


Star Trek: Discovery: 1x14 The War Without, The War Within

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

"The Star Trek Without the Star Trek Within". Yes, silly title, it made as much sense as the episode itself (but, to be honest, Discovery does often feel like Star Trek without the Star Trek within). Well, at least they're gearing up for what it seems to be a fun (though most likely ludicrous) season finale.

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@misnomer Absolutely. With Lorca gone there is something missing. Would have been a nice twist to have the other Lorca appearing on the bridge instead of the Admiral who isn't particularly interesting . Could have made for some interesting scenes with the Empress.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x14 The War Without, The War Within

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

"The Star Trek Without the Star Trek Within". Yes, silly title, it made as much sense as the episode itself (but, to be honest, Discovery does often feel like Star Trek without the Star Trek within). Well, at least they're gearing up for what it seems to be a fun (though most likely ludicrous) season finale.

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@misnomer >quote Discovery does often feel like Star Trek without the Star Trek within

That's a good one

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x14 The War Without, The War Within

Reply by FinFan

This penultimate episode of season one was fantastic! The storytelling is clearly at it's best this season. Can't wait for next weeks finale!

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@agent24 Totally fine with me. If we all had the same view there would be no discussion.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x14 The War Without, The War Within

This penultimate episode of season one was fantastic! The storytelling is clearly at it's best this season. Can't wait for next weeks finale!

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@agent24 the quick problem solving I can excuse. It is after all, as you mentioned, a TV show with a short runtime per episode. But in this the sollutions are really weak.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x14 The War Without, The War Within

Reply by FinFan

Honestly, i don't know why all the hate on this show. I'm lovin' it. Hard.

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@santiagolipe I don't hate it, I actually think it has it's good sides I just didn't like this episode in particular

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x14 The War Without, The War Within

Reply by FinFan

After the action filled episodes this takes a step back and slows things down. But I must agree I am not that much in favor with this episode.
First the writing seems rather convenient. They need to replenish the spores so they just terraform a moon in a nearby system. The depiction of the way the Klingons fight the war sound eerily like terrorist methods. The plan to go to Qo'noS and the explanation of how only military targets will be selected - this all has war on terror written all over it and not in a favorable way. Instead of raising questions if it is moral to do so here it seems like justification. Putting the Emperor in command as Giourgou with the lame explanation she's just recently been rescued makes no sense but maybe it was part of an agreement that wasn't shown to us. The whole Tyler-Burnham arch I was never in favor and now it becomes a millstone that has to be dragged along because I don't think with the conversation between those two it is done with.
Let's see what the season finale will bring but I think we are due to another 180 degree spin.

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@onlime Well, since they already time travelled from the Mirror Universe to where they are now (they "overshot by nine months" althought I can't recall something like that happening before in Trek) I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibilities. At the same time it would be a total sell-out from a story telling perspective so I hope there is something else.

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Wind River

Fair detective movie based on (or inspired by) true story but to be honest I don't understand so high rating on many webs. There is no special mysterious plot or ending. Classic detective movie with dark atmosphere. The movie had definitely more potential and could be better but still solid one. You won't be disappointed. Just don't expect anything mysterious about that.

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@hlava OK, I see what you mean. I think the straightforward was the strong part. Made it believable. I guess it's a matter of perspective but of course I respect yours.

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Wind River

Fair detective movie based on (or inspired by) true story but to be honest I don't understand so high rating on many webs. There is no special mysterious plot or ending. Classic detective movie with dark atmosphere. The movie had definitely more potential and could be better but still solid one. You won't be disappointed. Just don't expect anything mysterious about that.

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@hlava Not sure where you saw more potential. I think this was spot on. More action would have killed it and thank god they didn't put in the usual romance between the leads.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x13 What's Past is Prologue

Reply by FinFan

Shout by FinFan

This was an action filled episode. Production wise this is great. If their is one point of criticism - hire a new fight choreographer. And what about Jason Isaac ? Will we now see the other Lorca ? Just when I thought I had a vague idea where this is going they throw everything out of the window. This I did not see coming. Whole episode was full of what-the-heck moments. Question still remains what is the main universe they are in because with that reveal at the end their is no way you can tie this into Trek Prime. And this is the main drive for me - how does this fit into Star Trek canon ? Could be worse. But I must add I also enjoy the writing more and more. At least they come up with bold ideas and judging from how the Mirror Universe part was layed out in preperation for this I have confidence the writers to have a bigger picture.

