

Oslo, Oslo County

Hollywood: 1x06 Meg

I love that they're putting Ern into this now. Just beautiful how all these characters are coming together. And I see some hope now for, what's her name, Ellen, after that heartbreaking scene with Dick.
And that transformation of Claire... I'm really loving this. Her face was so full of emotions in that scene at the bar. What a great show this is.

That ending though. My heart is bleeding.

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Community: 2x07 Aerodynamics of Gender

“Purity that demands exclusion isn’t real purity.”

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Community: 1x18 Basic Genealogy

That switch ...
Turned into a scene I had not quite expected :joy:

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Peaky Blinders: 4x03 Blackbird

The Italian mafia, disintegrating because the English food is disgusting ahahaha. A bit of humour in this intense show.

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Feel Good: 1x03 Episode 3

“What makes you think it’s your problem? If you were my girlfriend I’d have you come in less than a minute.” walks out


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I Lost My Body

Such a bittersweet story. Dance around fate. Or maybe the dance and leap was always in accordance to fate, all along?

Bravest hand in history. Strange to see a story from a hand’s perspective, and then remember that when I was a child I sometimes saw my hands as something that was separate from the rest of my body, like different entities altogether.

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Altered Carbon: 2x01 Phantom Lady

I’ve missed this show!

“All of us have ghosts. They cling to us like shadows. But if you chase after shadows, if you’re foolish enough to seek out your ghosts, you might just become one.”

Ah, it’s good to be back. Looking forward to the poetic ride.

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Sex Education: 2x07 Episode 7

So many tear jerk moments. This show is rather excellent with theming their episodes. The scene with Jean toward the end, as she walked out the door, really got to me. I almost cried myself haha. Ugh.

Doesn’t make him shine? I thought Eric looked really happy with Rahid.

And I really really want to smash some stuff.

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Sex Education: 2x04 Episode 4

Ohhh this is so tough for Eric. Hope maybe they dive into the not necessarily always having to choose... thing. It’s 2020, peeps.

I used to love Ola but now she’s just turning into this controlling person... and a lesbian possibly. Which I look forward to happening, just so we have that little trope fulfilled, and Otis and Maeve can maybe be a thing. So very, very disappointed in Ola though. Really.

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Vikings: 2x09 The Choice

“I hope that some day, our gods can become friends.”

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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance: 1x01 End. Begin. All the Same.

I liked how many conversations you can have simply with “hmmmmmmmmm” - “hmmm!!” - “hmm...hmm!”, and “yeeeeeessssss”. Highly enjoyable, yessssss?

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Killing Eve: 4x05 Don't Get Attached

What the hell? Four seasons and now they want to kill off Vilanelle?
Plus, taking a daughter for an “adventure” and outright killing someone’s person is barely measurable. What the heck. I hope this isn’t what happened. I do realise the show has Eve’s name, not hers, and I realise the title, but still.
What the heck. No.

In other news… the 12 started as a student atheist group? Or were they already assassins and agents all of them? Hmm.

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Normal People: 1x08 Episode 8

I’m not sure why, but this was one of the best episodes I’ve watched lately. The heart rending cruelty of one person and the heart rending unspoken love and softness of another… and the way Marianne and Connell just :asterisk_symbol:flow:asterisk_symbol: into another…

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The Witcher: 2x05 Turn Your Back

Was this seriously the first episode of the season where we get to hear a few proper Geralt-Hmmms? :sob:

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Normal People: 1x03 Episode 3

I love how Lorraine is handling this. Don’t coddle people making hurtful, stupid decisions. He’s been an asshat about Marianne in public this whole time. I know teenagers are naive can
shitty, but still sad to see neither her nor him can’t step up

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Squid Game: Season 1

Good show all in all, but not as mind blowing as people make it out to be. And gosh, way to count the inconsistencies and loopholes.

It doesn’t measure up in cruelty and fucked-Upness with for example… Deadman Wonderland. Go watch / read that, that even has character development.

Squid games main character is obnoxious and selfish, who only gets out of his obnoxious role while playing the games, any other time he’s his useless, selfish self. Had there been some actual development with him I might have rooted for him, but in the end he’s still one worthless scumbag.

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Feel Good: 2x06 Episode 6

What a lovely ending. The curve from toxic to healing was so well executed and I’m so happy about how they ended this season.

“I don’t need you as much anymore. But I want you.” :yellow_heart:

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Shadow and Bone: 1x03 The Making at the Heart of the World

“Just focus on me, and you’ll be fine”
O... oh, I’ll focus on you all day long, no problem :flushed:

"The goat is for YOU" ... "so soft" ... awww... How is this show so amazing?

That letter Alina wrote was absolutely beautiful. I hope it actually gets to Mal, but I have a feeling they might sift through her stuff and never let her send it.

