: 2x11 Grief

Reply by FinFan

Does anybody know if Natasha McElhone wanted out ? It does not make much sense to kill FLOTUS in what seems to be a random car accident.

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@amckinlay21 I see, thanks. Althought this seems to be old news I didn't know. Maybe a good thing, had I known I might have anticipated something.

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Designated Survivor: 1x17 The Ninth Seat

Reply by FinFan

I think the plot of the bad guys are getting out of hand

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@juliosoft Isn't that how this shows always go ?

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x15 Will You Take My Hand?

Reply by FinFan

An away team mingling with different cultures? Oh my, for a moment there I almost thought I was watching a Star Trek episode!

I'm guessing this first season of Discovery suffered from premature ejaculation, since it peaked a few episodes back and instead of ending with the bang it made us believe it was going to, it went out with a silent fart. Now I kinda wanted the over-the-top season finale I thought this was gonna be. It was the exact opposite of "over-the-top", if the war with the Klingons hadn't been (way too quickly) resolved in this episode I would even say this was a filler episode. It sure felt like one. That's no way to end a season.

Kudos for the mandatory season finale cliffhanger, though. I'm sure that kept around some folks for season two who had already decided to quit the show after the tepid finale. I'm a sucker for nostalgia, so of course I squealed like a little fangirl after witnessing such ending. Also thanks for the cute end credits song, now you've pissed the trekkies even more, something I didn't think it was possible for this show.

Discovery is kinda "meh" as a Star Trek series but (ignoring the lame finale), it's still too much fun to not stick around for the second season. I'll most certainly be back for another dose of this delightful space-opera!

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@misnomer Again we are pretty much on the same page and I agree with most of your comment in general. Althought I am a huge fan for decades, and voice my opinion based on that, I don't think they should make a show only for the old guard. However, I am just not sure Discovery can survive without those fans. The renewal for season 2 came early when the ratings were up, I don`t know if the've dropped since. And this show costs a lot of money, having it only on pay TV doesn't help much, either.
I just read in an Interview that season 2 will adress all the issues about how Discovery fits into canon (which implies it is Star Trek Prime and I have no idea how they will pull that off) and to explain all the things the old fans are critical about. And they really need to do that. I know Discovery is well liked by most but is it liked as being Trek ? Because while otherwise it might still be a good show in general but just not Star Trek.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x15 Will You Take My Hand?

Reply by FinFan


Shout by Mark Linton

So when they hail the Enterprise next season, assuming season 2 happens and sticks with The Discovery, will it be Zachary Quinto or CGI leonard Nimoy standing beside Pike... hmmmm.

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@redshirt season two has already been confirmed in October last year.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 5x15 By Inferno's Light (2)

What a conclusion. Up to this point, Star Trek has mostly been fumbling with the second halves of the two-part episodes, but this one manages to be satisfying in every way. The shock of Cardassia joining the Dominion is a brilliant moment, prophecised nicely back in 'Rapture' with Sisko's vision of the locusts. It's almost sad to see how Gul Dukat can't understand how he and his planet are being used.

The prison break stuff might be my favourite parts of the episode, though. Worf gets to be extremely Klingon and manages to gain the respect of a Jem'Hadar, which is no small feat. I love that he keeps getting back up even though he's clearly not in any fit state, and that he really can't shrug off the injuries he's sustaining. Meanwhile, Garak gets to shine too when we find out that he's claustrophobic - in his case, he manages to gain the respect of the Klingons, who again are a pretty tough crowd to please.

If the episode feels weak in any areas, it might be the conclusion of the Bashir-Changeling situation. He's going to blow up Bajor's sun by just flying there and sacrificing himself, in the process wiping out significant Federation, Klingon and Romulan fleets. It's a sneaky and very clever tactic by the Dominion that would have worked, but it's execution on screen is a little hard to take seriously. Maybe if Bashir-Changeling had some more dialogue or realisation about how his plan had failed it would have worked better. I'm a bit curious as to why going to warp inside a solar system is a no-no, too.

Nice to see the Klingons finally back on our side. They just feel better as allies.

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@lefthandedguitarist >quote I'm a bit curious as to why going to warp inside a solar system is a no-no, too.

If memory serves me well there are numerous times where it has been done as well as episodes where there are indications it´s a bad idea. Althought you'll find explanations suporting either theory. In the end it might come done to beeing a storytelling tool.

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