

Oslo, Oslo County

The Blacklist: 4x10 The Forecaster

Hmmmm, a miniature killer? Seems awfully familiar. Who was first? I’m guessing CSI. they’re trying a different angle here. Let’s see how this goes.

Liking the new cleaners.

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Iliza Shlesinger: Unveiled

A portion of that was a little lost to me as we ... uh... do not share such strange wedding traditions whatsoever :joy: but it was again rather informative about the weirdness of America.
Iliza is such a beautiful illustrator of happenings. I think I lost it first with the grams and then lay crying and coughing my lungs out when she described a bride taken out of context oh my fucking gods

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UnDeadwood: Season 1

This was freaking amazing. I know they’re all freaky talented and all, but I had not expected this level of grandeur and excitement. Fucking beautiful.

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UnDeadwood: 1x04 Goodnight, Miss Miriam

Holy fucking hell, this show, this episode! First Marisha with her hand, I could barely believe it, and then that way to end it... and I LOVE how Brian made a decision as DM to not allow a player to do something.

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V Wars: Season 1

Too many problems with this, most of all how predictable, uninteresting and generally bad this has been written. Would not recommend, unless you just want something mindless, some typical "race versus race" thing and uh, just generally don't want captivating entertainment. Or because you're either curious about "grown up Somerhalder" or you're currently ill like me and your brain doesn't want anything too challenging.

The only interesting characters were side-characters really, and not all of them made it to the end of the show. :confused:

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V Wars: 1x09 The Junkie Run of the Predator Gene

These first minutes were so annoying. How often do you have to turn around and focus on your crazy ex, who suddenly became soooo important after your wife died and we never heard of her before other than she’s unstable and not fit to be a mom (as proven), and suddenly she’s such a strong asset to bribe him? Yeah, no. And the continuous shots of him turning around plus the whole way the scene was handled was just so subpar and annoying, they should have thought it over. I’m glad they turned it around but they shouldn’t have drawn it out this unnecessarily long.

And fucking doctor. Called it.

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V Wars: 1x07 The Night Is Darkening Round Me

Prison guard and jimmy, still the best characters. Adding vigilante vampire sister on the list half ways: despite her ignorance of how to tally deaths/anything. That’s not how you mark a “5”, honey.

Glad to see fucking crazy mom can’t take care of him, was obvious but needed to be proven, mostly to herself.

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V Wars: 1x04 Bad as Me

Seriously, his “prison guard” is the best character in there. I actually liked that donut joke. “You’re a cop. This is a donut” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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V Wars: 1x02 Blood Brothers

Is this where the evil genius scientist is introduced who (so far) secretly revers the “new race” as superior and wants then to wipe out humanity?
Or is he really “the good guy”. If I manage to stick around for long enough, I might just find out.

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V Wars: 1x01 Down with the Sickness

This promises to be super tacky. Here’s hoping it’s just tacky enough to be in the “awesome tacky” category yet not so tacky it’ll be unwatchable.

We start with dumb foreseeable jokes and a uh “very realistic pool of days-old blood” :rolling_eyes: Oh dear.

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UnDeadwood: 1x02 God Don't Play Cards

"God don't play cards"
No honey. God plays with die.

This is getting so intense! I'm loving the show. I enjoy Brian way more as DM than as host. And Anjali is golden. So golden.

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Insatiable: 1x05 Bikinis and Bitches

It’s nice when shows try to be inclusive and all, but wasn’t this pushing the line to freak-show? It’s Somewhere between that and like going out there yelling “I’m not homophobic I know one person who knows someone who’s queer and that person also knows someone who’s trans so I’m SUPER INCLUSIVE!” Meh.

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The Witcher: 1x05 Bottled Appetites

They’re alive. They’re :asterisk_symbol:really:asterisk_symbol: alive.

Please, give me all the witcher jokes. What :asterisk_symbol:is:asterisk_symbol: that difference?

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SKAM: 4x04 Allah would dig you

Very important episode, with important issues and good conversations about them.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x05 Midnight at the Concord

I’m so glad she actually can get distracted majorly on stage now and still get her act across, and well at that. I was dreading she’d bomb it just because ... well, there was a huge distraction.

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Britannia: 1x08 Initiation

I love Queen Antedia. She has such a beautiful way of old-age-sassiness.

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Britannia: 1x07 Alone in the World

Having about a year between Episode 1-6 and this one, I wasn’t really sure anymore what was going on at all. Such horror indeed. Still enjoying the chaos though.

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Atypical: 3x10 Searching for Brown Sugar Man

I agree, a truly lovely last episode of the season — rounding it up all nicely, with positive outlooks all over. Very well done, I’m happy with this.

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Critical Role: 2x83 Dark Bargains

Talking to a demon/devil, force it to speak the truth, still get non-descriptive, elusive answers...
What did you EXPECT hahaha

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x03 The Punishment Room

There were a few lovely subtle jokes in this one. All from egg salad to Prince Albert. And self destructive weapons.
Finally someone found the records. Just in time too. Exciting times.

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The Boys: 1x05 Good for the Soul

Why was starlight allowed to wear her lovely first outfit again for this when they were so adamant about her wearing the new one just recently? :thinking:

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The Boys: 1x02 Cherry

Homelander is really just like a proper stereotypical cis white American douchebag, plus super-abled. A megalomaniac crybaby with mommy issues who can’t handle critiques or opposition.

Someone sure popped his cherry here.

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The Tick: 1x06 Rising

I was delighted to see a hole in superian’s suit.

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Vikings: 5x19 What Happens in the Cave

The episode in which Ubbe and Frodo hug it out!
But what happens in the cave stays in the cave — you better remember that. Biggest plot twist of the season for sure.

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Vikings: 5x18 Baldur

The episode in which Hvitserk goes to join the Wall.

Really hoped the wolves would take Ivar in the woods that night. As a beautiful twist of fate.

But seriously, are they just taking the piss with this episode? We’re getting a full on “Buddha in the steamy temple” thing, a king Frodo who is... rather tall, throw in some story about witches in Wessex, why not, works here, and some reference to breast cancer, and ugly Baldur and... yeah I don’t know, this whole episode just felt like a fever dream.

I enjoyed the scene with Torvi and Ubbe though. Dying together. It is truly a happy thought. Yet I am saddened to see Lagertha in a city built from stone.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x08 Thank You and Good Night

So glad Joel had the guts not to fuck that up for her in the end. I was really fearing he would. Yikes.
Wonder when they’ll find out her identity in the record store!

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Life in Pieces: 1x06 Ponzi Sex Paris Bounce

This show is starting to really put me off the idea of birthing kids a natural way. :neutral_face:

Chad is really annoying, and that story line is slipping into the same direction for me right now.

Bounce? Fun fact: friend of mine recently did a kahoot-quiz with her younger coworkers (they’re in the beginning of their twenties) and they did not know Alien. She felt old. I felt old. Holy smokes, what has become of this world.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x05 Doink

Aw the lullaby at min. 23 put me right into early childhood. I had a little stuffed toy that would play the very same one. Just like that. :broken_heart:

She’s so funny though when she’s just being herself, watching her bomb so much is really painful.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x04 The Disappointment of the Dionne Quintuplets

Well I doubt they would have said “nerd alert” back then. Good one otherwise. Falling outs have only gotten a little easier by now.

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Hanna: 1x06 Mother

‪“Is there really no one like me?”‬
‪“You’re unique. That’s why I want to take care of you.”‬
‪“... unique just means alone.”‬

Ah yes. That. That one. There we go.

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