

Oslo, Oslo County

Raising Dion: 1x02 ISSUE #102: Fortress of Solitude

Alright, Kat really annoyed me in this episode. There she gets the responsibility to watch a 7 year old, and can’t even do that. She’s probably also one of those doctors who don’t really care for their patients much — it’s the nurses job. Put a kid into an office and just leave is so irresponsible. Especially a high maintenance kid like Dion, especially after his mom explicitly expressed worry. :rolling_eyes:

Dion started to get a bit on my nerves here too though. It’s not that difficult to respect your mom’s wishes, or read her being worried as a sign to maybe do what she asks and not entirely act out. Or maybe I was just a different kind of kid, if that is normal. Hmm.

Was stoked to see a show focussing on not white people for once as well, but sort of hoped they wouldn’t HAVE to put The Asian or The Brown etc in there for the quota. After they already had The White one :joy: And enter Suzanne hahah.

Despite what I’m saying here though, I still like the show very much. Enjoyed the ending of this episode.

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Raising Dion: 1x01 ISSUE #101: How Do You Raise a Superhero?

“I’m looking at the rain people”
... oh. Oh this is not... what I expected.

But why don’t you leave when you’ve been told -by a credible source- that it’s dangerous and you have to go?! Even after a lady goes missing you’re just like lala la gotta stay away from civilisation lala... come ON girl?!

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The Good Place: 2x10 Rhonda, Diana, Jake, and Trent

“Molotov cocktails work! Anytime I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail... BOOM, right away, I had a different problem.”

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The Good Place: 2x09 Best Self

Lmao I loved that human starter kit. That banana case... I never used one :joy:
Cute how this season incorporated Michael. It’s a bit hard to believe you’d be alright with someone torturing you for this long, but hey, maybe the show is trying to make a point that it is “human to forgive” or something.

Jason’s version of hell though.
“I’ll be at a skrillex concert and waiting for the bass to come... and ... and ... breaks out in tears and it’ll never come!”

I really thought this would be the last episode, ending on another cliffhanger. I was wrong.

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Disenchantment: 1x20 Tiabeanie Falls

And of course we end on a cliffhanger!
So many unanswered questions.
music box! Gnomes under dreamland? Have they always been there? Are they D’s underlings? Was it all a plan by D to get... to do ... something? Why couldn’t you stay in steam land longer? why is zog so useless? :sob:

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I had not seen this classic before today, and I don’t regret either watching it now, nor having not watched it when I was much younger haha. Great piece artistically in so many ways (the soundtrack, the cinematography, Jennifer herself), but so traumatising. Sheesh.
The pace is nicely set, but in the end it just keeps throwing things at you for some truly shocking, “throwing-the-popcorn” kind of moments.

And if you ever were to choose a super power... maybe consider insects :grimacing:

I recommend watching this with a bunch of friends, or a film club.
(I also had to wonder whether there is any connection between this being Jennifer’s first film/film before the labyrinth, and the main score made by “Goblin”? :joy:)

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iZombie: 4x13 And He Shall Be a Good Man

Intense episode.
I actually shed a tear.

I wonder what brain major was on in the end though. Nailed Blaine.

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It Follows
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x21 The Perfect Mate

It was great watching this randomly with a friend, when I start thinking she looks like Famke, but all I dare say is “she LOOKS REALLY FAMILIAR”, and when my friend was caught up I told her whom she reminded me of “like maybe she’s her mom? Or she watched this episode and was like THIS IS HOW I WANT TO ACT LATER”...
But hey. I guess she’s just a vampire who never physically ages :sob:... it was actually her.
So our conspiracy theories started.

Since both of them were in X-Men, maybe Sir Stewart said he wouldn’t join unless they get that beautiful empath from back when, and well, no one can refuse X sooooo... here we are.

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Disenchantment: 1x17 Love's Slimy Embrace

The night is dark and full of... Oh.

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Disenchantment: 1x14 The Lonely Heart Is a Hunter

Okay Ursula comes right after Oona. Bear and lizard women are definitely the best. Or -people. Not surprising, being partially animal would make any person a better one.

Which is why I have a hard time understanding the people’s reaction. I love her!

“At lease the reptile sex was quiet” :joy:

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Disenchantment: 1x13 The Very Thing

I can change!!!
And not just my robe... my entire outfit!

That quote aside, Oona is definitely risen out from the depth with some newfound badass glamour.