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@andreas1138 There will always be those who will hate, it has been so with every new installment. I've been with Star Trek for decades and in general, althought having my favorites, love all shows/movies (the exception beeing Abrams Kelvin timeline). I had my doubts about Discovery and some are still there but I am putting them in the back and enyoing it for what it is.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x13 What's Past is Prologue

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

Evil Stamets is dead! Lorca is dead! They just won't stop with the twists! Every time I think that I know where they're going with this, a twist comes along and shakes things up. The unpredictability of this show is definitely one of its more attractive features. But now I feel a bit disappointed because it seems that we're back again at Klingons vs. Humans... I gotta say, for me, the best part of the show was spent in the Mirror Universe.
All the rush and adrenaline of this episode made it feel like a season finale, but we still got two episodes left. Let's see where they're taking this baby, now...

But what upsets me the most is that we will no longer be able to have Lorca saying the cute catchphrase "Make the Empire great again!".

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@misnomer I was surprised that they left the Mirror universe so soon, too. I would expect it to last at least for this season. But with Lorca dead there is little sense in staying there. I hope we will see the other Lorca because I really like Isaacs and I want to know what the good (?) Lorca is like.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x12 Vaulting Ambition

Reply by FinFan

Shout by FinFan

So, I guess I was right about Lorca all along. But again they made the reveal at the right time because I don't think this would have been holding up much longer.

At roughly 38 min this was a short one if you take into account credits and previously scenes. This is more of a bridge episode anyway and because the end didn't surprise me it raised more questions than it hold answers. Burnham had to reveal herself but she showed her hand to fast I think. I'm sure that will come back to bite her. Personally I also would have liked to have Tyler gone but I guess you can kill only so much of your cast in one season ;-)

One thing I wonder after this episode is what the long term future of the show could be. What if they fix the spore network and deal with Lorca and his plans? Because you cannot drag those plots out over a couple of seasons. Or do they go back to their (alternate ?) universe and deal with the Klingons ? We'll see, I'm in for the duration.

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@misnomer I think mirror Stamets is a key figure in the story probably even working together with Lorca. Lorca came to the Discovery universe before the shows story line started, which raises the question whate happened to the real Lorca ?
It's clear with how the story unfolds the writers know exactly what they were doing from the beginning and they incorporated the mirror universe story quite well. One could even make the argument it was a Mirror Universe show from the beginning. I must say althought this is not Star Trek of old I'm more and more getting drawn into it.

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The X-Files: 11x03 Plus One

Reply by FinFan

So, how about doing just normal x-files episodes and forget about the big mystery ?

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@scancom althought if it was a lie and they do another 180 about that it would be exactly the thing I hate. And I had totally forgotten about the girl, since the episode didn't happen she obviously didn't die. But I didn't missed her either so maybe not important But I agree, not that interesting anymore.

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The X-Files: 11x03 Plus One

Reply by FinFan

So, how about doing just normal x-files episodes and forget about the big mystery ?

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@mansemat Right now it feels awfully like he´s beating a dead horse. Yes, I was dissapointed with the ending of season 9 but turning everything upside down is worse. At this point I'd be fine with some good episodes and at the end Mulder and Scully retire.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x11 The Wolf Inside

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

Ooooh, that twist at the end, what an exciting revelation! Now we finally know who the Emperor is... And, of course, it had to be a familiar face. Discovery is shaping itself to become more and more like a soap opera in space rather than another Star Trek series. BUT (and that's a big butt) I am not complaining about it. In fact, I'm excitingly enjoying all these plot twists as they come along.

We have to be honest, there isn't much of the core Trek philosophy here (if any, at all), the Roddenberry legacy is hardly recognizable... But this show sure is becoming fun as hell! And I'm in for the whole ride!

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@misnomer I hear what you're saying about what makes/made Trek. And I agree. Like you I am willing to let Discovery give room to develop. In the Mirror Universe there isn´t much exploration going on anyway. Here it's conquest. I'm pretty sure the show runners know what they are up to. If I like it when it all comes together ? We'll see. They must have had reasons to do a prequel rather than a post VOY fully aware of how sensitive the fanbase always was and that they are operatig on a short leash when it comes to continuity.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x11 The Wolf Inside

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

Ooooh, that twist at the end, what an exciting revelation! Now we finally know who the Emperor is... And, of course, it had to be a familiar face. Discovery is shaping itself to become more and more like a soap opera in space rather than another Star Trek series. BUT (and that's a big butt) I am not complaining about it. In fact, I'm excitingly enjoying all these plot twists as they come along.

We have to be honest, there isn't much of the core Trek philosophy here (if any, at all), the Roddenberry legacy is hardly recognizable... But this show sure is becoming fun as hell! And I'm in for the whole ride!

