

Oslo, Oslo County

Life in Pieces: 1x03 Sleepy Email Brunch Tree

That tree was awesome. I laughed way too much.

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Life in Pieces: 1x02 Interruptus Date Breast Movin'

"One ADD pill rolls eyes... pops pill"

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Vikings: 5x05 The Prisoner

Everybody stop fighting! Give him my horse!
Insanity I would enjoy if it didn’t come from an asshole.

Also, how do they travel this quickly from Greece to Africa while York has one little battle? :upside_down:
Really wanted Bjørn to comment on travelling on a “desert ship”.
But another great comedic moment.
-she was ... not a she.
-ah. and... was that... a problem for you?
-....... I’m starving!

And suddenly, enter a werewolf! Haven’t seen him
outside of lost girls but suddenly he’s here.
But then poor Floki arriving in Iceland in summer and portraying it as “perfect conditions” ahahahha oh dear.

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Vikings: 4x19 On the Eve

Just when I was raving about character development and how badass Torvi has become as shield maiden and donning that crossbow like it's her second nature. Sigh.

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Vikings: 4x17 The Great Army

"If the Gods can't protect me, who can?"
And then they did. Made me smile. Great timing on his part.

Also fun to see how bad fathers and husbands seed bad fathers in turn. No surprise there, really.
More surprises toward the end, in some way. But Astrid's always had this vibe, with Ragnar too.
I also feel like I want to mention how much I loved Laghertha's outfit in the hall. In fact, I delight in how their exploits into other countries seem to influence their clothing as well.

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Vikings: 4x16 Crossings

What a great way to go... and haunt.

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Vikings: 4x15 All His Angels

People should stop making snakes hiss on TV. can’t pronounce enough how stupid that is. We can all see they’re snakes. Why not keep it a little more realistic.
Also “love” how we always need to put harmless pythons in a snake pit. What are they going to do? Google-eye you to death?

A boar pit would have been more appropriate and cruel.

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Vikings: 4x11 The Outsider

Oh gosh, I almost instantly fell in love with Astrid. Great way to “introduce” the character too.

Only took Ragnar 40 years or so to tell Floki what he did. Such a tear-jerker.

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Vikings: 4x10 The Last Ship

Oh look, the emperor finally does a thing!

The time jump almost made me dizzy. Suddenly all the boys are fucking adults :scream:
Including asshole-child

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Vikings: 4x08 Portage

I love the slow transition of focus we’ve been seeing from Ragnar to Bjørn. As he gets older and seemingly falling apart, we look to Bjørn.

Beginner mistake. Never tell a man you’ve got an upper hand when you’re alone with him. He’s likely still physically stronger than you.

“Don’t try and possess me. Possession is the opposite of love.” :purple_heart:

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Vikings: 4x04 Yol

Snakes, berserker fights and returns. A truly enjoyable episode.

“We have one life, Torvi. So go, and live it.”

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One Mississippi: 1x04 Let the Good Times Roll

This one was rather positive. It made me smile a lot and laugh to appropriate degrees.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Just started and I’m already loving it. It feels like I’m watching the old movie without watching the old movie. Huge childhood-vibes already. Can’t wait to see how this is going to go.

“Where’s my hair” and “AAGH! I’m a Middle Aged man!” already killed it :joy:

And “:two_hearts: that’s a man right there...”
Spencer: don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry

Gosh this is so quotable.

Smouldering intensity.

Weakness: cake :joy:

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The Kominsky Method: 2x02 Chapter 10. An Old Flame, an Old Wick

I love this show so much. The cats were an amazing addition. Can’t not like people who like and engage with cats.
And this whole “there’s hope even if you’re 80” may have a smaller chance than being a successful actor, but it’s nice they’re putting it out there.

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Raising Dion

I liked it overall, for the story and some sense of novelty, but I can’t see away from how many tropes and cringe-worthy moments there were in this. Enjoyed the “big reveal”, but all in all it felt a little hasty and exaggerated.

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Raising Dion: 1x05 ISSUE #105: Days of Mark's Future Past

While I still think this series to be a worthwhile watch, I’m not entirely blind to the problematic spots.
The kids talking like young adults. The exaggerated screaming at the river.

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The Nun

I liked this better through the first 1/2-2/3 of the movie. Some of the jump scares really got me, and the vibe was dark and contaminating.

While the film continued to be visually, cinematographically lovely, something about the whole Christian trope grew a little tiring. Of course I wouldn’t expect anything else from a movie about a priest and a nun and a cloister, but the repetition made it lose its power for me, unfortunately. Ok here’s a scary nun. And another. And another, seen it before.

I wish they would make more horror movies that aren’t just based off of some Christian idea. The entire “evil” vs “Christian religion” is just silly. Instead have some where priests and holy people from all kinds of religions and faiths have to actively work together to fend off some evil force. That’s content I’d love to see.

Did enjoy the bits of humour though.
“Holy shit!”
“The holiest.”

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Raising Dion: 1x01 ISSUE #101: How Do You Raise a Superhero?

“I’m looking at the rain people”
... oh. Oh this is not... what I expected.

But why don’t you leave when you’ve been told -by a credible source- that it’s dangerous and you have to go?! Even after a lady goes missing you’re just like lala la gotta stay away from civilisation lala... come ON girl?!

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Disenchantment: 1x20 Tiabeanie Falls

And of course we end on a cliffhanger!
So many unanswered questions.
music box! Gnomes under dreamland? Have they always been there? Are they D’s underlings? Was it all a plan by D to get... to do ... something? Why couldn’t you stay in steam land longer? why is zog so useless? :sob:

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iZombie: 4x13 And He Shall Be a Good Man

Intense episode.
I actually shed a tear.

I wonder what brain major was on in the end though. Nailed Blaine.

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It Follows
Disenchantment: 1x17 Love's Slimy Embrace

The night is dark and full of... Oh.

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The Good Place: 2x04 Existential Crisis

Ok this episode is great.
“Aaaah I’m a human, my eating tube is next to my breathing tube and my arms end in little... sticks!”
And that existential crisis is really good hahaha

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Limitless: 1x22 Finale (2)

It got so dark suddenly!
Loved how they ended it though.

And the biggest spoiler/non-spoiler is...


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Longmire: 4x08 Hector Lives

Vic is being so awkward around Eamonn... but then I realised I’d forgotten about her jumping to conclusions when trying to call him earlier.

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Longmire: 4x06 The Calling Back

This episode was incredibly hard to watch. Reality is freaking harsh.

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Longmire: 4x05 Help Wanted

Wonderful episode. I got so emotional during that last interview/test. Love the depth of characters in this show so much. And the repeating grey zones of what is right and just.

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Longmire: 4x02 War Eagle

Was a bit painful to be in that position that you get the point, either side of it, or rather, the one side that begot the crime especially. Sad story in that sense.

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Limitless: 1x19 A Dog's Breakfast

“This fight isn’t about who’s going to rule the world. It’s about who will build the next one.”

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Limitless: 1x15 Undercover!

I love the neo noir pieces and general style of this episode!
When he’s asked whether he has a suit and answers with “I have a red suit?” was a nice touch. That, and Bollywood. And Rebecca going on about how he looked in a suit :joy:

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