

Oslo, Oslo County

A Murder at the End of the World: 1x07 Retreat

I CALLED IT gods I am so proud of myself hahaha
But uh oh when he said cluster B… I flinched. There’s a cluster A somewhere isn’t there …

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x06 Crime Seen

In which the big clue brings me back to my “unlikely suspicions” from a few episodes back. I’m back on there now. Guys you’re looking in the wrong direction.

How can Darby be this cold when pools in Iceland as default are hot water :thinking:

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Poor Things

Fantastic work of art.
Intriguing story of a woman becoming.
And “I must go punch that baby” is one of the best things I have heard in a while. I will want to use it.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x05 Crypt

Again a show with many good points. There’s the climate thing and how we’re destroying the planet – in a sense. How really just the richest can do anything about it, but also we’re so self centred. The planet won’t care. We’d just destroy ourselves and the current life, and new life would happen.
And this thing about the cigarettes and how nowadays it’s the phones. Yes.

“We are powerless to ice, to wind, to cruelty.”

And how when you’ve experienced the vast nothingness and death of the universe, life on earth suddenly becomes so precious.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x04 Family Secrets
A Murder at the End of the World: 1x03 Survivors

Hate when suddenly everyone seems suspicious. Both the people who seemed sad and the people who seem unfazed by it. Everyone who talks to Darby now seems suspicious, as well as those who don’t. Tomas was fishy already when she ran into him but he doesn’t seem the mask wearing type.

“The eight richest men in the world hold the same wealth as the 3.6 billion poorest people.”

And suddenly Ray doesn’t have a hot Bath drawn for Darby. Pshhh.

Andy’s unblinking stare is unnerving. As is the way he tends to be filmed from half in the shadows. We’re MEANT to suspect him, right? Just everything he does and how he comes across is soooo wrong.

But now I’m starting to suspect the unlikely - maybe the killer isn’t any of the guests. Maybe the killer is Ray.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x02 The Silver Doe

Ayyy. And the immediate suspects are of course, Andy, because obviously he’s fishy somehow, and apparently Bill wasn’t invited by him.
Secondly the astronaut, she’s also fishy, and she was made cool right from the start so we would like her. But Lei also had some sort of reaction which also makes her suspicious in some sense.
I won’t believe it’s Lee yet, I think she wanted Darby there to prevent something or help figure out the truth.

Slight hiccup, but… If Mitchell had made a film with Ray then he would know you had to be literal with it. That little piece with the lights was a bit unnecessary.

And that last scene of Bill and Darby meeting for the first time… almost broke my heart. Ugh. Great acting.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x01 Homme Fatale

I love all about this so far.
The unlikely crime solver(s), and, the thought that maybe groups like Andy’s do exist in real life, that is a comforting thought.
Yet I can’t help but thinking at this point, Lee invited Darby to solve her own murder-to-be.
Is what I thought. Well.

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Will Trent: 1x13 A Bad Temper and a Hard Heart

Hmm… Why is he targeting people from the home, if it’s all about Lucy and her child, yet enlists some others in help (PeePee).
And why kill others from the orphanage to rile him up when he’s taking people that weren’t even “important” to Will to start with? Or did he not know which of the many children was Lucy’s child? Then that would make a bit more sense, but it never appeared to be such.

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Kindred: 1x01 Dana
Will Trent: 1x12 Nothing Changed Except for Everything

Lucy… I didn’t see that coming.

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Death and Other Details: 1x10 Chilling
Death and Other Details: 1x09 Impossible


Spoilers -
I called it that Viktor was in fact a woman.
I had also started to suspect the right person somewhere through all of this. Feeling slightly accomplished. But only slightly.
Because I had NOT anticipated that last slap. It made some sense, I had an inkling it’s somewhat all about Imogene, because that angle has just been in the dark for the entire time, also something about Rufus leaving the first time around was still not entirely explained …
But this? Hmmmm…

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Will Trent: 1x02 I'm a Pretty Observant Guy

I love how the three turn out to be connected. Even the douchebag.

