

Oslo, Oslo County

Vikings: 4x20 The Reckoning

Did I miss something? I am somewhat confused. Didn't we just see Torvi die in Kattegat? Why is she sitting alive and well at Lagertha's table? At least she was heavily wounded. Yet I don't remember seeing any kind of "oh we saved you after all now please get better" thing or anything.

This episode made me quite sad. I really feel for Floki and Helga.

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Vikings: 4x19 On the Eve

Just when I was raving about character development and how badass Torvi has become as shield maiden and donning that crossbow like it's her second nature. Sigh.

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Vikings: 4x18 Revenge

Do we really need an asshole child in every show? Can he not just die already :sob:
Of course of course, we need him for the conflict and all that.

Great comedic moment:
I was about to receive the body and blood of our saviour!!!
You're also about to receive a great Heathen army.

HAH. Golden.

I do agree with most here though regarding the battle. They hyped it up so much, and then you barely get to see the armies meet, and the end of it. Seems like such a waste. Or maybe they did have a small struggle with the budget there. ... Or the budget was kept for the battle in Kattegat later?
The end was glorious in its own bloody right though.

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Vikings: 4x17 The Great Army

"If the Gods can't protect me, who can?"
And then they did. Made me smile. Great timing on his part.

Also fun to see how bad fathers and husbands seed bad fathers in turn. No surprise there, really.
More surprises toward the end, in some way. But Astrid's always had this vibe, with Ragnar too.
I also feel like I want to mention how much I loved Laghertha's outfit in the hall. In fact, I delight in how their exploits into other countries seem to influence their clothing as well.

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Vikings: 4x16 Crossings

What a great way to go... and haunt.

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Vikings: 4x15 All His Angels

People should stop making snakes hiss on TV. can’t pronounce enough how stupid that is. We can all see they’re snakes. Why not keep it a little more realistic.
Also “love” how we always need to put harmless pythons in a snake pit. What are they going to do? Google-eye you to death?

A boar pit would have been more appropriate and cruel.

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Vikings: 4x11 The Outsider

Oh gosh, I almost instantly fell in love with Astrid. Great way to “introduce” the character too.

Only took Ragnar 40 years or so to tell Floki what he did. Such a tear-jerker.

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Vikings: 4x10 The Last Ship

Oh look, the emperor finally does a thing!

The time jump almost made me dizzy. Suddenly all the boys are fucking adults :scream:
Including asshole-child

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Vikings: 4x09 Death All 'Round

I really loved this small detail:
When Lagertha tells Ragnar and Bjørn to leave her alone, and both of them in unison slide backwards, but stay by her anyway.

Also: the asshole child finally gets a line. Doesn’t make us like it any more. Someone should put an axe through it.

But I was also really disappointed by how Torvi didn’t just take the crossbow and shot Erlendur right when he gave it to her. Close range and all that. Sure, made for a better show the way it turned out in the end. So simple though. No one will care anymore if he dies, and she and her child are safe.
Love how Bjørn gives the ring back as well.

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Vikings: 4x08 Portage

I love the slow transition of focus we’ve been seeing from Ragnar to Bjørn. As he gets older and seemingly falling apart, we look to Bjørn.

Beginner mistake. Never tell a man you’ve got an upper hand when you’re alone with him. He’s likely still physically stronger than you.

“Don’t try and possess me. Possession is the opposite of love.” :purple_heart:

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Vikings: 4x05 Promised

And we’re back with the overflowing sexual tension.

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Vikings: 4x04 Yol

Snakes, berserker fights and returns. A truly enjoyable episode.

“We have one life, Torvi. So go, and live it.”

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One Mississippi: 1x06 New Contact

How did I watch this entire season in one go :joy:
My only excuses are how much I’m enjoying it and how its honest, sad humour distracts me perfectly. Shocking to know it won’t be able to do that much longer.

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One Mississippi: 1x04 Let the Good Times Roll

This one was rather positive. It made me smile a lot and laugh to appropriate degrees.

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One Mississippi: 1x01 Pilot

The show is labelled as comedy, but it’s quite sad in its honesty and, well, the topics.
But refreshing and the bits of laughs you get are both sad and endearing. I’m enjoying this. It distracts me from my own current sadness probably better than a “fun” comedy would have done.
Which was what I was originally trying to watch haha.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Zoology, bitch!!!

So retro, I really loved this.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Just started and I’m already loving it. It feels like I’m watching the old movie without watching the old movie. Huge childhood-vibes already. Can’t wait to see how this is going to go.

“Where’s my hair” and “AAGH! I’m a Middle Aged man!” already killed it :joy:

And “:two_hearts: that’s a man right there...”
Spencer: don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry

Gosh this is so quotable.

Smouldering intensity.

Weakness: cake :joy:

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Green Book

“The world is full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.”

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The Kominsky Method: 2x02 Chapter 10. An Old Flame, an Old Wick

I love this show so much. The cats were an amazing addition. Can’t not like people who like and engage with cats.
And this whole “there’s hope even if you’re 80” may have a smaller chance than being a successful actor, but it’s nice they’re putting it out there.

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The Kominsky Method: 2x01 Chapter 9. An Actor Forgets

Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2019-10-28T22:22:52Z— updated 2019-10-29T23:09:21Z

“When in doubt, ride the horse in the direction that its going.”

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Raising Dion

I liked it overall, for the story and some sense of novelty, but I can’t see away from how many tropes and cringe-worthy moments there were in this. Enjoyed the “big reveal”, but all in all it felt a little hasty and exaggerated.

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Raising Dion: 1x08 ISSUE #108: You Won't Like Him When He's Angry

Oh shoot!!! Biggest reveal yet!!!

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Raising Dion: 1x07 ISSUE #107: Why So Vomity?

And another episode about cringy exaggerated reactions. Oh and there’s also a boy with super powers.

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Vikings: 3x08 To the Gates!

Goodness, so tense. I was holding my head for quite a while there. Floki. Rollo. Bjørn. Ragnar. GAH.

“If i was him, i would worry less about the gods and more about the fury of a patient man.”

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Vikings: 3x06 Born Again

Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2019-10-19T10:53:01Z— updated 2019-10-21T22:51:57Z

Somewhat confused by how there was nothing between the scene of Floki and Aestheltan and then Ragnar and Aestheltan on the mountain. No moment of recognition what had happened, confrontation or other. Just seems like a whole scene was cut out there.

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Vikings: 3x03 Warrior's Fate

“I could not protect her.”
“That is what her shield is for. We fight. That is how we win and that is how we die.”

The writing of this show is so very enjoyable.

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Vikings: 3x02 The Wanderer

This show is an expert when it comes to building up and keeping sexual tension over a number of episodes... :upside_down:

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Vikings: 3x01 Mercenary

Two favourites:
“It is the way of prophecy only to be understood when it has happened and it is too late to change it.”
“Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up.”

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Vikings: 2x09 The Choice

“I hope that some day, our gods can become friends.”

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Raising Dion: 1x05 ISSUE #105: Days of Mark's Future Past

While I still think this series to be a worthwhile watch, I’m not entirely blind to the problematic spots.
The kids talking like young adults. The exaggerated screaming at the river.

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