

Toronto, Canada

The Good Wife: 1x15 Bang

Eli Gold is one of the best characters in the show. Top 3 with Alicia and Kalinda.

The Sarah Palin joke in this episode is the funniest thing of the season.

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Good Omens: 1x01 In the Beginning

It's a strong opening but nothing that supremely wows me. At worst though I'm pretty interested in this characters. They're unique and fun. It's classic cheeky interpretations of religion. Like oh hey The Lord loves bowling doesn't that make us just so unique and different? It's nothing you haven't seen in 50 different irreverent episodes about religious characters before.

But I didn't hate it. It's a great setup. If this was network TV I'd be worried about it being picked up but we're in a new world. Shows can have merely okay openings and then grow them into something deeper.

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It's raining it's slightly increased because I put it on an Indian sliding scale. I have a lot of technical problems with the movie. I like tiebreaking, bad editing, inconsistent editing, inconsistent filming.

But it was Stillwell made, the story was interesting and mostly well told. This is primarily a legal thriller. The legal aspects in the movie are really hard because I don't know anything about Indian a law. but the opening was very shaky around the midpoint started to come together and become very interesting. There's a lot of things I really disagree with I can't tell if it's because of cultural reasons or legal reasons that they happened.

But overall it was a very good time.

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You're the Worst: 5x04 What Money?

classic opening, insane ending. more people need to watch this.

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The Orville: 2x11 Lasting Impressions

This is merely an okay episode for The Orville. So little 6-7 our of 10 basically. There's just not a lot interesting going on.

I have to assume everyone else reviewing these episodes are 12 because I very MUCH remember smoking on TV when I was a kid in the late 80s-90s

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 6x01 Brexit III

I don't usually shout on news shows but this was a fun episode. Procrastination complete.

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The Umbrella Academy: 1x02 Run Boy Run

The pace stagnates here. Number Five is hilarious but he is such a dick that it slows the plot. So it's entertaining but frustrating at the same time. But overall it's great.

Sheehan does a fantastic job being wacky. But Aidan Gallagher (No 5) takes the major plotlines which he does a great job with but again he's a dick generally and he slows the plot by being selfish.

Today's action scene is the shootout in the department store. Which was good but again because of the lack of knowledge didn't feel the proper weight.

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The Umbrella Academy: 1x01 We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

A very plodding pace is masked by great but not colourful visuals. It does this thing that I generally find more annoying than not of not tell you everything. Where they introduce some people but not others and you just have to infer a bunch of things. At least everyone is unique looking so you don't have to spend three episodes before you can tell them apart.

Overall this was a very very good pilot episode. After watching Titans and Doom Patrol it's nice to see something with a bit more polish.

The dance scene was great. The fight scene was great.

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This was an okay adaption of a short story. It's super faithful but in this case it hurts the overall product. The conciseness of the short story is what made it work so well. Here we have a story that doesn't work as well visually in the first place and then you throw in an unnecessary side plot to make it a movie and you end up with a film that's dark to hide what becomes obvious in the light and pacing that doesn't work and the only parts that work as what's in the original short story (All You Zombies).

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Russian Doll: Season 1

Not the biggest fan of the ending but I also didn't hate it. It was a fun ride and it did something new with the GHD formula which I liked. It added a second person. Talk about co-dependence ehh?

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Fahrenheit 11/9

solid 4/5 Michael Moore documentary not as good as the original 9/11 or Bowling for Columbine but it's good.

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Russian Doll: 1x02 The Great Escape

As this episode opens I begin to see how this concept can work as a television series. The first episode was good but this is the episode that seals me in. Now I'm ready to see where this leads.

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Young Justice: 3x13 True Heroes

Honestly this season has been a whiplash break neck free for all. It's absolutely wild. And I thought Season 2 was insane. There's a theory going around that this should be the future of DC and I'm both scared and excited for that because I don't know if I can take how fast it's going to get.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 4x11 I'm Almost Over You

An amazing Nathaniel based episode.

