

Oslo, Oslo County

Life & Beth: 2x06 The Work

This show confuses me sometimes with whether it wants to be realistic, or not.
That possum scene also looked like copied from somewhere else. I had a major deja vu.

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As someone who’s reading cards on an almost daily basis, I had to see this. I expected this to be a terrible teenage flick.
Ito turned out not to be!
Sure, the beginning was silly and the teens were a little over the top and “not the smartest”, with a barely credible plot … more like someone coming up with the script while high on something, and then writing it within a night – and yet not doing the absolute worst job with it.
I could list a few things that were silly or unlikely, like with previous “freak accidents” apparently having been realistic enough to give them that title, yet how would you explain a girl mysteriously being sawed into halves? By accident? Huhmmm…

Jump scared were somewhat predictable, but fun. The scene with the darkness just starting to swallow everything was particularly nice.

Love how they actually figured out what to do in the end.

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Eric: 1x04 Episode 4

“Life is three quarters curiosity”

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Eric: 1x05 Episode 5

I really hated where this was going. Too many players. I do like how unpredictable it got toward the end though. Not entirely going the way it was supposed to, in any way.

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Eric: 1x03 Episode 3

“Vincent cares about no one but himself” oh yeah? If so, who do you think he’s got it from?
What the hell is that story Vincent is telling? On the birth certificate it clearly says he is 0 and Cassie is A, so the blood on the shirt couldn’t be his. Unless that was a major printing mistake. For a major clue like this? Weird.

Wondering about motives. In episode 1 it was hinted that maybe it’s because the grandparents are rich. In episode 2 latest, the whole homelessness thing with Castello started reeking.

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Eric: 1x02 Episode 2

Getting more and more intriguing. There’s a lot weaving into the past, and whatever really is going on, who knows at this point?
Pretty sure the old man isn’t guilty whatsoever, but it would sure look a bit like that. How does Yousef come into all of this? Did Edgar know him already when they met at the store? It seemed like they were strangers, but maybe not.
And would it be a coincidence the homeless girl picked up Edgar’s jacket?
Also what grandiose narcissists Vince’s parents seem to be.
Then there’s Gator. The way max just weaves in and out of the club would suggest more than it just being because of the badge. And the way they talk I’d think they used to be lovers. … which got even stronger hinted at in this episode.

That blood type thing… looks like suspicious parents just turned around. Also, HOW did Vince get that cut? He said Cassie’s got him, but did she really?
Bit of a hiccup here, I remember him calling her Cassandra; should say that on the birth certificate not Cassie. Tiny miss, but still.

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Probably the cutest episode out of all the episodes

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These tennis episodes were pure epic. Loved them.

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

Not all of their background stories are well thought out. It’s mostly just “war happened to me. I was treated most unfairly. Now I’m angry.”

While they were making all these defense plans I wondered why they were hiding anything. Wouldn’t they know those war ships have scanners?

I preferred the “gathering the fellowship” story line from the first part to this one, where it’s mostly about battle preparations, heroic speeches, WE HAVE A PAST, battle, death, RAAAWR WE CAN DO THIS, battle, battle manoeuvres, oh maybe we can’t do this, more battle manoeuvres, heroic endings.

There was still something or other about the last few minutes that touched my cold core, but all in all felt a little lacking, despite epic ness.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x08 The Murmuring

This became emotionally very strong.
And such beautiful images.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x07 The Viewing

How do you make something look so 1979? I mean even the filming technique, not just what we see and hear. It does look like it’s filmed analogue.
And the light? It’s like it’s seeping through people. This thing already is a trip, haha. Panos Cosmosis… Cosmatos. Indeed.

What a flick! It’s somewhat reminiscent of the episode 3, The Autopsy, as it is a somewhat similar topic.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x06 Dreams in the Witch House

Ah I can’t stop thinking outlander during this. And also, so frustrating to be Gusman. Especially when you think you’re in a community where people will believe you, and yet they don’t.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x05 Pickman's Model

I feel so bad for Thurber, but at the same time he’s felling all those bad decisions… moments I also recognise. Those few moments when you KNOW you really shouldn’t, you really really shouldn’t, when this bad foreboding feeling grabs you… and then you either heed it or you don’t.
This is a story of what unfolds when you do not.

Richard seems genuinely happy to have found someone who shares his view of the darkness (funny the actor would be the Darkling too haha), yet he is also somewhat unhinged so not trusting that genuineness.

