


Silo: 1x02 Holston's Pick

Pretty sure none of those who went outside are dead. That's part of the control mechanism to keep people inside. The people in power are obviously afraid to loose it. They destroyed all evidence of what happened in the past so they can create their own myth. Yeah, I know I'm stating the obvious. Maybe they are even living on the surface themselves and don't want to share ? Maybe the Silo is important for things on the surface to work, part of a machinery ?
But it leaves the question open why no one ever came back.

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@xiofire Yes, I agree. I was thinking that myself. But in both cases we saw they went down within eyesight of the Silo. Which makes sense because if the suits are rigged you want people inside see them go down. But that raises the question why there aren't any more bodies laying around. Granted, we don't know how many went out to clean and they could remove the bodies. But something's just not adding up.

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Diamonds Are Forever

So it follows the traditional Bond theme.

Bond girls are the normal "hotness". Although this is the first time I remember actually catching brief nudity in a Bond movie (at the beginning when he takes the bikini top off of the first woman).

Cheesy effects but it is the 70s.

Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd are quite funny in an odd kind of way and it's hard to tell if they are really just odd or if there really is a homosexual aspect of them. Violent and murderous regardless.

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@cary99 >Although this is the first time I remember actually catching brief nudity in a Bond movie (at the beginning when he takes the bikini top off of the first woman).

If you do a picture by picture at the scene in Dr. No where they got decontaminated in the shower you can see that Ursula Andress was totally naked in that scene. Just before the guy gave her the bathrope there are one or two frames where you can spot that. Not that anyone would have notice back than but I was surprised it made it to Disk. I have the Special Edition DVD btw.

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Silo: 1x05 The Janitor's Boy

Ah, man, I really liked Marnes. I had hoped he would get out of this.

Ultimately this episode delivers more question then answers. Something that is rather obvious is that Judicial does not want anyone to find out about the past. For whatever reason this might be. But it's safe to assume that with the way they handeled the murder, everything else is a lie, too. But there have to be people who know the truth.

I'm not sold on Holland being a good guy. His change of heart came too sudden and convinient. Or maybe he is a good guy and knows more and wasn't sure he could trust Nichols ?

How doesn't anyone know what Stars are. How can that be dangerous information ?

One thing is sure, I'm still very much interested in how this plays out.

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@johnny_poncho Yes, there is that, too. In any case I can't figure him out really. But I don't think we have to wait too long to see his true colors.

Thanks for the reply.

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Falling Skies: 1x08 What Hides Beneath

Reply by FinFan

That probably explains why that POW wanted to be killed and why the Skitters care for the children. They may suffer the same fate.

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@roswellgeek Thanks for the reply, much appreciated. Unfortunately I don't recall much either since it's been almost three years now.

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F*ckin' love that movie poster...even more after seeing it!

One thread of, "Inglorious Bastards," fleshed out to fill a film, but that thread carrying a singular meaning (a Finnish word with no direct translation?). Wow, hahaha!

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@vwfringe Thanks again for bringing this to my attention. Enjoyed every minute of it.

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Star Wars: Visions: 2x04 I Am Your Mother

A lot of Star Wars easter eggs but I still say it's the worst so far. And the ones before didn't lay the bar very high.
It's predictable from the get go, it wasn't very funny and yet again I sadly have to point out I can't connect with the character being a teen with teen problems. Which seems to be the thing this season.

From the preview picture I hope the next one will be much better.

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@vwfringe yes, the first season much more inherited the Star Wars spirit while the second seemed more like sunay morning kids cartoons that happen to be in the Star Wars universe.

I haven't watched "Sisu" but I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip.

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Bosch: 4x01 Ask the Dust

Pretty much another reset with a case probably spanning up to episode nine. There will then be thrown it bits about the murder of Bosch's mother along with one or two new leads or revelations.
Honestly, I don't know if I'm up for four more seasons of this.

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@warden1 think part of the problem for me is watching all the seasons in succession. I don't think this is a show you should binge. Still, I like most of the characters and those I don't I'm probably not supposed to.

Thanks for your reply.

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Star Trek: 2x07 Catspaw

Was Chekov wearing a beatles wig? His hair did not look at all natural.