So the premise is simple. Nathaniel and Little Esther (Maya) are both feeling down because they're both into people who are dating someone else. The episode becomes a simplification of the standard loser-gets-the-girl rom-com. This is like a classic 90s rom-com. Nathaniel imagines himself as the loser and Rebecca as the girl of his dreams. Maya plays his accomplice who helps him for her own reasons.

What a magnificent twist at the end. I was so engrossed in the plotline and how well it parodied the 90s rom-com I just didn't even have the time to imagine that anything might happen.

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The Good Doctor: 2x11 Quarantine (2)

Hollar at the Asian dude who literally called out Shawn for literally saying what he's thinking all the time. It's WEIRD and more people would be commenting on it. again and again this show doesn't seem real because not enough people hate shawn.

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Man it's good to see Jennifer Garner get back to her roots. I kinda want to see her in a comic book character role but I also kinda want her to do her own thing.

Now the truth about Peppermint is that it doesn't do anything special. It's a revenge action movie just like you expect it to be. The good news is... it's the revenge action movie you expect it to be. I actually prefer to this The Equalizer 2 which I kind of expected more out of and which positioned itself to be more than it was. Peppermint is just the story of a girl who loses everything and then has to kill people to get some semblance. It's a fun ride actually. The action scenes aren't fantastic but they're good. Which is how I would describe the entire film. May this be the first in many of the rise of Jennifer Garner's 2.0 action generation.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 5

I love AoS against all odds because I in general hate everything about SHIELD as an organization in comics, movies and even TV. But Season 5 of AoS is one of the best comic based seasons of television even with the flaws it hate on the back end. The show had a premise that was weak featured an organization I hate, and opened with bigger ideas than writing. But honestly it's pretty great as a whole and I have no trouble recommending it to anyone. But I'd be happy if they start prepping for the end properly because I don't want this to go cliffhanger to cancellation.

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Manifest: 1x09 Dead Reckoning

This show is one of the dumbest shows on the air. I mean there's a literal religious show on mainstream air that makes more sense than this show and this show has the science fiction excuse.

The thing I want to call out in this episode is the fact that the dad character who has fought the "silly conspiracy" to save his son. SUCCEEDED in doing so and is someone kicked out of his house. I'm not saying women suck of anything but this specific situation makes no sense and keeping his son from him makes even less sense. I understand why daughter should stay with mom because for 5.5 years it was just them two but the son should be with his father because both of them were experimented on and clearly he is willing to do what it takes to protect his son. This kid is important to everything going on and the mother is just going to ignore it because she's blind. Honestly the writers sucked at making her character anyway. She should be more aware considering her son's health is at stake.

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You: 1x06 Amour Fou

Wow, what an episode. The slow paced tension that's the characterization of the show and yet it doesn't have the agonizing drag of Hannibal. Still there were a few twists, a jumpscare, and the first major mistake. All things that pushed the forward momentum. Our subjects get a lot of characterization between Peach and our love interest and more information about Joe's backstory.

One of the things I like about this show is how, unlike Dexter, Joe is fairly human and flawed and prone to mistakes. Seeing him struggle with a concussion was interesting.

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You: 1x04 The Captain

Giving Beck a voice was great. It removed the creepy idolization stain on her from seeing her only from Joe's perspective. It gives her agency that is starting to be needed to take this show to a new level.

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It's definitely a lot less creepy than the original. It's no smash hit but the original wasn't either. It's a fun mostly family friendly film. He has more chemistry with the kids than with the woman but beyond that it's servicable.

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This has the potential to be the highest jump in review score because after seeing it once I struggled to give it a score as high as '6' because there's just nothing about this movie that makes sense. It's a beautiful movie it's well acted but I got nothing from it.

