

Oslo, Oslo County

Grace and Frankie: 7x16 The Beginning

What an end! This show managed to again make me weep. Brilliant ending. In a beginning.

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After Life: 3x01 Episode 1

“Science makes us understand how to live longer. Feelings… make us want to.”

(Or not)
I’ve missed this show.

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Suits: 9x10 One Last Con
Lupin: 1x04 Chapter 4

This is making me watch all the Lupins and read all the books. Aka, a work well done.
I love how he's playing Horizon Zero Dawn with his kid, too. Great choice. Although not sure which version had the option to play with others. Unless... unless this is exactly like "remember when you were a kid and your big brother let you hold a controller while you were playing"... maybe dad's just holding a controller :rofl:

I agree with the video discrepancies though that others pointed out. Someone with his skills and level would have copied or digitalised the tape. I get that for authenticity he'd bring the original, but they manipulated it anyway. But... backup of a vital piece of evidence is crucial. If he doesn't have it, here's the first real disappointment in the show.

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Uncle Frank

Fuck. I was out for watching a “light hearted film” something to make me feel good.
Well that wasn’t it, but I’m glad I did anyway. Despite the shitshow of triggers toward the end and me feeling rather ... anything but good.
The “I have no family” - “You have me” about gave me the rest. Lighthearted film my ass.
It did do a marvellous job at punching me in the guts, and a marvellous job at leading me through it, too. :purple_heart:

“I thought I should be what I want to be, not what other people want me to be, that was just bullshit? You know, that conversation changed my life. Now I find out you can’t be who you are unless nobody around you disagrees with it”
Hats off.

Rather beautiful and strong portrayal of love and identity, and how parents fuck shit up for their kids.

Totally caught me off guard, so I can do little but marvel at its beauty and give it a full rating, my words have all but left me.

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Taylor Tomlinson: Quarter-Life Crisis

She’s being way too real, it almost makes me uncomfortably sad in between the laughs.

So many good lines.
Don’t feel bad for Doug, he’s terrible. Every time he tells a story, a child somewhere loses a balloon” :sob:

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Locke & Key: 1x10 Crown of Shadows
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x03 Chapter Twenty-Three: Heavy Is the Crown

Not that it matters but how do they all go to the carnival together as “a group thing” but then don’t do a single thing as a group other than enter :joy:

Kudos to Nick for kissing Sabrina all goo-covered.

And HAH @ what I thought about Robin previously.

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Vikings: 6x08 Valhalla Can Wait

Oh no kjetill... what are you planning...

Gunhild is such a wonderful person. I never ever want to see her sad. But I do, over and over. Sigh.

On a different note, I do enjoy how Ivar’s side is developing. He has been humbled some. With someone crazier and more fearsome than he, he can’t quite act like the spoiled brat he’s always been. Might create the bigger monster though, in the end.

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Sex Education: 2x06 Episode 6

Good advice to wait until they’re men, but some women don’t realise that 1) even as men many aren’t much more mature than when they were boys 2)... still, nope.

And fade to Mr. Groff in the end-scene, wonderful example for that.

Fade to Jean telling her ex husband (after the “I want to be a better father”) - “to what children” and here she goes to stumble through a scene of someone growing up (too quickly).

Ah this episode was a bit of a train wreck.
And I really hope Aimee gets help soon and Jackson doesn’t mess up.

And interesting to see that asshat-neighbour actually has some good sides about him too.

People seem to be forgetting how much pressure has been building up in Otis and how a scene setting like we have in this episode is your typical stage to have it all burst out... In the worst possible ways too.
Heck, most characters this season have been dealing with some sort of pressure. Forget about light-hearted ness. This is getting dark.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x08 The Raven

Glad I was right about the wall.

Liked Vera’s speech. It’s true. We could solve poverty, starvation, all of that. All the billionaires could fix it. The huge conglomerates. The world leading industries. They just choose not to. Because what would a world be where everyone has equal opportunities – not profitable.

The never more was a nice touch.
And then him quoting the raven I’ve been hoping for this. The rare and radiant maiden whom the angels call lenore!

While the show in itself wasn’t something I would give max rating, this last episode had a bunch of important things to say, so important in fact that alone deserves a 10/10 in my book.
Vera N.

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Phoenix Rising: 1x01 Part 1: Don’t Fall

I got goosebumps when they started talking about the music video. This is so f:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: up. What the hell. I never had a big opinion about him other than he is a talented artist and a very smart person, but this is insane. He needs help, but these girls need it more. And he’s just one of many. This is so sickening. I’m impressed beyond words how these women managed to stand up in the end and come forward.

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After Life: 3x06 Episode 6

“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

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After Life: 3x04 Episode 4

Tony has grown so much. I love how kind he has become. He was such a c:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: the first season. Now, he still won’t take any bullshit and dishes back out what he gets, but he’s also kind.
This conversation about how Lisa is irreplaceable but him making peace with it… was so important.

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Normal People: 1x10 Episode 10

This episode hit so hard.
First Connell’s session. I too am the weird one who barely ever clicks with everyone… and loses the few they clicked with. Just a lost soul, like Connell. At least his Marianne is still of this world… I hope they do something about it. Otherwise it would be barely bearable. Watching, in the hopes that a fictional me will have a better ending.

And then his conversation with Marianne, and her getting so furious about people commenting their mourning on Rob’s wall and how people talked about him as if he were a different person. That happened to me too, twice. It also made me angry. What are you talking about, honouring their memory? You’re not even talking about who they were!