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@medous It actually was a wig in that style of fashion. It was also Walter Koenig first episode (in production order). He was brought in to appeal to a more younger audience. Imdb notes his hair was too short at the time therefore the bad wig.

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Lost in La Mancha

Reply by FinFan

This is neither good or bad - it's just boring. I don't even know how to rate it. It may be interesting if you've seen the movie, which finally got made in 2018. Otherwise you can skip this.

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@the_argentinian On the contrary, I do like behind the scene stuff a lot. There isn't a movie Thatcher hasn't an problems. But I found the way it was presented boring. Sorry, but that's how it felt.

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The Mandalorian: 3x08 Chapter 24: The Return

Shout by Xander Nijhof

What?? No teaser? No stinger? No giant cliffhanger?

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@the_argentinian I didn't say there won't be another season. I just mentioned it could be the last. Favreau is already writing scripts for a possible 4th season. Those could be adapted for other shows I guess. But since it is official that it's no longer Din's show and the final scenes of season three hinting he's taking a step back, a possible 4th season could be entirley about Bo Katan.

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The Mandalorian: Season 3

It's disheartening to read comments criticizing the series for not living up to the standards set by previous seasons and for lacking action in some episodes. I advise viewers to have patience because there is undoubtedly a bigger plan in store for the series, masterminded by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau, which will likely involve other shows dedicated to other characters.

i respect differing opinions, but I think it's important to recognize the unique nature of The Mandalorian. It's a show that blends genres and explores the Star Wars universe in exciting ways. It's not just about flashy action scenes, but also about character development and building a world that feels authentic and immersive.

Overall, while some viewers may feel disappointed with certain aspects of the third season, I believe it's worth sticking with the series and giving it a chance to fully unfold. With Filoni and Favreau at the helm, I have no doubt that there are some exciting surprises and twists in store for us.

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@andreas1138 I agree with the spirit of what you've said. I, too, have faith in Dave and John but this season often made me wonder if they still have uncontested creativ control.

I also felt there was at times too much action, there was hardly an episode without it. And for me it often felt like action without purpose, just there to be there.

The season still showed flashes of greatness, and maybe I'm expecting to much from each and every episode, but overall it was a bit of a downer.

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The Mandalorian: 3x08 Chapter 24: The Return

Shout by Xander Nijhof

What?? No teaser? No stinger? No giant cliffhanger?

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@xander75 Maybe they aren't sure there'll be another season. I could absolutely see this being the end of this show with Mando making appearances in other creations that are yet to come. They already said he's no longer the focus of the show. And you know what, I think I would be OK with that.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x05 Fly Me to the Moon

Reply by FinFan

More pieces of the puzzle but still no full picture developing.

It actually wasn't too bad. We see more of Q, which is a good thing given deLancies great performance. Concerning Q: Why would he rip himself of his own power in a scenario he himself created ? Doesn't make sense and suggest that someone else is involved ?

So, Laris isn't Laris but a supervisor like Gary Seven. That's an interesting angle that I hope get's further developed than just this short mentioning. I'm also getting some Edith Keeler vibes with Renee Picard in the sense that she was essential for the timeline. Interestingly Keeler's survival would have let probably to the same future as Renee not making the flight. Coincidence ?

The ICE storyline is hopefully done with and it was obviously just there to make a point. Let's leave it at that.

I don't like the Jurati plot because I don't like Jurati. And I'm dissapointed in how they used the Borg Queen so far. But that's just me personally.

Bringing in Brent Spiner as another Soong ancestor is a nice angle that, in a way, gives more depth. Althought I fear he's just a tool here. And Isa Briones finally got to make her appearance in this timeline, too.

One thing that pains me to say a bit is that it feels that Patrick Stewart seems exhausted in almost every scene he's in. It could be intentional in how he plays Picard as a fragile old man. I hope it is because otherwise it would mean it's too much for him. Which could be normal given his age but makes me wonder about his involvement in season 3.

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@medous You're absolutely right. But maybe it's a build in feature to make him appear more human. :wink::laughing:
The way the were writing this I wouldn't be surprised.

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The Flight Attendant: 1x02 Rabbits

"I'm a totally new person" - Comes home starts excessive drinking.
"I'm going to be there and I'm not going to be late" - you instantly know what will happen.