Contrast to Arrival which was a movie that I fully appreciated. That was a movie I fully understood and just didn't like. This movies is just as trippy and psychodelic as I thought it would be and yet in the end I got nothing. Maybe because I wathced it in five spurts. Maybe because I watched it under various lighting on my laptop. Who knows either way it's barely above a 5 until I watch it again or read some other reviews.

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Canada's Worst Driver: 14x04 Crash. Bang. Boom

This was actually a good episode. watching everyone learn to swerve and avoid was great. Darus is as confusing as ever. I'm about half way through the episode and I'm still unsure if he should pass or not? Karlene was great but Alexis was scary. To think she literally had no idea she smashed the center of the obstacle is just horrific.

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Instant Family

AHHHH Tig Notaro. I knew I recognized that social worker. Anyway this movie is literally everything you expect. There are no surprises with perhaps one or two. Mostly missed opportunities. You expect the kids to be adorable but end up a handful and they are and do. You expect them to do the hard work and make a new family. They do. Now where it gets tricky for me and the only interesting plot point is the biological mother. A woman with a drug addiction problem who had to give up her children. She gets clean and released from jail. Now what I had hoped the movie would do is give a nuanced take on this woman and her children and the relationship between them. I thought maybe they'd end up in a sort of combined family. Instead it's just a simple she refuses to take the children back and so the kids stay with the host family. At no point do they show the mother wanting her kids. Which strikes me as odd. I understand not being able to take care of them but I don't understand not wanting them.

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This movie is basically every bit as good as I had hoped. The action is good but it's not pointless . Which is all I ask from for basic action movie. This movie exceeded my expectations by a degree or two. It Manages to have a consistent and coherent theme.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 5x28 Family Separation

One of the more brutal episodes of LWT. I can watch a child traumatized by being separated form his mother crying about how his mother doesn't love him and is no longer his mother anymore once. I can not watch that twice. For being too real this episode is a one time only thing.

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Crazy Rich Asians

So many good things to like about this movie it's easier to list the things I didn't like. 1) still not that big a fan of the out of nowhere Awkwafina. I don't get her. 2) There's joke in the movie where the locals mock Rachel for having small breasts. Which is a super weird insult considering that while there's a variety in the breast size of the actresses in the movie most of them skew towards smaller. 3) There's a scene where Rachel spills wine on Nick's shirt which serves primarily as a reason for him to remove his shirt. I'm not offended by it i just think it's cheesy and transparent.

That's about it honestly. Everything else in the movie is fantastic. The soundtrack is compelling. The performances are chilling and hilarious when they need to be. I do have trouble telling some of the third tier characters apart because everyone is a wealthy socialite wearing the same designer clothing. But most of the characters do dress, look and act different. The relationships were a fun ride and I left satisfied and eager to see the inevitable sequel.

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Batman Begins

A fine movie that has literally ruined Batman films.

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The Morning After

There are character types I don't like. I don't like the sassy sister who always knows your man is no good even when there's no reason to suspect that (Acrimony). I also don't like the characters who are in a sci-fi/fantasy world that's just beyond the real world and refuse to acknowledge shock (The Sarah Jane Adventures). Nothing ruins a movie more than that. Well except maybe the idea that. This 15 minute film is dominated by that second character. The short film is too short to have any other influence and that just drags the entire thing down. Not a fan.

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Juliet, Naked

For a romcom Juliet, Naked does a lot of things right. I think the cheating plotline was cheesy but the rest of the movie is surprisingly sincere and pretty fun even the predictable parts. Which is why I felt so disappointed when it ended. It was so good I wanted more of it. Which I think it rather good. It might be seen as a negative towards pacing but honestly I just wanted another half hour of the movie before the coda. Everything was getting good and then suddenly there was a shift that always happens in bad romance films that meander and don't know how to transition. The actual coda itself I also wasn't a fan of. The exposition via letter/voice over. It sorta reeks of that telling rather than showing which is a shame because it the movie before that really didn't suffer from that even during the letter writing segments.

I can't say it's a satisfying movie but it's one enjoyed.

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