

Toronto, Canada

Extraordinary: 1x03 Dead End Job

fun little thingy ma-bob. Honestly we all knew where it was going. That much money would solve their problems. I don't know where they get this idea that people are so honorable. It feels like propaganda. You want to pay me enough money to get my own flat and to fix my medical issues and have leftover money and I say no because I don't know the message of the song? That I will not be attributed to?

I have a hard find finding an analogy where that would make sense. I mean sometimes I seriously considering being a racist minority on YouTube just for my cut of the billionaire funds they're just throwing on people like Candace "I'm only black on Thursday" Owens and Jessie Lee "Have you ever seen anything more beautiful than a white person" Peterson and Dave "Marketplace of ideas where a gay man defends people who hate him" Rubin.

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Secret Invasion: 1x05 Harvest

Good lord we're almost done and I still don't care. And this might be the best episode of the series honestly.

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The Peripheral: 1x01 Pilot

Oh initial watch this felt like a confusing mess. Not entirely a mess but mess-ish. Rewatching it. I think it's an EXCELLENT pilot episode. It definitely rewards both repeat watches and people who tend to obsess over world building. It's got the sort of consistency that most people complain about in TV. Where the narrative works at the start AND the end.

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Not bad. Strong performance by Mark Strong. Excellent casting of Taissa Farmiga. She's the perfect type of white girl to straddle the line between abused victim and manipulative perpetrator. Honestly it's almost like she's typecast as that. Even though I could see the ending from the halfway point if not before. It was a fun ride getting there. I wasn't sure after all if it would turn out that way until midway through act three. While it is a bit dark visually. It is nothing that doesn't work with the narrative themes. I respect it most for having an ending that didn't give up. You get an ending that feels closed.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 3x03 Gail

oddly enough I enjoyed this episode a lot. strange because on it's face there wasn't a lot I liked about it.

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Nancy Drew: 4x07 The Reaping of Hollow Oak

Between this episode and the last we're clearly at the "We just having fun with these characters" period. Which considering it's the final season makes sense. We're in the "No bad ideas" era.

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Blithe Spirit

Reminds me a bit of Death Becomes Her but without the charm or style. Visually it's fine. It has a style of it's own. It's just not a style anyone cares about. It isn't helped by characters I care barely get a handle on. The acting is reasonable but the characters are just odd in the strangest ways. Charles can't seem to understand that yelling at someone he knows no one else can see will make him look crazy and Elvira flips from benevolent to malevolent only in retrospect.

It all culminates into an ending that doesn't really seem to want to say anything.

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The Blackening

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2023-07-12T23:20:52Z— updated 2024-02-23T03:11:31Z

This might be the best black horror comedy since the original Scary Movie. Entertaining from start to finish. With an ending coda that IMO might be better than Get Out. It's not the best movie I've ever seen. Heck it's not even the best horror comedy I've ever seen. But for what it was and where it tried to go. It nailed the landing firmly. I could easily see myself watching and rewatching this. The black talent on the screen were all great. I can't pick a stand out not because any of them felt weak but because all of them felt emphatic. Shout out to Diedrich Bader for perfectly getting the balance of his character on that line between what he appears to be and what little we know him to actually be.

I hope to see more movies like this which for all it's advertising ended up being more casually black than pointedly so. I might drop this down from a 9 after I watch it a few more times but we'll see.

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Street Legal: 9x03 Neighbours

What the heck am I watching? That's a lot of random sexy story arcs for ... no reason. Isn't this daughter like a child? Oh dang they got that "We're streaming" curse words. I feel so... assaulted to my senses.

Also people who don't like kids are still people. And a child that pissed on a disabled man deserves charges. That's disgusting. Plus they filmed it. That's both gross and CSAM. Poor dude deserved to sue that whole family.

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Awatchable film with characters you love back and new character you fall in love with. Honestly it was a little too close to the rail. It didn't really chew the wicked step-mother angle that way I anticipated. Amy Adams really nails her character again even though it feels like the character had to regress a bit in order to end up where she is in this movie. Maya Rudolph was fun as she always is. An excellent Evil Queen who knows how to rock a ball gown.

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Chang Can Dunk

Thankfully it minimized the cringe section of the script. I stopped the movie after the bet was settled. I was worried when I restarted but it has a nice coda.

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Flamin' Hot

Well as I've seen others done I'll congratulate Eva Longoria for being more than just a pretty face in front of the camera. She did a solid job directing this behind it as well. This is an entertaining narrative about one of our modern Urban Legends. The Janitor who created Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

It's a good movie you feel for Richard and you cheer him on every step as he makes decisions that work for him. Annie Gonzalez's Judy wasn't bad. Kinda empty mostly except when she had to support Jesse Garcia's Richard. There is where she really shined. I think they have pretty good chemistry together. I'd totally watch her in more things.

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The Tomorrow People (US)

Not as good as the two other versions. But it was... okay at best.

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The Sarah Jane Adventures

There's a single episode I hate int his show. Everything else is perfectly fine.

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Talk to Me

An excellent movie. Saw it in theatres way back when.

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Clean Slate

Perfectly fine for a home movie. If you're looking for a more family friendly version of momento. This'll do. It's not as good but it's perfectly watchable.

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Chuck: 2x14 Chuck Versus the Best Friend

I think this might be one of my favorite episodes of Chuck. It's a very Chuck episode. I think it's started to turn a production course. The music really was different.