I'm sorry but this isn't working for me. This doesn't work as a comedy, not as a thriller, not at all. I was already fast forwarding and am already tired of Cassie making stupid decisions and then apollogizing afterwards again and again.

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@misnomer I liked Kaley in TBBT but this is the sort of character you want to constantly slap in the face because of her decisions. And the show has no identidy. It tries to be everything but is nothing really.
You could watch one episode and if you don't like it you shouldn't bother.

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 4

Reply by FinFan

I wasted my 7 day free trial of Paramount+ watching this. I'd rather view DS9's 'Move Along Home' 13 times than have to watch this season again.

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@noodlebrain You know, I was actually considering that because a friend of mine, himself a vivid Star Trek fan, was singing high praise on Picard S3. His tune changed dramatically the last two episodes, though.

Seems like they again managed to screw it up.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x15 The Summit (1)

A very good first half of the finale with some unexpected twist. Although I was wondering why the Batch never entertained the idea of infiltrating as regular troopers. Now I know.
Very cool to see Krennic and the mention of Project Stardust.

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@kuhncumber No, but it would have been weird if two rading parties had the same idea.

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 4

I wasted my 7 day free trial of Paramount+ watching this. I'd rather view DS9's 'Move Along Home' 13 times than have to watch this season again.

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@noodlebrain That's because I didn't watch it. Talked to my Star Trek buddies and they said. " Just don't watch " :laughing:

Yeah, the 5 for SNW is more to the fact I don't care for the show as such. Watched 4 or 5 episodes. Most of the new characters are annoying and the writing has little respect for canon. The only new character I like gets killed. So there goes my interest. New Star Trek just isn't for me. Didn't watch Picard S3 or the animated ones either.

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 4

I wasted my 7 day free trial of Paramount+ watching this. I'd rather view DS9's 'Move Along Home' 13 times than have to watch this season again.

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@noodlebrain I could've saved you the pain of watching this if you'd asked me. :wink::laughing:

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The Mandalorian: 3x07 Chapter 23: The Spies

Review by FinFan

Funny how now the Empire Remnant has a secret underground resistance against the New Republic. How the tables have turned.

This episode was way better in terms of storytelling but it left me very frustrated. I know that the Mandalorians are not likely to win if they want to keep the mythology. But just for once I'd like to see them come out on top. Gideon has become a bit ridicolous. He's the archetype of a bad guy. He was more interesting when he wasn't flying around as a Vader look-alike. I hate to see Vizla die but I should've seen that one coming because I really grew to like him. Grogu inside IG ? Come-on, he's a Force user. Despite the fact he choose not to train with Luke he still has the ability, no ? And we still must have a monster, doesn't we ?

Now, those are personal and, yes, biased points on my behalf. Like I said it was a great episode as such. In the end I see it as a win for the author if he invokes those reactions from me. There were also moments that gave me serious goosebumps. Like when Bo told them what happened between her and Gideon and subsequent how Din told her why he's following her. The talk about Thrawn didn't surprise me. I expected that pretty much from episode one forward.

Only one episode left and I hope there'll be some silver lining.

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@mcbibus Yeah I don't know. I'm more with Din: "This isn't working for me". Maybe once Grogu starts shooting blasters or something like that. :wink:

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The Mandalorian: 3x07 Chapter 23: The Spies

Review by FinFan

Funny how now the Empire Remnant has a secret underground resistance against the New Republic. How the tables have turned.

This episode was way better in terms of storytelling but it left me very frustrated. I know that the Mandalorians are not likely to win if they want to keep the mythology. But just for once I'd like to see them come out on top. Gideon has become a bit ridicolous. He's the archetype of a bad guy. He was more interesting when he wasn't flying around as a Vader look-alike. I hate to see Vizla die but I should've seen that one coming because I really grew to like him. Grogu inside IG ? Come-on, he's a Force user. Despite the fact he choose not to train with Luke he still has the ability, no ? And we still must have a monster, doesn't we ?