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Fate: The Winx Saga: 1x02 No Strangers Here
Lupin: 1x02 Chapter 2

Good start and good continue of a show.
Classic riddles, anagrams, encrypted messages. It's a beauty. But then you realise it's just 5 episodes and maybe you should take it a little slower.

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Alice in Borderland: 1x08 Episode 8

Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-01-05T19:35:10Z— updated 2021-01-07T01:14:52Z

Ohoho, I called the thing with Momoka. Good job.
But augh it's so hard watching everyone waste time. Just throw her on the fire already :upside_down:

Not surprising to find that in the end, they'll have to get the face cards.
I can see how, in order to get the story going forward, they'd actually move it forward by showing us some of the mechanics. Of course, logic flaws keep persisting.

Still enjoyed the show quite a lot and wonder how they're going to overthrow the big meanie. Especially since their number have been vastly reduced. I can't see how anyone could win against a king of hearts for example, the way these games have been going. Or what kind of animals they'll throw into their faces... dinosaurs maybe? :joy:

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Alice in Borderland: 1x03 Episode 3

Ok this game is really fucked up. For one, the rules don't make sense straight up... like they figure out real quick. If the wolf wins, obviously as wolf you would't go give others the wolf title. But... since it passes on when you look at another, couldn't you just all look at each other and all survive? Or get mirrors or something, to trick the game.

Let's see how they solve it.

RE: Well, fuck.

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Upload: 1x10 Freeyond

Good ending, although somewhat flawed.
Nora knows how the lower gigs work, yet she calls him, expects him to be able to have a full blown conversation, and all that after he basically hacked the shit out of everything to keep her alive. Yet she causes him to freeze, and it's like she has no idea... while she's the person to introduce him to the lower levels and all that. She would have had to know.
And to top it off, couldn't she have donated him a few gigs? As far as I remember that's a way to keep going, "if someone nice" donates a few gigs. If I remember incorrectly then that also doesn't make sense :upside_down:

Just like this undying trope of "oh I suddenly found out something of your past that I don't like, despite you having been nothing but amazing for me and I am heads over heels for you, instant deal breaker". Just... please don't :rolling_eyes:

Other than that, good to have some open end leading to season 2, but suspecting it won't be as strong.

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The Boys: 2x08 What I Know

The subtitle of this one should be “Girls get it fucking done”

Wonder why Nazi characters always have to make it about apple trees. Some romanticist notion probably. Still as silly as Stormfront’s bad German.

Well, Homelander is still alive, the boys might get an official title now and A-Train is probably going to fuck up again. And poor Deep, always ending up on the bottom. Lots of material for a new season. But at least give them all a little break.

Damn that ending though! Now we know that one little unsolved mystery. Wonder what her true motive is.

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Emily in Paris: 1x01 Emily in Paris

Loving it already.
A lot of the jokes are on point. They’ve all so far played on stereotypes, but in my opinion, quite well (although maybe in Europe they might not come off as so very foreign as they might to an American audience)

That typical “Oh you have a boyfriend in Chicago? Well you don’t have one in paris ;D”
Or the entire way she was received at the office. The part where she says she’s already speaking some french and the lady straight out tells her it might be better for her not to even try… YES. THIS IS FRENCH hahah.
The whole thing about “disgusting American food”, obesity, pharmacy etc., on (a dark) point.
Following right up with how smoking apparently is pleasure, and “what would we be without pleasure?” - “German?” OMFGS hahahaha! I hope they keep dishing out like this in the entire show.

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After Life: 2x06 Episode 6

"You said it? Good. Now I can sleep."
Oh gosh, here they come flowing. This show is such a hidden gem.

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Dead to Me: 2x06 You Don't Have To

Ohhh noooooooooo, that ex... I just thought "please don't let the ex be there don't let the ex be there"... but this was actually worse haha. How much more can this show entangle?

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Community: 2x09 Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design

This was the best pillow fort I've ever seen. The turkish district already blew me away. Then, Britta.

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Horse Girl

I'm not entirely sure how to rate it. As a film, in its artfulness, it was nice, but that is visually speaking. I would give a shout out for people with similar issues as me, whatever those might be, but I don't do too well with films in which the main characters are utterly disbelieved and declared insane by their surroundings as it happens here rather soon.

And whatever universe she's living in, it is terrible. How can she only be surrounded by so many uncaring, heartless characters? The only good person was evidently her co-worker, everyone else was actually just really overwhelmed/scared/cold-hearted. Which hurt to see. And they are being so while being utterly passive. It's like they're villains toward the main character, but not written as villains. Which makes it harder to dislike them, or harder to argue why they are bad people. So even the viewer gets this sense of manipulation or that you're the one not right in the head, as the majority seems to have such clear and different views from you.

I realise my comment this time around lacks eloquence, but I hope it gets across what I meant to express.

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