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@misnomer You are right about the Trek philosophy and I've given that a lot of thought. On the other hand I still don't believe Discovey is set in the Prime Universe (the one all the other shows are set). I read a quote from Producer Alex Kurtzman saying "We are canon, be patient with us" He wasn't taking about timeline or universe. If they are canon they can´t be in the Prime because it would be hard to explain why we never heard of a spore drive or Spock having an adopted sister. It´s all speculation at this point. Anyway, as I said many times before people were bashing TNG when it premiered (me included) and in the end what it did was pushing Star Trek forward for decades. If this brings people to Trek - that can't be a bad thing.

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Marvel's Runaways: 1x01 Reunion

Reply by FinFan

Not a reader of the comics and from that premiere I am not sure why I should continue watching this. First, I feel like I´ve just watched an episode of Beverly Hills 90210 and second those characters are overly cliched in both looks and behaviour.
But I'll always say to never judge a show by one episode so I'll at least watch another one.

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@misnomer I have The Gifted on my watchlist so I will watch it later. We seem to be on the same page on a lot of things as I quit MAoS during the 3rd.

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Marvel's Runaways: 1x01 Reunion

Reply by FinFan

Not a reader of the comics and from that premiere I am not sure why I should continue watching this. First, I feel like I´ve just watched an episode of Beverly Hills 90210 and second those characters are overly cliched in both looks and behaviour.
But I'll always say to never judge a show by one episode so I'll at least watch another one.

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@misnomer I always encourage people to form their own opinion but it has recently been renewed for a 2nd so you've got time.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x10 Despite Yourself

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

"Directed by Jonathan Frakes". Attaboy! You show 'em how it's done, Riker!

I actually like where this is heading, with all the Nazi-like humans. Sure, it's a cliché, an alternate universe where humans are a ruthless, merciless race, but it's still fun. Bonus: by having the story moved to an alternate universe, I can stop worrying that this doesn't feel like Star Trek, because it doesn't have to, now. That being said, I like where this sci-fi show is heading, it's definitely popcorn worthy.

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@misnomer you're welcome. And I agree 100 % on the Kelvin timeline.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x10 Despite Yourself

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

"Directed by Jonathan Frakes". Attaboy! You show 'em how it's done, Riker!

I actually like where this is heading, with all the Nazi-like humans. Sure, it's a cliché, an alternate universe where humans are a ruthless, merciless race, but it's still fun. Bonus: by having the story moved to an alternate universe, I can stop worrying that this doesn't feel like Star Trek, because it doesn't have to, now. That being said, I like where this sci-fi show is heading, it's definitely popcorn worthy.

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@misnomer The first time was in TOS episode Mirror, Mirror. After that there were several episodes in DS9 and, if I remember correctly, one in ENT. You could easily find information if you google Mirror Universe Star Trek. The Kelvin timeline is something else entirely and I think the producers of Discovery said this show is not connected.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x10 Despite Yourself

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

"Directed by Jonathan Frakes". Attaboy! You show 'em how it's done, Riker!

I actually like where this is heading, with all the Nazi-like humans. Sure, it's a cliché, an alternate universe where humans are a ruthless, merciless race, but it's still fun. Bonus: by having the story moved to an alternate universe, I can stop worrying that this doesn't feel like Star Trek, because it doesn't have to, now. That being said, I like where this sci-fi show is heading, it's definitely popcorn worthy.

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@misnomer >Bonus: by having the story moved to an alternate universe, I can stop worrying that this doesn't feel like Star Trek, because it doesn't have to, now<

well, yes and no. If they are in THE Mirror Universe there are already established facts in place althought since this is chronologically before Kirks Enterprise discovered this universe there is some leeway. But maybe there are in a totally different one entirely.

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The X-Files: Season 11

Reply by FinFan

I was so excited and eager for this new season to start but then I read about Gillian's departure after its end and now I'm heartbroken. It seems to me that it's headed toward the cancellation, cause I can't see how it could go on without Scully. Even if they get a renewal it won't be the X-files we all love.

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@ana993 totally with you but I am already asking myself if those are the x-files we all love NOW.

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The X-Files: 11x01 My Struggle III

Reply by FinFan

I thought Mulder found out the Cigarette Smoking Man was alive in My Struggle 2 ? Now Scully has to convince Mulder, he's alive ? Am confused lol. The twist in the end won't satisfy long time fans either.
Hopefully the skips the main story in a few episodes. The best last season, was where a acreature becomes human

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@jim222001 basically almost the complete My Struggle II never happened

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The X-Files: 11x01 My Struggle III

Reply by FinFan

Wow... that was some of the worst TV I’ve ever seen. So corny and cheesy.

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@twiztidjuggla420 I wanted to reply something to your comment but now I decided to try and forget about it.