Now, those are personal and, yes, biased points on my behalf. Like I said it was a great episode as such. In the end I see it as a win for the author if he invokes those reactions from me. There were also moments that gave me serious goosebumps. Like when Bo told them what happened between her and Gideon and subsequent how Din told her why he's following her. The talk about Thrawn didn't surprise me. I expected that pretty much from episode one forward.

Only one episode left and I hope there'll be some silver lining.

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@noodlebrain Sadly I would absolutely believe that that was the sole reason the did this. Grogu's story really hit a wall this season.

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Yes, the car chase is what sets this movie apart from similar ones. Althought I remembered it to be longer. But the rest of the movie isn't bad either. It's a thriller in the truest sense of the word with convincing portrayals from, both, McQueen and Vaughn alike.

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@andreas1138 Oh, he's amazing. Did a lot of Clint Eastwood movies and Starsky & Hutch theme if i remember right.

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The Mandalorian: 3x06 Chapter 22: Guns for Hire
The Mandalorian: 3x07 Chapter 23: The Spies

It is great, but Din Djarin really became the weakest character on the show, he didn’t win a single fight this season and that hurts me

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@caiomunarolo From Star Wars Celebration

Mandalorian Producer Confirms Din Djarin is No Longer the Only Main Character

The Mandalorian began as a show about Din Djarin and Grogu, though fans have begun asking if that's still the case as Season 3 explores more of the Mandalorians as a people instead of just a person.

Executive producer Rick Famuyiwa has addressed those questions in an interview with IGN, and yes, the fans are right to question it. Turns out, the titular Mandalorian is no longer considered to be just Din.

"I think that's been interesting as we've been on the journey of the show, and now that we're at this point, is that, what does that title mean?," Famuyiwa told IGN.

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seaQuest DSV: 3x08 Resurrection

This one I didn't like. It's the same story they have already done half a dozen times. Some lunatic who thinks he can play god and recreate the world takes control over Seaquest. Add the captains-ex coming back which, again, doesn't do much.
Cmdr. Ford should have blown up Seaquest. He refuses to do it by saying he can't risk the boat reaching critical mass. Instead he does nothing, thus asuring the site will blow. Yeah, that makes sense. And the hauler reached Seaquest pretty fast at the end.
The few positives are showing some of the impact from Brody's death and I think that Lucas is becoming more and more mature.

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@noodlebrain In itself it's not awful but at the same time it doesn't do anything fresh. It's a sequel to a story that didn't need one. And why bring back Scully if he's doing the same thing. That's not developement. I'm also bored by how easy it is for bad guys to always get control over the boat if they want to. It still beats many of the season two episodes, though. But that isn't that hard to achieve.

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seaQuest DSV: 3x01 Brave New World (2)

Considering where they left at the end of season two this isn't as bad as I feared. Although the explanation of what happened is rather weak and the selection of who survived and who didn't is simply based on which actor wanted to come back I guess.

The flaws this show always had are still there but I find the playing field is a bit more interesting now. In any case it's just a dozen episodes left.

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@noodlebrain Both present and accounted for.

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The Mandalorian: 3x05 Chapter 21: The Pirate

While this still felt like another side quest in some ways, this episode was set up nicely by all of the episodes that came before. It brings us back to Nevarro, Greef Karga, and the pirates from episode 1, shows us a little of the New Republic and Kane which we have some context for thanks to episode 3, at the end we start hinting back to the events of episode 2 and Mandalore, and this entire episode wouldn't have worked if it wasn't for episode 4 when we saw Mando and Bo-Katan earn the respect and trust of the Mandalorian covert. It also provided some more great action with exciting moments, and was another big episode for Bo-Katan as she continues to rise in the ranks and gain a lot of power very quickly. This felt like a bridge episode to start tying in the various elements of earlier episodes into a more connected narrative, and while the balance wasn't perfect, I liked how it connected things a little more. At the same time, I was a little underwhelmed by the events of this episode and more so just appreciate the writing that got us to this point. There are also some things I'm not so sure how I feel about, such as Bo-Katan being entrusted to take off her helmet and unite all Mandalorians just because she has "walked both ways" and saw a Mythosaur. Din has the darksaber and has walked both ways too, so why did he have to go to so much trouble to become redeemed? I get that Bo-Katan's history is different and she may be better suited for uniting the Mandalorians, and maybe Din doesn't really care to walk both ways, so it doesn't bother me all that much but certainly feels a little contradictory from the Armorer. So overall, a little underwhelming but this episode was set up nicely.