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Will Trent: 1x01 Pilot

“You seem nice!”
“Tolerant and nice is not the same thing :neutral_face:”

I like him already.

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Death and Other Details: 1x05 Exquisite

It MUST be Sunil. Like I said earlier, he’s everywhere and nobody notices him.
Now he’s in this random Italian town and everyone knows and loves him. Like he’s VM. But then I thought VM should be much older. But also maybe they’re actually a woman. Throwing people off the scent by using a man’s name.
Maybe it’s interpol?

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Death and Other Details: 1x01 Rare

The guy who owns the boat is super suspicious. He’s everywhere, nobody really notices him, he’s way too “nice” and smooth…

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Extraordinary: 2x07 Be the Daddy You Want to See in the World

The kittens and the worm were a really nice touch. (Badumnts)

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Extraordinary: 2x05 Meet the Parent

I like these little therapy sessions in Jen’s mind. And of course he would be an inappropriate crush. He seems so caring and proper. And fit for anyone with daddy issues

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Extraordinary: 2x04 Ready to Rumble

“I don’t have anything beige because my style icon isn’t a fucking baguette.”
And… oh Gavin.

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Extraordinary: 2x03 The Exorcism of Carrie Jackson

Since working at a vet office I now know how it would never work like that, but it’s such an old comedic classic, well just have to let it slide.

Cute episode.

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Extraordinary: 2x02 Hello Stranger

As much as I loved the first episode, I am hating almost everything about this one :sob:
I can’t stand Nora, she gives me all the bad vibes. Especially with her sweet tootsie toot telepathy.
Her kid is an asshole.
Alfie being sped up, I hate it. I felt like Jen - the only thing worse than kids being old white men.
Kash fucking everything up made me so mad and sad at the same time.
Carrie’s trip is making me anxious like she will have to pay for all the BS Kash is causing and I just hate it all :sob:

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Extraordinary: 2x01 The Void

I love that this is back! I missed these guys. Of course, we have to complicate things right off the bat though.

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Delicious in Dungeon: 1x05 Episode 5: Snacks/Sorbet

Let’s see whether that other party comes back at some point. They could learn a thing or two about how to survive in a dungeon.

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Sell Your Haunted House: 1x16 A Glorious Injury | Ji-a Loses Her Power

Ohhh I love that ending. New style but omg Ji-aaaaaa you’re crazy banging. They all look amazing though. And they’re rocking it.

This product placement is a whole different calibre though hahah.

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Sell Your Haunted House

Somehow I liked these two from the beginning. They reminded me of myself. Especially Ji-a. In-Beom is such a treasure chest.

I love how the characters develop in this. And how they’re not pushing romance at all; but simply friendships or the ability to appreciate one another.
Of course this show managed to press some tears out of me as well, as by now I should expect most Korean shows to do.
Loved it! Had a very different energy to the usually watched, a bit more serious yet sweet and funny.
And who doesn’t love a good exorcism!

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Sell Your Haunted House: 1x15 The Egg Ghost Returns | Do Hak-seong Hunts Ji-a

I love how the characters develop in this. And how they’re not pushing romance at all; but simply friendships or the ability to appreciate one another.

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Sell Your Haunted House: 1x14 The Jackpot | In-beom Goes After Do Hak-seong

What’s with In-Beom in the door in all these weird positions xD who stands to the door with their back to it, waiting for it to be opened? If he could have turned around with flowing hair… I’d get it but… he doesn’t even have that hahah.

I think it’s sweet how that thug, I keep forgetting his name, is like a second son to the old lady. He’s pretty much like him. A bit useless, but deep down kind of an ok guy.

But oh shit. That ending. Oh no.

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Sell Your Haunted House: 1x13 Ji-a Quits Being an Exorcist | Chang-hwa Returns Home

Saying what you want when you need to… will prevent you from becoming a vengeful spirit.
That’s a great drive.

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