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Absolutely Anything

It wasn't boring. it was competent. But nothing about it is really memorable except this is the first time I've ever found Kate Beckinsale attractive. Not to say that she's isn't and certainly there's a lot of Underworld fans she's cultivated on this basis. I rather enjoyed Underworld and Van Helsing. But she never came close to really being a heroine I'd have interest in that way. Catherine I had interest in that way. And aside from the premise that was the only thing the movie had going for it. There's a microdose of Eddie Izzard that's charming because Eddie's a pro. Simon Pegg does his thing which is fine. It's just the writing doesn't really go anywhere of interest.

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You know what I'll honestly say it had a strong opening. It got way to saccharine at the end. I was legitimately interested in the "drama" between Zed and Addison. They were interesting character even though the premise is so shallow you couldn't drown a fly in it. They had solid chemistry and decent writing. About half way the movie seemed to run out of steam and just sat back on it's laurels.

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Mrs. Davis

As far as single season shows go. This was effective. Giving me but the natural and the supernatural and the surreal all at once. Pacing was great, the characters were fun and true to themselves to the bitter end. Lots of great teams in here. The sisters of the coin. The resistance a bunch of bros who are hyper masculine but somehow not toxic. It's got a good length to it. I could easily watch it again.

It's not exactly what I expected but I was a fan. My major criticism is that ironically the show focused so much on it's human characters that the epynonymous AI character "Mrs. Davis" sometimes doesn't show up for huge chunks of the show. Which honestly IS fine. It's just odd for a show called Mrs Davis. If the show had been named for Simone it probably wouldn't be a big deal. There's a lot of love in this show of all types and that's all right.

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Invitation to a Murder

I'll be honest. It's the directing more than the acting in the writing that really made this movie suffer. The story was serviceable. enjoyable even. Misha Burton is adorable. The twist were pretty satisfying. but they're just small touches all the way through it. that just kept disorienting you. The camera didn't seem to know which way to go. the actors had odd moments which really needed to be reined in. a more firm hand would have been marvelous

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Mrs. Davis: 1x02 Zwei Sie Piel mit Seitung Sie Wirtschaftung

The pilot was good.. not great but good. This was better. This was good enough to sell me on the entire season. I'm starting to think I do see though to the plot I just don't connect the dots. I noticed "the character" in Glass Onion and I kept seeing these bits of stupidity I just didn't think anything of it. In the pilot I noticed the cow looked odd but I didn't think anything of it. And here I saw bad logic and just didn't think anything of it. I think a lot of people are quick to call out plot points long before the story has even really decided on them but maybe there's a degree of merit to the proceedings.

But this episode was solid. We learned a bit. People acted a bit and the AI did it's thing a little bit.

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The Rookie: Feds: 1x20 I Am Many

I'm gonna make a stretch here but when I see a TV show that has prisoners starting death cult via books I kinda feel like the sort of things the lead to prisons blocking books which is just a gross thing. Also how does a prisoner start a dark web chat forum? Maybe it was an acolyte that did it. It played out fine but there's just no path for it. How does this dude with no communication build a following. It'd work better if he HAD a following and maintained it.. that I could buy.

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ehh? I mean i watched it right. It wasn't so bad I failed to finish it. I do remember this because it was super ... eastern European. Lotta "ov"s around here if you catch my drift. Lotta 'v's in general if you ask me comrade. But whatever movie is movie. Much better to watch this while doing something else though. Catching it in glimpses might improve it.

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Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris

It's a fun adorable movie. There are solid themes and motifs surrounding a story that admittedly isn't all too fresh.

But the right packaging can make sunday dinner taste like a one star meal. This isn't the great movie of all time or even really award worthy. But it is effective without being preachy. Enjoyable without being overly saccharine.

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Death Valley

I don't know what the flying toaster MTV was doing when they made this. But it made me laugh. It's so quotable. I wish it had gotten two more seasons because too long and they would have tried to reach into the lore of the show but with two more seasons would really could have had more fun exploring the premise and the wackiness of the characters.

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Wong & Winchester: 1x02 The Painting

a d ecent little episode. of course i'm biased having watched so much Poker Face recently. Pokerface is great. It's well acted, it's well directed but the central conceit of the show is broken. It's a murder mystery series with absolutely zero mystery. It's nice to see the formula most classically done here. No real mistakes were made. I liked Wong. I liked Winchester. Even though she's rather stupid about accusing a violent war criminal of being a violent war criminal. It was dumb but it wasn't like so dumb I wanted to slam my head against the wall.

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Wolf Pack: 1x05 Incendiary

Honestly I think it's hitting it's stride now finally. And whoo doggy. We finally see what side of the fence Sarah Michelle Geller is one. Honestly not the side I was predicting. The cringe is low this episode though holy heck was it still there. Watching this dude crawl into the pool and just stand there staring what I imagine was supposed to be hornily almost did me in. I think we have maybe two more episodes for it to a ctually fully turn the corner and become... ya know good. Seven episodes is a big ask for a new series. I honestly wouldn't bother if it wasn't werewolves. I dropped Vampire Diaries about this time. I didn't mean to but I dropped Vampire Academy about that time too. We'll see if Wolf Pack and pull it together.

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The Company You Keep: 1x01 Pilot

Solid pilot. Well acted. Great chemistry between Milo and Catherine and since the show appears to hang heavily on the relationship between them it's rather important they work together well. They do.

It's a fun pilot that tosses up some great plates to start spinning. The drama isn't there yet. Not really but the characterization is fun. Easily worth the three episode minimum I typically give shows.

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The Valet

I like Eugenio Derbez. He's rapidly becoming one of the funniest comedic actors that wasn't on my radar. His movies are somewhat iffy but he himself is always great in them.

This movie ended up better than it was going to be. The trailer was compelling enough but watching the first half I was kinda disappointed. The back half though did manage to bring it back up. In the end, yeah, it's a solid fun time.

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