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The Good Place: 2x04 Existential Crisis

Ok this episode is great.
“Aaaah I’m a human, my eating tube is next to my breathing tube and my arms end in little... sticks!”
And that existential crisis is really good hahaha

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The Good Place: 2x02 Dance Dance Resolution

... sooo... how often are they going to do this...
it hasn’t been quite as entertaining so far.

Was my impression for 75% of the time. Ends in a good place though, and now I’m back on the fun train.

Speaking of which, Mindi was great.

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Disenchantment: 1x11 The Disenchantress

“Wow, that’s the best soup I ever had.”
“It’s whisky”

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Limitless: 1x22 Finale (2)

It got so dark suddenly!
Loved how they ended it though.

And the biggest spoiler/non-spoiler is...


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Longmire: 4x10 What Happens on the Rez...

I felt so sad for Zach. I understand Walt’s decision to be strict, but not listening to the possibly vital information Zach had I believe to have been a mistake. But I loved how Ferg steps in for him despite his initial feelings.
And feared for both Henry and Cady. This episode was intense.
But loved how the guys’ abuse of Rez-laws from the previous episodes comes back to bite them.

But then it just gets worse and worse.
And better, and worse. For an episode!

The best line was probably ”if she’s a hawk, then she’s out of my jurisdiction.” That was beautiful.

I also have an inkling who that “patient” is...

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Longmire: 4x08 Hector Lives

Vic is being so awkward around Eamonn... but then I realised I’d forgotten about her jumping to conclusions when trying to call him earlier.

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Longmire: 4x06 The Calling Back

This episode was incredibly hard to watch. Reality is freaking harsh.

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Longmire: 4x05 Help Wanted

Wonderful episode. I got so emotional during that last interview/test. Love the depth of characters in this show so much. And the repeating grey zones of what is right and just.

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Longmire: 4x02 War Eagle

Was a bit painful to be in that position that you get the point, either side of it, or rather, the one side that begot the crime especially. Sad story in that sense.

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Longmire: 4x01 Down by the River

Henry is the best. It's in all those simple things. "Food eases sorrow" being a single one.

The computer still being warm after x hours it must have taken for Branch to supposedly go down the river, kill himself and be found... is unlikely. Big give-away right there.
Shotgun was lying there a little too neatly as well.
Let alone the fishy super-dramatic caps-letter.

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Limitless: 1x19 A Dog's Breakfast

“This fight isn’t about who’s going to rule the world. It’s about who will build the next one.”

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Limitless: 1x15 Undercover!

I love the neo noir pieces and general style of this episode!
When he’s asked whether he has a suit and answers with “I have a red suit?” was a nice touch. That, and Bollywood. And Rebecca going on about how he looked in a suit :joy:

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Limitless: 1x13 Stop Me Before I Hug Again

I think I’m high.
Kittens were a bonus. But the USA has some terrible ice cream flavour so.
I don’t get how people manage to watching the show this far and not having figured out yet that it’s a freaking trip, and then rating it low. For the crazy ride this show has been, his episode is pretty excellent.

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Godless: 1x07 Homecoming

Holy shit, this show is good.
I was fearing for everyone in this episode, and glued to my spot, breathless I reckon.
The little twist with “the Indian” was real nice.

But the massacres and ... dear gods, why whitey. Why like this.
Broke my heart.

Beautiful ending(s) though, all in all. Despite sad.
That sort of cliched “lonesome cowboy rides west” in the end was so beautifully done, it kind of brought me to tears. guilty

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Limitless: 1x12 The Assassination of Eddie Morra

That little Arkham Horror moment was enjoyable.

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Limitless: 1x10 Arm-ageddon

I like how they’ve been handling the show as a huge joke, makes me take it more seriously.
The kittens were a nice touch.

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EastSiders: 1x07 Episode 7

Not sure anybody in this show right now is a decent person. Except for maybe, again, Kathy. I get confused whether the episodes play chronologically (my fault, could pay more attention to the first seconds), but as this being chronological after all, wtf is Ian’s deal. throws hands in the air
This main cast is basically made up of a bunch of immature assholes.

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EastSiders: 1x03 Episode 3

Lmao. They say Kathy is "such a mess". By now she seems to be the one who's the least of a mess in this whole show. Well, she and her guy - haven't seen enough of him yet to ascertain his state of messiness haha.

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