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The Long Road Home: 1x02 Into the Unknown

Reply by FinFan


Shout by Chilkara

The moment of "I just killed three generations of one family" really wrecked me. I can't even imagine a soldier trying to cope with that.

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@d2dyno in an invented script this would have been a cool quote, but here, knowing it happened, that hit me too.

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All the Money in the World

Reply by FinFan

I will not watch this movie, but i want to give my two cents to it.

Maybe Mister Plummer is better than Kevin Spacey.
Maybe this Cast fits more.
Maybe Kevin Spacey has to be punished.

But the way Ridley Scott is just totally hypocrite. The way of editing a finished (!) movie, just to cut out an actor is just nonsense.

Would it be hard to advertise this movie? Yeah, but this was the way the movie was made. It's not the same, but similar to George Lucas StarWars-Postediting. It's just confusing as hell to edit a finished (!) movie.

Hate me for my words, but this is what i think.

If you think different about it, please! tell me. I am interessed in your opinion.

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@the_guy_with_the_hat agreed. I wanted to watch the movie after I saw the trailer, now I´m not sure anymore it is the same movie.

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Starship Troopers

Shout by Ian
BlockedParent2017-09-08T04:09:47Z— updated 2017-12-20T20:19:56Z

This movie started as a spoof of fascist kitsch and then kind of dropped the spoof part. The romance was so hamfisted you could spit roast it over a fire and feed your family. The telekinesis aspect was mentioned for about 5 minutes in the start of the film, and then used to save the female love interest. Amazingly bad. I thought the first half was much stronger than the second half as the constant battle scenes got tired fast. It's not bad - it's fun - but it's a product of it's time that doesn't age well at all, and you really won't miss out if you don't watch it. If you do decide to watch this, do it drunk, with friends.

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@agentdrtran Don´t know if you´re much of a reader but I can recommend the book by Heinlein. It deals much more with the society than the movie does.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 3x17 Unity

Reply by FinFan

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-01-03T22:02:50Z— updated 2021-03-14T18:43:29Z

After just introducing the possibility of a Borg encounter in the previous episode I would have preferred a couple of episodes before they pick that up. Even if it wasn't exactly THE Borg they encounter here.
I think the idea of an individual Collective (an oxymoron) interesting. But since we leave them behind there isn't that much to it. And why do those stories always have to have a romantic angle ?
And in typical Janeway style her morals are always where the story needs them to be. If something suits her needs she can bend rules and regulations, step over ethics and morals. If not....well than it´s "who am I to interfere, what do I care and think about what might happen if I do"
I guess that´s why I never liked her much.

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@robhunter85 She´s not ?! Damn what a bummer ;-)

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The Orville: 1x11 New Dimensions

Reply by FinFan

Superb! This was Star Trek - sorry - The Orville at its finest!
The Orville already had a couple of episodes lingering around moral dilemmas, à la Star Trek, and now there's this great space exploration episode, also akin to the good old Star Trek style.
This show has exceeded all expectations, I truly hope it gets renewed for a second season.

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@misnomer it was already announced early November they will be back for a second.

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Star Trek: Horizon

I remember when a fanfilm, or fan made film, was something people did in their living room with sets made of cardboard and some used circuit boards. We´ve come a long way since then.

I´d like to watch those fan projects and this is in general a good one. Plot is interesting, acting is good, the CG effects are acceptable. As I always say with fanfilms you have to remember that those movies are made with a mini budget and a lot of determination.

Only thing that was at the limit of beeing unbearable was the glare and fuzziness that was used throughout the picture. It was really strenuous on the eyes.

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@bluartisteyes I think it was intentional. Maybe the wanted to emulate JJ Abrams style.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x11 Lead Horse Back to Stable

Reply by FinFan

This show has a weird way of getting you to semi like a character in one scene then despise them in the other. Colleen asking one of her students to risk her job and pulling the "I am your sensi" card was selfish. She could've asked her to show her the way and then she can get the meds herself. I was happy she did her "job" and called The Hand. But then they think so little of Colleen to send a couple of kids to deal with her, and she discovers they're not who they thought they were, and maybe Danny wasn't so wrong. Even though he always sounds like a brainwashed machine who's being used to destroy things blindly and without question, which I'm not sure the writers are aware they're doing with their "hero" of the story. Anyway, in that moment I found myself suddenly and for the first time rooting for her? So happy she kicked their asses and escaped. That scene at the end in the rain with Colleen and Danny is probably the only believable and good scene with them so far this season.

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@khawlah Isn´t that how it mostly works in TV ? The good guys turn out to be the bad guys. Then they are trying to explain to good guys why they aren´t the bad guys only to discover later on that they really were the bad guys. And then they redeem themselves by fighting with the good guys. That´s almost the one o one of writing.

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