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    LunchBreak: Season 4

    4x11 Cheesy Ground Turkey Quesadillas

    • 2020-09-01T12:00:00Z on Queens Public Television
    • 1h
    • Comedy, Reality, Talk Show, Family, Special Interest
    To begin this recipe, we take ground turkey that we place into a pot with some olive oil to cook up. Once the ground turkey is cooking we add in some white onions, minced garlic and butter. We allow this to cook, until the onions have become see through. Then we start to add in our ingredients that include salt, black pepper, tomato paste, cayenne pepper and cilantro. We allow all of this to cook up until the ground turkey has fully cooked and then add in our sharp cheddar cheese into the mix and stir on low to medium heat. Once this is fully cook we set it to the side and start to prepare our flour tortillas. We take the flour tortilla and cut them in half with a pizza cutter. We take some ground turkey mix and place it in the middle of the tortilla. We take each corner and pull it towards the other corner of the tortilla forming it into a pocket or a crepe looking tortilla, pace it into a skillet with the flap face down and cook. We cook both sides until golden brown and serve.