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@justinnumerick yeah, but he can't really give it to her. It doesn't work that way so there has to be some resolution to that problem. Din is just fine with beeing who he is right now which makes me think if Bo could become the centre of the show at least for now.
The Mythosaur is a very strong symbol and according to the Armorer it's foretold that he'll rise up to herald a new age for Mandalore. So if she believes Bo has seen it I think it explains her change in behavior.
In any case, I think this will be interesting.

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The Mandalorian: 3x05 Chapter 21: The Pirate

During the recap I thought: please, no. Not pirates again. But this episode really caught fire, literally as well as figuratively. It's beginning to go into the direction I'd hoped for with the Mandalorians.

Now, I wonder since Din still posesses the Darksaber could that become an issue again ? Or can Bo lead them without it now that the Armorer has spoken on her behalf ? And I'm certain it wasn't Mandalorians who freed Gideon. That's a ruse to blame them. Even with him escaping I'm still convinced there is a bigger fish in the water.

We can now safely assume that the ex-imperial is an operative for the empire remnant. I really like that Capt Carson gets a bigger role. He's a really honest guy.

And what do you know - Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios. Another Rebels connection. Uhh, I like where this is going.

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@aeronmelon you're right. that is a real possibility. Hadn't thought about that but it really would be a shame loosing him.

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The Mandalorian: 3x05 Chapter 21: The Pirate

While this still felt like another side quest in some ways, this episode was set up nicely by all of the episodes that came before. It brings us back to Nevarro, Greef Karga, and the pirates from episode 1, shows us a little of the New Republic and Kane which we have some context for thanks to episode 3, at the end we start hinting back to the events of episode 2 and Mandalore, and this entire episode wouldn't have worked if it wasn't for episode 4 when we saw Mando and Bo-Katan earn the respect and trust of the Mandalorian covert. It also provided some more great action with exciting moments, and was another big episode for Bo-Katan as she continues to rise in the ranks and gain a lot of power very quickly. This felt like a bridge episode to start tying in the various elements of earlier episodes into a more connected narrative, and while the balance wasn't perfect, I liked how it connected things a little more. At the same time, I was a little underwhelmed by the events of this episode and more so just appreciate the writing that got us to this point. There are also some things I'm not so sure how I feel about, such as Bo-Katan being entrusted to take off her helmet and unite all Mandalorians just because she has "walked both ways" and saw a Mythosaur. Din has the darksaber and has walked both ways too, so why did he have to go to so much trouble to become redeemed? I get that Bo-Katan's history is different and she may be better suited for uniting the Mandalorians, and maybe Din doesn't really care to walk both ways, so it doesn't bother me all that much but certainly feels a little contradictory from the Armorer. So overall, a little underwhelming but this episode was set up nicely.

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@justinnumerick Well, you could say Din wanted to be redeemed to become Mandalorian again while Bo didn't care and got redeemed by accident if you will. And then seeing the Mythosaur, which Din didn't, is interpreted as some kind of sign. Like the Armorer said, the beginning of a new generation. There is the issue of the Darksaber, thought. And something inside me doesn't want them to fight for it.

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seaQuest DSV: 2x05 Vapors

Bridger sure has a thing for Doctor's, hasn't he ? And how many deLuise's can you pack in one episode ?

Sadly this episode isn't great. There is just too much going on, everything thrown together. It's somewhere between a soap and a bad comedy. Had some very few good moments. But all in all forgettable.

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@noodlebrain There were actually things that would've been interesting in this episode. Like how Dr. Smith deals with the problems of her telepathic abilities. I am also not opposed to the Cap hitting on the Doc but it really was a bit cheesy. The Captain's barbecue could have been a great oppertunity to show the crew in private like they did with TNG. Instead the main focus was the youth addiction of Piccolo's mother by taking pills (now where do I know that from ? :wink:) which they turned into a DeLuise famlily reunion comedy.

Yeah, what can I say. Just tell me I'm too petty-minded. :laughing:

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The Mandalorian: 3x03 Chapter 19: The Convert