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Emily in Paris: 2x05 An Englishman in Paris

Oh no I don’t trust the Camille thing. I don’t believe one second it was meant to end in “if I can’t have him, no one can”

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Normal People: 1x05 Episode 5

A strong, emotional episode!
I love how this show takes things at a natural pace. Not like “oh here’s my old flame, let’s kindle it”, but this feeling of being somewhat misplaced, of having done something wrong, of being stuck, and unforgiven… growing up. It taking months to regain each other’s trust. I’ve really loved that.

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Ozark: 3x09 Fire Pink

That was some strong monologue there in the beginning. Such a heavy episode. Still weighing down on me now.

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I Am Not Okay with This: 1x07 Deepest, Darkest Secret

Omg did that really just happen... :scream:
Not like we already saw it from the beginning, but it could have been some sort of dream-episode. Could. Glad mystery-man suddenly showing face (to Syd anyway, not us), but I hope she realised that the way he's been approaching her was a little dubious to say the least. And he has to wait before casualties happen before he decides she's worth showing up to? Yikes.

Excited for season 2, this one went over way too fast. 20 minutes per episode is just like one little brew, haha.

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The Boys: 1x01 The Name of the Game

I love how I didn’t know much about this show before I started watching it. It’s fucking brutal, but with the brutality of a corporate, all too real world, and what “superheroes” probably would be like, if there were any.
... super heroes in the USA at the very least.

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Vikings: 3x06 Born Again

Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2019-10-19T10:53:01Z— updated 2019-10-21T22:51:57Z

Somewhat confused by how there was nothing between the scene of Floki and Aestheltan and then Ragnar and Aestheltan on the mountain. No moment of recognition what had happened, confrontation or other. Just seems like a whole scene was cut out there.

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Ozark: 4x14 A Hard Way to Go

For years we’ve followed the Byrdes through this, being on their side hoping they’ll make it. In the last few minutes we’re being reminded that what they’re doing is wrong. We’ve been reminded of it here and there, but never so … loudly. At least suddenly I was reminded that I’d also be the person fighting for “what’s right”, who’d say “you don’t get to win”, in the end.

Well, despite that, I was invested, so I wanted them to win. Despite all the bodies in their wake.

And holy moly, the kids really got invested too. Hurray for the Byrdes. What a show.

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Grace and Frankie: 7x10 The Panic Attacks

I really hope Elsbeth is wrong… but she hasn’t been. And they’re both old ladies, it could happen anytime :cry:

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Normal People: 1x04 Episode 4

I like how the show isn’t in your face about things. Like how much time has passed? We don’t know. We can guess a few months until he got into college. And how much time until he comes back? Who knows. At first we don’t even know whether he quit and is now working at a gas station or whether it’s just a vacation job.
And like Connell were just waiting for Marianne behind every corner.
The subtle transition to how she’s living was lovely. She really needed to get out of an environment where she was used to being the weirdo and ugly duckling just because someone decided she was, to become who you really want to or can be.

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Midnight Mass: 1x07 Book VII: Revelation

I’ve never wanted a church to burn this badly.

Slow starting in the show and I didn’t always like where it was going and how. But I did like the end. A lot. That was pretty superb.

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Sex Education: 3x05 Episode 5

The most ridiculous bus trip yet.
I would have been so disappointed in Otis if he’d been dishonest. This is great. But I find that at least 90% of the main characters left this episode confused.

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Fate: The Winx Saga: Season 1

Besides all the magic and the lovely fae content, this has been an extremely wholesome show about friendship, relationships in general, and finally, finally a show where it's not adults belittling teens all the time, or teens sulking at the adults, and a myriad of toxic relationships, no, here is a show that has a bunch of amazing personalities, of which the majority have realised that being honest and talking to one another both gets shit done, and gets you out of a bad spot much quicker than anything else.

I thoroughly enjoyed this show. It's not the typical teenage thing you might expect. I enjoyed the writing, although it may seem a little rushed toward the end. I guess they had to jump over some things in order to get the story crammed into just six episodes.

Well done though. Wonderful story and writing. :fairy::female_sign:

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Alice in Borderland: 1x02 Episode 2

Always finding it somewhat funny when we insert Christianity into a Japanese show. Since it's just about 1% or so of the population who actually consider themselves Christian :joy: Yet here we are, but funnier even that it's a Mary-cult, so I guess he's actually just praying to Ameterasu ahaha.

Either way. Adrenaline-pushing episode! I distrusted the person in white from the start though, something about the focus on how he charges his player and just watches everyone, as if he knew what was happening and didn't actually partake in the game. Aka, like the maker of it.

Had a big wtf-moment though when Arisu opens the door the the "safe zone" but doesn't call out to anyone, although he's made it so clear to keep communicating throughout the game before. Now with barely 3 minutes left, he decides to walk into it silently without giving anyone the chance to make it themselves? Uhhh...

Well that's the only thing I didn't like about it. The rest of obscure meanings hopefully will be discovered at some point. And a lady with AC-skills... helloooo.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x02 The Frankel Footage

I love how this is all slowly weaving together.
The new headhunters are... an interesting bunch, too. And with that I mean both the Swedes as well as the demoted lady. And the... fish. :joy:

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Dead to Me: 2x02 Where Have You Been

This must be a sign for really good acting. I really disliked Steve, wanted to punch him every other time I saw him. But Ben, Ben is great.

I really love this side-story with the bird.
And I guess now we know where Steve is. Pretty chilly down in Mexico.

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