Is that a particular accent he’s having or is he just insane? Sometimes the way he pronounces things makes you hear one or two things. Is he inviting to his wake or is he asking Thurber to wait? Both? Both.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x03 The Autopsy


The imagery with the spider catching things in its web – fantastic.
The end was hard to watch, the body horror was real.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x02 Graveyard Rats

Fantastic filming!
Story of a greedy bastard who didn’t know when to stop.
Loved the creature… is a rat or a sloggoth?
Fantastic terrors down in the black church. How is it that this idiot keeps fighting rats, but none of them have ever actually hurt him other than that one bite in the beginning, and a little slash?

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Baby Reindeer: 1x01 Episode 1

This is making so uncomfortable, I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep watching. It’s making me more uncomfortable than curious to see where this is going :sweat_smile:

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x08 The Case of the Hungry Snake

I hoped that maybe in the end, the cat king and Edwin would become some thing after all. I mean, COME ON :sob:
I will definitely miss him.
And Niko… I’ll expect her to return. It’s been foreshadowed after all. Just a bit differently than it would suggest in the end.

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x07 The Case of the Very Long Stairway

The doll house reference made me smile. And then, despair makes a show, whoohooop! Although I still don’t like her adaption. Despair is so gross and ugly, and they put a pretty, big lady to play her. Just doesn’t scream Lady Despair to me.

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x06 The Case of the Creeping Forest

I was wondering – almost an entire episode without the cat king? Glad he showed up, although it didn’t work out too well for him.

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x02 The Case of the Dandelion Shrine

I love David the Demon xD
And the cat king is fantastic. As is Niko.

I love how they bring up things that have happened to them on the past without explaining anything. Why would they? And it spurs on the imagination. Like what is the great chewing gum debacle?! What could that possibly be?

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x01 The Case of Crystal Palace

What a whacky show!
“Best mates” yeah I bet; that’s totally the vibe you give off.
A glowing squid as a pet?? “You cannot keep her”??? Bags of holdings?? This is going to be either really good or really bad, innit?

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3 Body Problem: 1x08 Wallfacer

Everything leans on the presumed fact the San-Ti cannot lie. However, they might be expert liars. Is everyone just this gullible?

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3 Body Problem: 1x07 Only Advance

I’ve never had many friends. But thanks to you guys it always seemed like enough

Whatever happened to the game though? Did it just magically disintegrate? Or suddenly become obsolete once two people figured out why the San-Ti were coming? And why the need of a game convoluted like this to then just turn on the players later on. Seems like a huge waste of energy.

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3 Body Problem: 1x06 The Stars Our Destination

Ok that part of him going to London was pointless. Why would he take the big journey all the way up there just to turn back because … he saw Jin and Raj. And that being the one moment he’d “realise something”. Meh.
And for a tailing job to only use one man? That seems unprofessional.

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3 Body Problem: 1x05 Judgment Day

Killing all science… hmm.

Well, this is taking off now. Mirror cities. How terrifyingly cool is that.
I guess everyone would believe something if they suddenly saw an eye in the sky.

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3 Body Problem: 1x04 Our Lord

You’d think that after communicating with extra terrestrials for this long, Evans would have covered lying and metaphors with them.

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3 Body Problem: 1x03 Destroyer of Worlds

Oh, it’s heating up.
Finally the three bodies make sense. Also looking forward to seeing what they’re “being recruited for”.

And these other guys on the game – when will we meet them?

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Black Mirror: 6x01 Joan Is Awful

“Let’s kill this quam-puta” has easily been the best quote this week.

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Starts out a little slow and boring. In comparison to knives out, which I loved from the getgo, this seemed like a big letdown.
It picks up after the first 40 minutes or so, when stuff finally starts happening and we go into the reviews.

Jared Leto is getting mentioned so much, I kept thinking he’s either going to make a cameo, or he’s the killer, or both. The gloves would fit his style.

It does get really good when Blanc unravels it all. The lies and deceit all having been in the open and guillable as a watcher I can be, I believed them :upside_down: like the Baby Blue thing. Wow. Clever.
I love when they play with perception and the fallibility of it.

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3 Body Problem: 1x01 Countdown

I like the story / premise so far but not entirely sold as how they’re trying to pull it off. I’m not convinced by all of the actors and their work. Maybe the 30-episode one Chinese version would :grimacing:

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